Has anyone tried Cymbalta?

mckevnic Member Posts: 71
I've been reading alot of posts where others say they are depressed or have pain from meds like Arimidex, Femera, etc but I never hear anyone say their doc put them on Cymbalta. Has anyone tried it?

The reason I ask is because I am on it and now I'm worried that maybe I shouldn't be! It seems like others are on some kind of antidepressant or take pain meds but I don't see anyone taking Cymbalta so I'm wondering why.

I was on Tamoxifen but then had my ovaries removed, so I was switched to Arimidex. I had really really bad stiffness and pain so doc switched me to Aromasin. Pain and stiffness didn't get better-he added Effexor. It didn't help. About 3 weeks ago, he switched me to Cymbalta. I started with 30mg and it didn't help but now I take 60mg and I have such relief! FINALLY! It's been 1 1/2 yrs of dealing with this and it was getting pretty hard to handle. I'm only 44 and just now starting to feel my age again, instead of feeling like a 100 yr old lady:( Why do we have to go through all this crap? Wasn't cancer diagnosis enough? Thanks for letting me vent!

You all have been such a help to me with the information you share. I read this board every day. So thank you to everyone who posts!



  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member

    Glad to hear you are feeling better with Cymbalta. I take effexor and wellbutrin. When they added the wellbutrin I had the same effect. It was like someone turned on the light switch and I was finally awake. I'm able to do so much more now.

  • sylvan
    sylvan Member Posts: 66
    I haven't taken Cymbalta because of ulcer concerns. However, now that I'm on Nexium, it might be worth trying Cymbalta when I start back on Femara in a few weeks. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I hope it continues to work for you. Sometimes I think they don't offer meds like Cymbalta because it's "one more pill" and some of us just can't stomach the thought of more pills.