6th day since surgery

cavediver Member Posts: 607
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
still on pain meds....but not as often. The drains (2) are still leaking a bit but home nurse tells me no problem. The other day had leakage on the incision and she told me no problem with that either. Tomorrow I see oncologist and Weds. I see the surgeon.

The pain got worse after a day or so home from hospital....I did not want to whine since many of you have experienced much worse I am sure. I feel like I have been beaten up.

Hoping they don't want to start up chemo too soon...........don't think I can deal with that plus the way I feel right now from operation. One thing I have learned from this board is that it is different for everyone. Knowing so many of you have gotten through this definitely helps!

Husband has been good....he tries...but the novelty of cooking for me must have worn off... he is still having trouble getting dishes into the dishwaser and OUT! Will be glad when I can get back to getting things done.

sorry...just wanted to vent off a bit.


  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Very happy you are home an recuperating.

    My drains also leaked a bit. Also got clogged regularly. I was glad to see the go, frankly.

    I had my port put in one month after surgery and started chemo I a week later. I'm not sure of this is a standard "timeline", or if some start sooner or later.

    Continue to feel better & wishing you the best.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    So happy that you have this
    So happy that you have this behind you! But very sorry that you have to go through it. I have heard that Chemo usally starts about a month after surgery. Just take one day at a time you will get through this. I still have this all in front of me so I read all post with great intrest. I have learned allot here and love it. Take care of your self and remember one day at a time. We are all with you. Vent away it makes you feel better.
  • th7799
    th7799 Member Posts: 6

    So happy that you have this
    So happy that you have this behind you! But very sorry that you have to go through it. I have heard that Chemo usally starts about a month after surgery. Just take one day at a time you will get through this. I still have this all in front of me so I read all post with great intrest. I have learned allot here and love it. Take care of your self and remember one day at a time. We are all with you. Vent away it makes you feel better.

    Hang in there
    Once you get those drains out things will really improve for you. Those dangling appendages (however you spell it) are annoying, but worth the trouble.

    I'm sure it's different for everyone, but my oncologist said he wanted to wait six weeks post-op to begin chemo. My surgery was April 30th and I'm starting chemo on June 10th. They are doing my port on June 9th.

    Take it easy and take care of YOU.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Drains are a 'pain' but -
    Don't be in too much of a hurry to get your drains out. Yes they are a 'pain in the patootie' but they have a definate reason for being. My first drain was taken out 2 weeks post surgery and the other was taken out at 4 weeks post - it was still draining a fair bit but the surgeon thought that the drain might be irritating the area so he took it out. Well - I wound up with a large seroma that had to be drained. Surgery had been on Oct 21, 09 and on last CT scan done on Jan 21, 10 still showed a seroma that was still "at least 8 X 5 cm". I had no leakage around the drains or the incision - the pressure bandage that was put on in surgery was not taken off til at the 1 week exam and it showed nothing on it.

    For me - I was DX'd on Aug 8, 09, had port in on Aug 25 and started A/C on the next day. Surgery was 2 weeks after last A/C and 3 weeks after surgery I started 12 weekly doses of Taxol. The week after last Taxol, I started 25 daily rads. So for me, there was basically no (or very little) 'time' between 'anything' but then were dealing with IBC which is very aggressive (only about 4 weeks between first feeling 'something' and 'it' being huge) and has to be dealt with aggressively.

    Remember there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to each of us and our different types of breast cancer. Ask questions and listen to your Drs - you can and will handle whatever you need to.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    : )
    Maybe I missed reading it, but did you get a port also? I got my port at the same time of surgery. Started chemo after 2 wks. I WAS a desprerate case. lol
    I'm happy your fairing well. Drink lots of fluids. Maybe order out food. hehehe At least he's trying?
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Cut yourself a break you
    Cut yourself a break you just had major surgery, rest. Sometimes we need to let it out, we are here to laugh, cry and vent, so go ahead. Hubby can and will be just fine. Let him take care of you for now.
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Katz77 said:

    : )
    Maybe I missed reading it, but did you get a port also? I got my port at the same time of surgery. Started chemo after 2 wks. I WAS a desprerate case. lol
    I'm happy your fairing well. Drink lots of fluids. Maybe order out food. hehehe At least he's trying?

    Katz77--port was in
    The port was put in after lst pre-surgery chemo, so I had the power port for the MRI (2 of them) pre surgery and the 2 more chemo cycles. The port was great for chemo..... the tech at lab for MRI was not too familiar with it...took three of them to figure out how to use it and then they did not flush it afterwards............... today I see oncologist and hopefully will get a plan for when he thinks chemo should continue, rads?, etc. Anyway, this morning the pain is not so bad, just very sore...so an improvement!
    One of the drains now shows very light colored discharge, but the other has turned very dark red.............. not sure if that is normal or expected...but the amount has decreased significantly also.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Very happy you are home an recuperating.

    My drains also leaked a bit. Also got clogged regularly. I was glad to see the go, frankly.

    I had my port put in one month after surgery and started chemo I a week later. I'm not sure of this is a standard "timeline", or if some start sooner or later.

    Continue to feel better & wishing you the best.


    Glad you are home now. Just
    Glad you are home now. Just rest and recover. Praying for you!

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    So happy that you have this
    So happy that you have this behind you! But very sorry that you have to go through it. I have heard that Chemo usally starts about a month after surgery. Just take one day at a time you will get through this. I still have this all in front of me so I read all post with great intrest. I have learned allot here and love it. Take care of your self and remember one day at a time. We are all with you. Vent away it makes you feel better.

    Sorry you are having so much
    Sorry you are having so much pain, but, glad your surgery is over and done now.

    Good luck to you!