Thank you Clamryn (Linda) for your response
Thank you Linda. I am glad to hear that you are on Coumadin and Avastin. As I said, I'm on injections of blood thinner and my body is so bruised from the injections, it isn't funny. I plan on letting my dr. know that I will give the injections only a few more months and then if I have to will go back on coumadin. My…
first line chemo checkup dilemma
my sister, who was diagnosed with UPSC IVB in February, 2011, is coming up on her third carbo/taxol treatment. Her oncologist tells her that she will get a CT scan as well as a CA125 test to see if the treatment is working. Unfortunately, the CA125 test does not seem to be a marker for her--she has been under 30, including…
Question for anyone on or had been on Avastin
Hi,I would really appreciate any responses from people who are currently on Avastin and a blood thinner. Or anyone on Avastin and Coumadin? Or, on no blood thinners at all and never had a problem with the Avastin? I know one other person on this board is on an injectable blood thinner. Last year I had developed a small…
PARP Inhibitors in Ovarian Cancer
Some cell-based assay labs have explored the biology of PARP inhibitors, alone and in combination, in actual human tumor primary culture micro-speheroids (microclusters), in breast, ovarian and other cancers. In these investigations, the lab applies the functional profiling platform to understand how PARP inhibitors…
Avastin/taxol not working what next??
Well, been on this **** of a ride for close to 4 years now. Had avastin and taxol for a bout a year. What a wonderful combo. Low dose no hair loss pretty stable blood counts now for the 2nd month my markers are up to 43. So low, but I am so sensitive to the markers that even when they were 20 I still showed small disease…
Mom going downhill FAST
Mom has pneumonia.....sodium 120.....BP 113 over 55.....I think she needs to be in the hospital, but I am not there....not sure what the hesitation is on part of the doctor....I fly out tomorrow and arrive at 7:00pm.....I fear this is my last trip....I am surprisingly calm....will keep you all posted....
Phase I/II clinical trial: viral therapy
I found this on the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center web site (866-627-7616) This is biological therapy instead of chemotherapy. Viral Therapy in Treating Patients With Ovarian Epithelial Cancer, Primary Peritoneal Cancer, or Fallopian Tube Cancer That Did Not Respond to Platinum Chemotherapy Identifier…
Cancer is not only the tumor; it's also the process
The "targeted therapy" (such as Avastin) approach towards the treatment of cancer demonstrates a paradigm shift towards changing the environment that promotes cancer. Included with this is understanding the "epigenetic" triggers to cancer & how the individual can actively lower their risk of cancer occurrence & recurrence.…
My mom was laid to rest today
only 10 months after being diagnosed with OVCA. Trying to be thankful that she's in a better place with no suffering and no more pain. I miss her already and can't imagine my life going on without her in it. To realize I can't pick up the phone and call her to tell her something funny that happened or to vent about…
Re: Nutrition Question..... Flaxseed?
Hello, This question is for Monika (Mopar) and anyone else who might know more about the benefits or risks of flaxseed for ovarian cancer. Please correct me if I'm wrong, Monika you said that flaxseed as related to estrogen should not be used? Can you or anyone else expand my understanding as to the risks or benefits of…
You asked if anyone else is suffering with pain. Since starting my Avastin I am having such terrible pain everywhere even my toes hurt ! I think the Avastin is ramping up my athritis but I hurt in places that never hurt before , my neck , arms and shoulder too. I was already on medication for the athritis and back pain and…
I woke this morning and felt cancer was gone
it felt really good to have no pain or nausea and I had a great feeling for the first time in a long time that my ca was gone. I have a pet/ct scan on Wed but I am almost sure I will be ned for a awhile. Has anyone else felt this way? Do you feel when your ca is gone or back
CA125 Levels and Relation to Remission/Survivability
Hello again Teal Warriors! My wife, Cindy, is still in remission after 7 cycles of maintenance Taxol Chemotherapy! Her CA125 level has hovered between 1-3. This has prompted me to wonder if a low CA125 has any correlation to delayed disease progression and overall survivability. Do any of you good ladies know of any…
Information on IV vitamin C use for cancer treatment
Sugar, Cancer, & IV Vitamin C As far back as 1971, Linus Pauling claimed that high dose vitamin C helps cancer patients. He conducted studies that indicated this. The Mayo Clinic conducted studies that disproved it, but they used a different form of Vitamin C and did not follow Pauling’s protocol. High dose vitamin C is…
Latest test results
I had blood drawn two weeks ago. CA-125 is 2. HE4 is 37, down from 49 (normal range is 1 to 150). Keep the faith! Wishing you all the best.
CT results
I got my CT results las Thursday. CT was clear in the bowel, and the pesky tumor on the cava vein was 2.7 cm, up from 2.2. So, it grew a bit but the lymph nodes were zapped by the taxol/carbo, we can assume. My comment to my doctor was that I'm sure that if we were to take a PET, there would be small tumors on the bowel…
Weight loss and OVCA
I saw LaundryQueen comment that she has noted a correlation with weight loss and initial diagnosis of OVCA. My wife was diagnosed (Stage IV) 6 months after losing 40-50 pounds. Any others have a similar experience?
hello, i would like to know if any of you ladies taking TA-65 and what are the benefits of it and what are the side effects if any. can it be taken while on chemo and where do you buy it. thank you Victoria
Dear Carlene re: your response to Sarah re: antidepressants
Dear Carlene, I was so happy to hear what you wrote to Sarah re: antidepressants. I couldn't agree with you more. I've been battling this for several years and most recently the oncology nurse said to me, that I should be on antidepressants and maybe should talk to a psychiatrist. I was so furious with her because I felt…
A tribute to my Mom.... FYI I did not write this.
Without You Mom, without you, there would be no me. Your love, your attention, your guidance, have made me who I am. Without you, I would be lost, wandering aimlessly, without direction or purpose. You showed me the way to serve, to accomplish, to persevere. Without you, there would be an empty space I could never fill, no…
Hi, I have continued to receive support from all of you, even though I do not post much, since my dx in Aug., 2009. You all are blessings!! I am a little over a year post-chem (a blessing to be sure). I have a question - has any one had difficulty with tinnitus (ringing in the ears). It began about six months ago, just…
Third Time Survivor - Advanced Stage IV Ovarian Cancer
Since 2003 , I have been going through this up and down rollercoaster of being "chronic." Last time I had Carbo/Gemzar on a 2 week on 1 week off for OVER a year--until I had a reaction to the Carboplatin. That was in 2007. When I regressed this time, I chose a super-experimental chemo pill because after all the expenses of…
Hi Carlene - no I didn't take your info re: antidepressants negatively
Hi Carlene, No, please be sure you didn't leave me with that impression. I also take an anti-anxiety pill but I guess I just don't appreciate the way nurses take it upon themselves to recommmend anti depressants to a patient. I just feel that people with cancer are dealing with just some type of stress because of the…
Sarah (The Carcinista)
Sarah has made the decision to discontinue treatment. The current drug is not working, and Taxol or Topotecan, according to her doctor, might give her an additional week or two, but no more. She posted: I’m TIRED. Tired of feeling rotten, of being stuck in the house, of not being able to do anything for anyone but myself…
Ascites whilst on chemo
Does anyone know whether it's normal to have ascites whilst on chemo? Is it something I need to worry about? I started a course of chemo (carbo/taxol) in the middle of January and had my 4th session about 10 days ago. After the 3rd session the ascites I've had since December began to recede a bit, but now it appears to be…
It's been two years...
It's been two years since I was diagnosed stage 3C OVCA. I have never gone into remission and will be on chemo forever. My latest cat scan shows no new growth but my cancer is very aggressive so I can't stop chemo. For everyone else (my family and friends) life goes on. But I can not escape the cancer. I'm quite sick of…
God Bless You All
Hi ladies. My mom passed away a year ago this coming June 13th. I just wanted to tell you all thank you so much for helping me the 15 months that she struggled and battled this horrible disease. I still get on here even though she is gone now and I pray for everyone on here. My heart is absolutely broken that my mama is…
Need help makidng decision for Maintenance stage of PPC
So glad to find this site - the success stories are so encouraging and discussions so informative. I was orginally diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer by on oncologist in FL. He did not offer any encouragement for curing or maintaining my cancer. I came home to IL and went to the Cancer Treatment Center in Zion IL which…
Stopping clinical trial :(
Mom got her ct scan results today. The news was not good, stopped the clinicial trial drug, she did 13 of 15 treatments. She started on Doxil immediately. Her spirits are so low, this is now the third chemo regimen she is on. She became resistant to carbo after 7 treatments and now the trial drug is now longer working. I…