It's back.....
I haven't been on this site for a long time, my husband had scc unknown primary, 1 lymph node back in 2013. He was going on 4 yrs when his ENT felt something suspicious in his throat. Had biopsies and was found to have Base of Tongue cancer, 4 cm tumor. This was removed last week surgically by robot (Divinci) and he did…
Getting nervous
Have an appointment with my old ENT guy on Monday, having some problems that need to be addressed. Over the past three or four weeks have had on and off sore throat, also ear was giving me some pain, last Tuesday I was in the emergency room at my local hospital for heart palpitations, that cleared up and the doctor said it…
Help - Neck Dissection & Forearm Free Flap
Greetings Warriors, My husband had surgery last year to remove cancer that had invaded his upper jaw bone. This left a hole between the roof of his mouth and sinus cavity. He has an obturator device to plug the hole. His major problem is severe trismus where he can barely open his mouth and eating is out of the question.…
Got Booted (Well sorta)
I've been booted out of places before rudly and politely but it never felt so good as it did Thursday. I went for my yearly check up with my surgeon and he told me again I was cured and because it is 7 years there is no need to come back anymore unless of coarse something developes. For those fighting or in the recovery…
biopsy question
I'm pretty nervous for my dad. As posted previously, he was found to have a tumor on forehead went through the skull and is on top of both hemispheres of the brain, but not in the brain. I'm terrified for him and wondered is anyone knew what kind of biopsy they would do? Like, how would they do that? The doctor did not…
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Help! My 14 year old son wa diagnosed 3/19 with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. He has had his first round of chemo ( Cisplatin and 5fu). His treatment plan consists of a total of 5 chemos and 7 weeks radiation. THere will be 3 rounds of chemo every 3 weeks. The last two rounds of chemo will be combined with the radiation. I…
Chemo and Cardiomyopathy
my husband has been cancer free for 3 years. He had tonsil cancer . He had a major heart attack 4 months after treatment. He recovered well. His ejection factor was 55%. Several months ago He has diagnosed with heart failure With ejection factor 35%. Doc is puzzled by this progression and is leaning toward chemo damage as…
Erbitux vs Cisplatin help please
Have a friend about to start treatments. His chemo will be weekly Erbitux. I had Cisplatin and do not know anything about Erbitux. Can someone please give us a brief comparison? Side effects? Hair loss? Etc? Thanks. JK
Anyone out there in HNC land that is bilingual Spanish?
I am Spanish bilingual and was recently asked to offer support to a Mexican American in Tucson who has a recent diagnosis of HNC SCC and is about to start treatments. It would be helpful if there were others "que puede hablar en espanol". Let me know JK
What tastes good? Bad?
Hello fellow warriors! I completed the normal 35 rads and 6 cisplatin chemo rounds. Treatments complete on November 16, 2016. The recovery is going well. I thought I would share a few foods that tasted good sooner and some that didn't. Some of the foods that don't taste good used to. So good: KFC original recipe dark meat,…
Coughed up Blood
My husband had bot surgery with removal of lymph nodes on Dec 23. We are having a pet scan today and see the oncology drs on Tuesday. He says he still has a sore throat on the side of the surgery and yesterday he coughed up blood. He is only eating through a peg tube as he was in the hospital due to nausea and constant…
ROLL CALL 2016 Updated December 10, 2016 All H&N members are welcome! Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to Enroll…
HPV positive
Hooray...or at least I think it's hooray!! The oncologist just called and said my husband is indeed HPV positive. I have heard and read that if the cancer is HPV related the prognosis and outcome are better. I know that the plan of treatment is the same but after being told that he had a 40-50% chance of being cured the…
desperate for tips on how to deal with Cisplatin and Radiation in Oral Cavity
Hi! So on the 11th Jan. I went in for Robotic Surgery to search for my Primary Cancer. (I had been diagnosed in late December with 4a HPV16 SCC in my right neck lymph nodes (by lymphectomy), one removed and two other possibly infected.) My surgeon removed both sets of tonsils and the base of tongue. No cancer was found…
After radiation and chemo, getting your hunger and taste back
i have been almost 5 months out of treatment and wanted to share something that could possibly help you get your hunger and taste back more quickly. I did not see other info about this on the site about this possible solution and so, am posting this. i was on a feeding tube for a total of 5 months. To get the feeding tube…
Bone Pain
Checking in again! Good day CSN members. I'll be having my 1 year anniversary PET 3 days from now. A little bit nervous as I've been having random bone pains. But I try to keep my mind off it. Anyone else having same experience with bone pains? It comes and go. I guess I'll know the news in 3 days and will keep you'all…
3/2/17 will be 5 year NED for my mom-however....
Hello, For thos ewho do not know me, welcome. I am sorry you have to be here. For some of you that have been on this forum when my mom was in treatment you may remember me. My mom had a long almost 2 years fight with 2 recurrances. Anyway yes, on 3/2/17 ( which is also her birthday) it will be 5 years since her last…
Chicken Soup for the cancer patient
This is not about motivation, this is about actual chicken soup. I was in considerable distress from no calories and having problems swallowing anything thicker than water. One of the nurses suggested boiling a complete chicken, and then not separating the fat from the broth. That turns out to be easier to swallow than…
Lymph node cancer- treatment options - need suggestions
About a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with cancer on my tongue. Moffitt cancer center in Tampa cut out the infected part of my tongue and two zones of lymph nodes ( to see if they were also affected - they weren't) on the left side of my neck. Everything was good until month and a half ago when a lump under my chin…
Can't sleep during treatment
My husband has just completed 10/35 radiation treatments and 2 Cisplatin treatments. He has lost his tastebuds and has no interest in eating within the last 2 days. He describes his mouth as being coated with the most disgusting layer of cheap butter. He is forcing smoothies at this point, did have a feeding tube inserted…
Physical therapy for neck and swallow concerns
My husband finished 35 rads and 12 chemos over a 16 week timeframe for Squamous Cell Carcinoma stage 4-A and it was HPV positive Now that we're finished with treatment we're being sent to physical therapy to prevent Lymphodema and to show my husband how to do neck stretches so that he doesn't lose range of motion years…
Surgical/Radiated Area
Like most I have gone through a lot of changes since my treatment ended August 2016. However, now that I'm about four months out I am starting to notice odid "feelings" in the area of my surgery and radiation. I see an ENT monthly, he actually performed the surgery. Thus far between physical exams and a scope as recent as…
Treatment begins tomorrow
Was diagnosed with Stage II SCC of the lateral tongue with perineural involvement on Oct 26th. I had a partial glossectomy and right neck dissection on Nov 28. I healed well and have been eating everything I know I will miss!! I begin my first Cisplatin treatment tomorrow and radiation begins on Wed. I am feeling nervous,…
I had SCC of the tongue. SUrgery, chemo, radiation. My radiation (35 treatments) ended in late August but my throat still bothers me. I don't have teeth anymore so I drink smoothies or eat soft foods only but I find whatever soft foods I eat afterwards my throat hurts a lot for several hours. Did anyone else experience…
Just dropping by to say hello to all my fellow warriors
Hello. Wow, it's been awhile since I have stopped by. I miss you all and just wanted to share that this month marks my 5 year clean anniversary. Like many, I have my share of side affects, but at the end of the day I get to lie down and go to sleep after spending the day with those I love. I'm still in Alaska and this is…
Chills / Shivers During Chemo
Hi all - wondering if anyone else experiences chills / shiver attacks during their chemo infusion? My episodes tend to last 30 minutes and I get chattering teeth, shivers and nausea. Things then go back to normal as if nothing happened. Nurses / Drs are unsure why this is happening and will wrap me in blankets until it…
Sweating when I eat
Who else has this issue? After my second neck dissection, i sweat profusely from my head when I eat. Food doesn't have to be hot, either. Is there an end in sight for this?
Hi everyone. It's coming up on a year since my surgery. (tumor removal tongue and 42 lymph nodes removed). I consider myself fortunate in that no further treatment was necessary. Since then, I have moved and had to get a new surgeon-head and neck doctor. I had my first follow-up with the original doctor who did the…
Struggling Caretaker
I have to admit I have taken so much from this blog without setting up an account. I cannot tell you the number of times I was awake all night reading the entries on this site Looking for hope and strength. My husband, 52, was diagnosed with cancer in July. I am still confused with the descriptions you are all so…
Waiting for ENT visit
I wrote recently about my wait for an ENT visit. 2 yrs ago I saw an ENT who first treated me with antibiotics, to no avail. They diagnosed me with turbinate dysfunction and placed me on Flonase. The flonase seemed to do the trick as far as warding off my sinus headaches. Fast forward two yrs and I am back in the saddle…