Just got a call from my oncologist............
So I haven't updated in a while. Most of you know that I had a .9 cm ER/PR+/Her 2- stage 1 tumor--had my lumpectomy January 20--and had brachytherapy starting January 30--finished on February 3. Went right back to work & started back working out the next day. I have really been feeling good.(I have been debating on whether…
Today is Fauxma's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR STEF HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the great things in life today & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
I had my last A/C drip yesterday!!! Next is Toxal - Any Advice?
Hi, Ladies, I am so glad that I am finished with A/C. I hated the red devil; but I know it is a necessary evil. Thanks for all of your support through that process. In two weeks I begin 12 weeks of Toxal. Any input that you could give me on the side effects of that drug? I just keep hearing that it is different. Thanks…
Tomorrows my big day..
Hello everybody..first off~~ God bless and prayers to EVERY single one of my soon to be Pink lady friends. I have been silently reading and watching discussions grow (old & new) since the day i joined this website shortly after being diagnosed myself. I just have to say the tears I have shed out of sadness and joy are…
Ac vs t chemo
Hi I just finished my 3 of 4 ac chemo treatment i am having a rough time has anyone had a tough time with ac and an "easier" time with the t thanks thanks
Ladies you shared my fear, now won't you share my JOY?
I got the results and ladies they are not just good but EXCELLENT (: Thank you all for every ounce of good energy you sent my way. I was out walking the dog in the field and screaming, no literally screaming of joy... Hugs, Ayse
No Femara Today
I made a personal "executive" decision to skip my Femara pill today. I've had it with the hot flashes, swelling (can't fit rings on my finger,swollen feet, breasts, everywhere)excruciating feet pain etc etc.... I plan to call my doctor's office and tell them I'm taking a brief vacation from it to see if the symptoms clear…
KIND of ironic
MY oldest daughter now works in local imaging center and I have heard her say to others (NOT ME) I have so many woman cry on my shoulder when they find out BC-I just dont' know what to say. While I was going through it and even 4 yrs later she never really mentions it or talks about it with me! Denise
Sensitive skin pain
I am having very tender and painful skin pain. No swelling at all. But my chest, upper arms down to my elbows, upper thigh skin is so sore to touch. Anyone had this too?
Hi I'm now on Femara. Does anyone know anything about it. I was wonding about the bones and heart. If this drug is hard on them Thanks Judy
LYMPHEDEMA SLEEVES: The site that I have purchased my arm sleeves from for the last 6 plus years has a new product they are introducing and it is priced to entice (I just ordered 3 of them). If you are interested here is the link. You will have to measure your arm,they have a chart below the product that shows you exactly…
Numb head
Yesterday I started to get a numb head. It comes and goes. I told the oncologist nurse today while I was there for my weekly treatment and also asked when I could expect hair loss. She said before the 3rd treatment but since my head has started to go numb, then it probably is in it's early stages of doing it. I had my…
Bone Scan, CT & Chest X-ray today
Hello Ladies, I went in at 9am this mornning to get my Radioactive Isatope injected for my bone scan. Then went for my CT scan. Had to drink some contrast, must be getting used to it because it didn't taste that bad. The CT nurse told me after I was finished with the CT to,"eat,drink and be merry." So,I went and ate…
New and anxious!
Hi, I have posted a few times but am still kind of new here. About one year ago I began treatment for Stage3 Anal Cancer...chemo/rad. I had a colostomy bag put in before treatment and still have (may become permanent). For the past several years my husband has been under treatment for Multiple Myeloma, a blood cancer and 3…
Hello my Beautiful Pink sisters... So per my last update my GYN wanted me to get an MRI because she found/felt a "nodule" on my left breast. So come to find out if you had radiation on your breast you have to wait 6 month after radiation before they would do an MRI with contrast...something to do with your breast tissue…
Another cancer, scared,freaking out!
Hi, I lost my way to "here" ,and couldn't read or post. Anyway.... I was just in FL visiting my daughter,because she had twins. I unexpectedly had a huge GI bleed out. Ended up in the ER! Transferred to my hometown hospital in NJ. Had a blood transfusion, found out I have a cecum colon mass, my colon cancer has returned!…
I'm home from biopsy
I'm home from the biopsy. I'm in some pain, but nothing that I can't manage. My appt for results has been changed to next Monday the 26 because the results won't be available until next Friday. I hate all of this waiting, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it lol. Thank you all for being with me today. I honestly…
For those of you who have never seen this video I thought you might want to see it. I was thinking of it today and had to go back and see it again. Her books are great by the way. Terry Her is the URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNY8KL_YSlc
first ever follow up appt what questions should i ask?
Back on the pink flight to Anchirage to visit MO and RO ...three months after the daily radiation flights and start of tamixifin ... Dcis radiation but no chemo generally doing well except for the hot flashes but what else shiuld I be asking about? I like to have a list of questions ready.... when do you need mammograms…
Dense breast tissue
I am almost 4 yrs out post lumpectomy my last oncol. appt she said she wants me to have MRI...(ONLY had one pre surgery) IS this common sense dense tissue? Denise
Claritin and Neulasta...when do I take the Claritin?
I have my Neulasta shot tomorrow.....when do I take the Claritin that many of you take to counter act side effects? Need the info ... Thanks and Hugs, Nancy
lost for words...
Hi everyone, Thank goodness i found a website like this one! My dear mum was diagnosed with Breast cancer around October 2011. she has been on a chemo tablet to reduce the size of the lump which was successful... but before starting her Radiotherapy she found a lump in her groin which had to be urgently removed... and she…
In hopes of educating Pink Sisters
Have you had radiation treatment? If so read on. I am hoping to alleviate some worry. I had a lumpectomy in May of 2011, did chemo, and had 33 radiation treatments which ended just before Thanksgiving. I had a second biopsy of suspicious cells that turned out to be just scar tissue in Jan 2012. I had been to the chemo…
I know that, in the past, there have been posts with information regarding resources available to cancer patients (headscarves, wigs, etc.) If you know where there is a post that has that information, can you pull it to the top? I have a friend who was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and I would like to get that…
Knock, knock
Who is it? Fear Fear who? Fear to trust your body after cancer. Sounds familiar? Every ache, every pain can set you off and send your thoughts spinning in circles. My sinus problems have returned, they brought along the usual suspects ear and lung infections. So it's hard not to go there.... but I managed, I am a creative…
All Aboard the pink bus for eihtak and belindar
Both ladies are scheduled for surgery. So lets let them know they are not alone. Ladies I got a ride from our lovely missrenee for my mastectomy. Moral of the Story - dont underestimate the power of the pink. So on that note I come loaded With good wishes for a speedy recovery and to ease your mind let's have a couple…
Taking a break from Femara
My last dose was last Sunday night. The oncologist said that sometimes, if you take a 4-6 week break, that you can go back on it and the side effects will be less. I figure it's worth a try. Any clues what to expect when discontinuing? My joints aren't nearly as sore as they were this time last week which is great! My…
4 yrs -ON April 3rd
Just realized it will be 4 yrs since I had my lumpectomy on April 3rd... Denise
Triple negative with mets to esophagus
Hi everyone, I haven't been on here in awhile but do read your posts from time to time. I am a 7 year survivor of stage 3 bc and my husband is currently in treatment for stage 4 colon cancer. I am always amazed at how courgeous you all are and so uplifting. I wish I know about this board when I was undergoing treatment. I…
Anyone started chemo this month?
I'm having port on wed and chemo thurs. Im so nervous. Is there anyone in here already started or will be for this month?