TuffCookieHere2 Member Posts: 32 Member
Hello All,

I just came back to the boards as some of you can see.

I am having a problem remembering or figuring this out. I know
it doesnt take to much to figure out but i got my mind filled with
worry about the breast biopsy not back yet and, next week i see a
gyno, because i had been in some serious pain 3 weeks ago, and
i had rectal cancer also 7 yrs ago and nobody can get a biopsy of
uterus but he did, and found blood gushing out , dark blood
so he sent that out and a biopsy of uterus, that not many gynos
were able to get cause of scar tissue, so, i see him next week
i did a transvaginal, test too.

What i am having problems with on the board
someone replies to my post...and i go to reply back?

When it asks for subject, do i put the subject, i put when i came
to the board.....or....the subject the replier, posts to me, like
expample "i am so sorry" do you guys see what i mean? my subject
was: 10year survivor real i put this in reply to their
post to me, or their...."i am so sorry" suject in subject line?

By the way, still no word on the biospy of the breast, i didnt get a
call today.....also.....last year, i had a pet scan....on my body, for
the pelvic problem, but the breast i had biopsy other day lit up, so
my surgeon last year, did take a piece of skin from the top of breast.
it was negative.....the mamo and ultra sound was negative, he told me
sometimes, pet scans are false positives.....i knew that....but he told
me to come back this past dec, instead i went in march this year, while
i did the pelvic transvaginal i did the mamo and ultrasound and they
found the mass behind the areolar.....same, place, the pet scan found
theirs, last year.

I called.....the director of the pet scan, he doesnt mind, to answer my
questions.............he said, the mass they found last year, shows
the same size....mass behind the the mamo and ultrasound
found this year....he said, that should give you some peace for this
wknd......he said, seems the size did not change....he said, unless
the mamo found a different finding this year.

I dont know what to think anymore, just very scared.


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I'll try to explain
    When you want to reply to a certain post you click on 'reply'. This will cause your post to be indented to the one you clicked reply. As for subject, it's what ever your post is about or concerned with. Some people leave it blank and the system will put in the first so many characters of your post. It's up to you. Good luck with treatment. Don't stress over how to post. We all were newbies at some time.