Today is Lynda53's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LYNDA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you Health, Happiness, & Love on your special day & throughout the year. ♥ Cat
Today is Sal314's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SALLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all the candles on your cake become wishes that come true! ♥ Cat
My cousin felt a lump, she went to her OB and they felt it too...but told her to hold off on getting it checked out until after her period at the end of the month. She is not overly concerned, but I am nervous. She is from my mothers side, and my mom, our grandfather have both had cancer and her grandmother, dads mom, had…
Ice packs on finger and toe nails with Taxol? When and how?
I've seen a mention of using ice packs on finger and toe nails to prevent nail damage when on Taxol. When and how often do you do that? I am supposed to start Taxol next Tuesday. Angie
Tightness in the Chest and Fatique - With No Clear Explanation
Today I spent the day at the radiologist because I have been experiencing shortness of breath at times, hot flashes, heartburn, a tightness in my chest and fatigue. I hadn't felt this before, so I was concerned. On Monday and Tuesday of this week, I had become severely dehydrated and had to go into the docs office for IV…
Crap! Should I be worried? CA 125 blood results
Sooo, I went in for a baseline internal ultrasound and they found a strangulated cyst. My gyno had me go for blood work. They did the CA 125 test that tests levels of cancer cells. She just called and said it's inconclusive and borderline so she wants me to see a gynecological oncologist for a consult. I am waiting for her…
Don't know where to start
Hi everyone, I know that Janice has been keeping you posted on what is going on. A big thank you to her. As she said I started having chest pains on Monday night & honestly thought I was having a heart attack. I was taken to the ER by ambulance. 2 nitro pills did not relieve the pain. Long story short, no heart attack,…
Hi wonderful ladies, I haven't been feeling well at all lately. I've had a headache that won't go away and even though I'm sleeping about 12 hours a day, I'm exhausted all the time. I've been running a fever off and on, so I'm going to have everything looked at tomorrow. I have an MRI of my brain scheduled and some…
Strawberries are coming up!
I know in a lot of areas that's not a big deal but here on the northern prairie it is. The fact that they lived through the winter is really something here. But to be turning green in March that's really something. The last few days it's been in the high 60's - mid 70's (we should still be in the 30's for highs) so I put…
left arm pain
Hi all, I just want to get some feedback from those who have suffered with arm pain. After all treatments, I had diep flap surgery in July,2010. A few months later , I started noticing pain is my left arm. The plastic surgeon said I was healing great and saw nothing wrong. I finally called my onc. after a few months of…
Just wanted to shout out to StayingStrongForToday. I was wondering if you went for a second opinion and how you are doing. Thinking of you and worrying. Terry
Vicki Sam..how are you feeling?
Hi! I just wanted to check on how you're doing and if the new girls are flourishing? Thinking of you! Hugs, Wanda
OMG I can't take this
2 friends in one week. WHY????? They're gone. It's so hard. I can't breath. How is it that I am still here? WHY God ... WHY??/
Need some positivity
I was diagnosed with a malignant phyllodes tumor back in September. I don't expect most of you to know what that is because it's almost unheard of and most Oncologists have never seen one. I had a couple surgeries and then started intensive chemotherapy in November. I was supposed to complete 6 months of chemotherapy (6…
What would you do?
The doctor has given up. They given you so long to long live? What do you do?
about my friend
My friend's sister recently completed 8 (12?) rounds of chemo and now they're talking surgery dates. Her surgeon is a real jerk. (I say this because I've seen firsthand how he treats people.) So far, she has had a biopsy with a different surgeon. And from that he told her originally that she had stage 3 breast cancer. At…
Advice for Caregiver (How can I best Help my Wife)
My wife was diagnosed just after thanksgiving and had bilateral mastectomy in January. We have completed two treatments of AC and have two more left followed by 12 weeks of Taxol. She is scared (lost both her mom and grandmother to breast cancer) and stubborn. She is losing her hair quickly now. I already accompany her to…
Today is CypressCynthia's Birthday!
Even though all my friends tell me I look very healthy and strong, why I am sooooo depressed? When I am by myself at home I am depressed, thinking the cancer is ketching up with me, even though my Dr. is very satisfied with my blood work and the cancermarker, (very low). When I am busy shopping or being with people I am…
friend (my 2nd family) hard time with chemo
She has been doing LONG chemos once a week and shorter ones, followed by shot day after. Bad reaction, bad bone pain, can't eat etc. (also has other immunane disease so doens't want visitor due to germs) SO not much I can do for her. I am at lose..any suggetions.? ONLY thing I have been doing daily for 3 -4 mths is…
New Normal? Exhaustion, Fatigue, from Tamoxifen? Anyone else?
I am a year out from my first surgery and 8 months now on tamoxifen. I am wiped out nearly every day from the smallest thing. I have gained 30lbs since starting tamoxifen and Effexor. Yesterday I went for a stress echo because of weird chest pains and I could only do the first 2 parts before nearly collapsing. I used to be…
7 keto DHEA
Has anyone heard anything about taking 7 keto DHEA to off set some of the adverse side effects of Tamoxifin? A friend of mine said that 7 keto DHEA doesn't create estrogen or progesterone but it does reduce some of her hot flashes, weight gain, low energy, etc. and swears by it. I'm just not sure what to think about this.…
** UPDATE** Nipple surgery today, 3/7 .. It's been a long wait -- 15 months!!!
I am still recovering from a cold, but Plastic Surgeon agreed to proceed with my surgery, yesterday. I've been using my 'bong' clear apparatus several times each hour to keep my lungs .. clear. Surgery took a little over 2 hours -- Doctor Turpin stated all went well -- however, the 'true' test comes tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.…
Mastectomy and expander pain
Hi girls, I had bilateral mastectomy three weeks ago, and expanders put in. I thought I was doing really well- no infection etc.. But the extreme soreness on the skin and burning is driving me insane. I'm taking Panadol, and anti-inflammatories, but they don't seem to make any difference. I was given Tamal, but they play…
positive margins after double mascectomy
I had dobule masectomy on Feb 23, my patholgoy report shows positive margins, doctor said he never seen this before! Great no one wants to hear that!
Just got a copy of my Pathology report from the lumpectomy
I just received a copy of the pathology report from my lumpectomy done on 2/27. DCIS-Grade 3 Pattern-comedo, cribridorm and micropapillary necrosis-present, central expansive comedo extensive intraductal component positive IDC-grade 2 TNM descriptors-pT1a Nx Mx Would appreciate any help on translating this into something…
Hello all, I am 50 yr old female. I am a survivor of breast cancer and anal cancer. I went into the hospital yesterday for a "transvaginal" for something else. While there I had my follow-up mamo/ultra sounds. My right breast is where I had cancer 10 yrs ago in fact, next mth. The MD radiologist found a 2cm, mass but he…
Brain Rads....overwhelming fatigue, anyone?
My little update....on Friday I completed 10 radiation treatments to the brain for 3 small spots that showed on my scans...talk about knocking your socks of! my two Oncologist agree 99-9% that the rads have taken care of this...next will be chemo every 2 weeks.....had my port installed last week....freaky little…
Anybody have noise in ears after Herceptin? or any other side effects?
What did you wear?
I will be having a mastectomy soon & want to buy myself some new pajamas to recover in. However, I find that I can't decide on what style to get and am hoping that some one in here can help. I worry that the T-shirt & bottoms might rub on the drainage tube, the tank & bottoms might be to exposed, anything with bottoms will…