Three tests in last two weeks, call me Mrs. Potato Head (where are my angry eyes?)
First I had hysteroscopy and d&c because doc found polyps from my 6 mo endometrial biopsy (thanks Tamoxifen). Last week I had nerve-conduction test on left arm (surgery arm)because of pain. That was a trip. Not painful, but really annoying. Yesterday I had endoscopy done. No damage in throat, but inflammation further down…
Has anyone had signs of Inflammatory breast cancer.
Hi I have had a rash and swelling of my left breast. Went to GYN. Doctor said it was a fungus rash. Told to take lotion and if it didn`t go away in two weeks call back. It was a smooth skin rash. Didnt go away. I went to my general doctor and he said see a surgeon. To make a long story short. I had two mammograms and it…
Surgery over - no clothes to wear - Help
Hi Ladies, I had the mastectomy Tuesday and the doc said we "lucked out - I was worried about this one". I am so grateful that the frozen biopsy came back negative. He doesn't expect any bad news with the rest of the tissue but won't know for a week till those tests come back. In the meantime, I have to let the mastectomy…
Spring Ahead
Don't forget to set our clocks/watches ahead tonight for the start of 'Daylight Savings Time'. Susan
Port pain
I had a power port put in yesterday and I'm having a lot of pain. Did anyone else have excessive pain after port placement? It's very frustrating, and I dare say, worse than the partial mastectomy pain. I wasn't really expecting to be in pain, maybe just sore.
Has anyone had diarrhea after chemo that seems to go on and on. The doctor has prescribed a medication and I have been taking it for two days. When I eat something, after a while I have to run to the restroom. If you have had this, what did you do?
peau d'orange
I've got the orange peel skin thing going on (peau d'orange). My breast is red and warm to the touch. It aches almost all the time. I've also got a lump about half way between my breast and armpit. I had a partial mastectomy back in September. Then I did radiation. No chemo. I've been back to the doctor several times about…
help i'm new and my boss doesn't get it
Hello Everybody, I'm new here. I am in the middle of my breast cancer fight. I have finished chemo and surgery and I am about to start radiation. It will be October before all of my treatments are done. My boss wants to know when I'll be able to 'bounce back' and return to work full time. He doesn't understand, nor do I,…
Hello All, I just came back to the boards as some of you can see. I am having a problem remembering or figuring this out. I know it doesnt take to much to figure out but i got my mind filled with worry about the breast biopsy not back yet and, next week i see a gyno, because i had been in some serious pain 3 weeks ago, and…
Oncologist this afternoon...hoping for answers.
My oncology appointment is three hours from now. I gotta say I am really nervous. I have been off of any breast cancer meds for about six weeks now. I couldnt metabolize the tamoxofin, so had the ovaries out and started arimidex. Unfortunetly after just six weeks on it I was forced to stop because the side effects with my…
Has anyone been taken off tamoxifen and put on evista?
Good evening ladies just got a couple quick questions? Has anyone been taken off tamoxifen and put on evista? If so, are you experiencing side effects and has the evista help prevent a reoccurance? I've been on tamoxifen for 2yrs but I've been experiencing joint pain, extreme fatigue, and weight loss. I am not comfortable…
Has anyone tried Cymbalta?
I've been reading alot of posts where others say they are depressed or have pain from meds like Arimidex, Femera, etc but I never hear anyone say their doc put them on Cymbalta. Has anyone tried it? The reason I ask is because I am on it and now I'm worried that maybe I shouldn't be! It seems like others are on some kind…
Cancer Walk in June
I signed up to be on friends team! I had to think twice when it say Donation to sign up survivor (yes or no) I dont' know why I just say I HAD cancer..I dont' think of it as survivor and I KNOW I AM...even though mine was caughter early RIGHT? I had only radiation-so have not gone through all many / most in this great…
If I am having problems with Tamox hot flashes are so bad would a hysterectomy enable me to stop taking this drug and swop to another. I am pre meno and Estrogen receptive, (we think as periods stopped 18 month ago after second chemo). My mother took Tamox for five years and when she stopped taking it she got cancer back…
Male Breast Cancer
Is there anyone here who has a husband going through Male Breast Cancer, or are you a man going through it?
Help Needed...14 year survivor with possible bone mets
Hi all...I'm in shock. Dx'd with Stage IIB cancer in 1997 and have been cancer free ever since. Just in the last few months, started having some pain in my upper back. Nothing horrible, just sort of "awareness". Had x-rays and it showed bone erosion, lesions consistent with mets. WHAT???? I have an appointment with…
tomoxifen help.
Can someone help. I just started tomoxifen 2months ago. Have been through chemo and radiation. My joints ache ,stiffness, crying alot, moody,weight gain. I asked my doc about joint stiffness says not from pill I know am not crazy, some days are ok others not good. joints hurt and stiff can anyone relate or am I just nuts.
Visit with oncologist/eye doctor.
Saw the oncologist today, will start back on the Navelbine next Wednesday and also get the Xgeva shot. So next weekend will be a loss. I don't know about anyone else, but the bone shot makes my whole body ache for about a week. He thinks the Herceptin is slowing down the cancer. So I will go with it. Saw the eye doctor…
Question About Pains, Post-Chemo
Hi lovely sisters! Hope everyone is doing very well. I was wondering, how do you deal with pains post-chemo? My last blood work was in January and markers were OK. Right now I have pains under my right breast - where the cancer was -- (abdominal area), so I requested a sonogram and it was done. All clear (Amen to that).…
Texasgirl 10 update
I just talked to Dawne. They did not keep her in the hospital. She was seen at ER with chest pains last night. She just saw her Onc, her heart is fine. She does have a mass the size of a large plum on her aortic arch. This is behind the sternum. If she had not had the chest pains this could have gone unoticed for a while.…
OMG...I was not prepared for what I look like....
I leave for the hospital in just two hours and I have to admit I am kinda scared. So I am trying to keep myself busy until my ride gets here. My surgeon said my reconstruction will be "more extensive than the average person" whatever that means so I am not sure what to expect. I hope I am not in the hospital long...and I…
insurance...can't hurt to try
OT topic a bit but Had dental surgery month ago-insurance would not cover sedation! I had my orthopedic Dr write letter stating I do not handle procedures well with out sedation. (he's done 4 surgeries on me since 2006) shortened version..I got almost $500 back out of $1,000 so doing Happy Dance.. Denise
Pam5 Surgery Update
Hi, Everyone! I haven't been posting here in awhile, mostly because Pam has been keeping you updated about how she's doing. But this morning, I wanted to let you know she had her surgery yesterday. She was in the OR about 4 hours, and her surgery went better than anyone could have hoped. She's feeling so good this morning…
Hetergenously Dense Breasts
A friend has this on her mammos. does anyone know about htis, risk for BC, and screening she should be using? Is the new mammo as sensitive as an MRI? mammo lady in the house?
Today I celebrate 4 years of being cancer free!! My original diagnosis came in 2006, but had a recurrence in 2008. My day has been filled with JOY~♥~ And you know how i celebrated?......for those of you on here that know my weakness.... I BOUGHT A HANDBAG!!! A new purse always fits, never makes me feel fat~and puts a smile…
Disney in June-realized lots to celebrate while there
whole family , kids, grandkids,niece for our 27th anniversary, then I realized our youngest is graduating from college! Then realized it will be exactly 4 yrs since finished radiation. (I had treated myself to Disney trip with friend for end of treatment) NOW back celebrating 3 great things... Denise
Rae_ Rae Needs The Pink Bus Wednesday, March 7th - Let's Go Pink Sisters
Rae is having a mammogram and ultrasound tomorrow, March 7th. I am praying that you will get good results Rae. We will all be right there with you. Love, Leeza
Newly diagnosed, confused & scared
I had a papilloma removed in January & was diagnosed with DCIS. I had to have a second surgery (lumpectomy) to get a clean margin in Feb. I just got the pathology back from that surgery & they found more DCIS PLUS cancer. Now I am waiting for an appointment with a plastic surgeon to discuss immediate reconstruction & to…
Had the bone scan/Frustrated again
Had the bone scan yesterday. Much better experience. Went to a different hospital and they treated me so nice. The nurse who accessed my port was the one who assisted when it was put at that hospital. He remembered me and when I introduced my son, he said don't you have 2 sons? The tech were great too! One turned the…
Beautiful Flowers~PET Scan~Tucson
Good Morning Beautiful Pinks (that's girls and guys, real men wear pink you know) :) Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers, they came at the perfect time, and they are absolutely beautiful!! I love purple!! It so happened that I was out with my ex husband (we get along great divorced) and I just left my appointment…