Pre ENT visit
Hello! I am returning to this site after aprox 2 yrs. as I have a new concern that I thought was remedied! 2 yrs. ago my Doc referred me to an ENT as I had a blockage on one side of my nasal passage! History of allergies and previous smoker! I quit 11 yrs ago. The ENT diagnosed me with a turbinate dysfunction. He stated…
How Healthy Eating Can Help You Beat Cancer
When I read in this NY Post article that a third(!) of all cancer death are due to malnutrition, my first thought was "no way." Then I googled and, sure enough, it's true. Pretty shocking actually. Anyway, this is a good read. So please, everyone...I know it hurts but stay hydrated and do your best to eat the good stuff.…
Stage III Oral Cancer under Tongue/Tumor growth under Chin
Needing Support I'am a "Newbie" here and would like to know if there are Long Term Surviors of this Cancer. I was told I had a 30% of making it. This is my 3rd time to "ride this Monster." Will endure 8 weeks of Radiaition Therapy (5 Days of Week) plus Chemo once a week for 8 weeks (Cisplatin, IV Port). Could not remove my…
Need advice and help about medication
My husband had bot surgery with infiltration into lymph node surgery on Dec 23. Sometimes, he can get pills down, sometimes he can't. Sometimes he can get liquid down, sometimes he can't and he vomits. We have his first oncology appt on January 23rd. Today his primary and the ent who did the surgery recommended a peg tube.…
Time flies...
Haven't been here in awhile...So, exactly 2 yrs. 4 months out from the last treatment for Stage lV SCC BOT HPV 16+, with metastasis to the lymph nodes. Had the 3 cisplatin chemo marathons and the 35 rad cycle. PEG tube for a few months. Didn't have major problems with nausea or constipation at the time. Just dealing with…
radiation burns to face
New to this forum, glad to find you. 17 months past chemo and 39 radiation treatments for neck (tonsil bed with mets to a lymph node), still have red, splotchy, painless burns on face. Do they go away? Does anything promote healing? Thanks.
exposed bone in my mouth (jaw bone)
In July/12 I had 2/3 of my tongue removed and built up again with a flap. I had six weeks of radiation. Shortly thereafter, The skin on the botton right of my inner jaw broke away and exposed the bone. The dr didn't really know how to repair it. Now, it is getting bigger and something must be done....not sure what a repair…
New to Forum with a question
Hi, My husband (50)was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with a BOT cancer spreading to nearby lymph node. It all happened so very quickly with a slight flu feeling and a lump in the neck, after a biopsy of the lump with a cancer diagnosis the tumour was located on the base of his tongue, within a week he was in surgery having the…
newly diagnosed Laryngeal Cancer
Hello all, I am 51 years old and the father of a very active 5 year old girl. I am also scared to death. I was recently diagnosed with invasive squamous cell carncinoma (early Nov2016). The biopsy was taken from the supra-glottis, right side, false cord. The disease was in all three glottic areas. The doctor, here in…
Happy New Year
Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! I hope 2017 brings improved health and better outcomes for everyone. All you survivors are true jedi warriors, and a total inspiration. Keep fighting the good fight! With prayers for all of you.
Husband threw up blood
My husband had cancer surgery, base of tongue, lymphnodes involved. The surgeon called yesterday and said it was metastatic scc and is referring us to an oncologist. His chest xray was clear. My question is.... one week post surgery he was trying to take his pain pill and it got stuck and he was throwing up blood. He…
Metallic taste
Hey everyone. I tried to search this question but could not find it. I have two more chemo sessions left and about half way done with radiation. I am doing great as I still work out and take nice hikes. My biggest side effects are metallic taste and semi-dry mouth. I do have a feeding tube but do not use it as I am able to…
PEG food
Hey guys, As I'm finishing up the first week of rads I'm making sure I have everything in order to begin using the PEG as soon as it's necessary, if at all. I'm not happy with the ingredients for the canned feedings that my doc has supplied, even though we did find a vegan option. I'm also not finding anything commercially…
3 years NED
Another one dropping in to say Hello! Hubby is doing great! We are truly blessed. Prayers to all.
Neck Dissection first part of my kill cancer protocol
Hi! I am a newbie here :) . My cancer presented with a swollen lymph node under my jawbone below the ear. My diagnosis was SCC Stage 4a with unknown primary. They are pretty certain it carries the HPV 16 marker and will have a definite on that soon. Surgery with TORS is being scheduled soon for a search for the primary,…
Christmas came early
In August I had a tumor removed from the base of my tongue. I started radiation treatments in early September and finished about the middle of October. I recently went for a follow up with my ENT. He scheduled me for a CT scan on December 16th. Needles to say I did not sleep much while waiting on the results of the scan.…
Nice deal
Hi I'm new but been lurking for a month. I'm Stage III N-1 M-0 HPV-pos tonsillar. Sentence was for 33 rad, 8 chemo with Carbol-platin. I have 0 chemos , 5 rads left. came here looking for recovery tips, plus a few tips of my own. #1 tip, I found a small medical supplier in Ohio that has a small but powerful mucos suction…
-Suction Machine
Hi Fellow H & N Cancer Patients and Co. Patients. One thing we didn't learn or hear about until after we really could have used it was a SUCTION MACHINE! During our last visit with the Radiation Oncologist Nurse Coordinator she asked my husband what was his worst complaint at that point. He told her that the mucous is so…
My husband was diagnosed with mouth cancer in July. He has a feeding tube and this is still his main source of nutrition. We are almost out of Jevity, and the insurance says it will not give us any more. Does anyone have any left overs? I'm happy to reimburse for shipping. Thank you
Merry Christmas
Whether you are in the midst of the storm or out of the storm we all have much to be thankful for. I am thankful for all the support from this group. I finished up in March and today it seems like ages ago. However, I am always on the lookout. I wish each and everyone of you and all your families a very Merry Christmas and…
A holiday update!
Been awhile that I have been on the blog - made a handful of postings about my experiences and wanted to update to give some positive thoughts to those undergoing treatment at this moment and those who have finished. Was diagnosed 5/2016 with T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left supraglottic larynx, Stage iVa…
Intracyst hemorrhage and FNA
Hi all, My most recent scans on Nov 2 showed resolved primary in left throat and shrinking or stabilizing nodes in the neck. Woohoo! My surgeon was surprised. I was not. I told him that it was the myraid alternative therapies I'm treating myself with. My immune system is on fire with 2 sick family members in the house and…
I know this is trivial, but...
I really miss eating like I used to. With the holidays here, I miss eating chocolate, cookies, the wonderful warm feeling of a hot cup of coffee. Anything sweet instantly dries out my tongue. Sure, I'm alive. But am I really living?
Osteoradionecrosis - ORN
After Mike's recent post about ORN and after reading many horror stories about jawbone and teeth failing after radiation, it clicked that what is going on in my mouth could be Osteoradionecrosis. I'm certainly not one to get wound up about various symptoms but after fighting a lot of pain in the gum last week, the imminent…
Update we got bad news last week
The cancer is back on the original site, nasalpharygeal area and involves carotid artery. His oncologist said this area is hard to operate and he also had max radiation from initial treatment so the only option now is chemo. If the cancer reduces the size they will consider the possibility to re radiate the area. His…
My new adventures...round 2
Hello fellow cancer survivors, So, here I am, in an extended stay hotel in beautiful Somerset NJ, beginning a second round of radiation, this time with chemo. I will be here mostly weekdays until early January, right through 3 major holidays. My goal is to drive the 100 miles back home for the weekends, depending on how I…
Met to lungs now lumbar vertebrae #1 and deep muscle in back
I have not posted for awhile, however looking for anyone out there that have experienced the same as my husband He was originally diagnosed dec 15 of head and neck cancer in right neck and a few lymph nodes. They were not able to fine occult primary, so did radiation on both sides of neck along with chemo. he finished…
Drinking Alcohol after treatment
I am a two-year survivor of stage III tonsil cancer positive for the HPV virus. I met with the head and neck surgeon last weeks and he told me that declared me cured but also told me that I should remain cautious and continue with yearly scans and regular visits for a long time. When I asked him if there is anything I…
ist update in months
All of my ENT and Oncology during the year have been NED, so one year cancer free and feeling better + eating better every day. Still have only gained back about 15 pounds from lowest weight. Just don't eat anywhere near as much as I used to. No problems eating as long as I wash it down well enough. Still minimal saliva…
What do we have in common - revised questions
If you would like to help me with a little survey, cause I am curious to what we may have in common that has trigger our diagnosis. If we all look at the answers it may help. The only two questions my doctors asked was did I smoke and did I drink. And I was a smoker and light drinker. So they said that is why I got this.…