4.5 years NED
H&N Brothers & Sisters, I got my 4 year 6 month NED today and wished to thank all the members who offered me advice since December 2011. The names change, but the overall number of members continues to grow. I liked to think every little post or comment in the forum help the non-initiated and old-timers alike. I am…
Keytruda - An Update
Seasons greetings all. It's been a while so thought I'd post an update. Last week I commenced Keytruda treatment in Singapore where I reside. The infusion was very short ( 30 minutes ) and was not a problem. However more or less post infusion the side effects kicked in. These being achey body, headache, sweats and joint…
Round 2
PET showed SCC has metastasized to my lungs and bones. My head and neck are cancer free, so far. I have started an aggressive chemotherapy. Every 21 days I get carboplatin, taxotere, and erbitux. And every week I get erbitux. Hopefully the mets respond to the chemo. If that fails I start immunotherapy. Down but not out.
26 Year Old Female diagnosed with Melanoma
I was just diagnosed with Stage 1 Melanoma in my right lower eyelid. I am extremely upset and have always taken care of my skin. It's very scary being diagnosed so young. I see my first head and neck oncologist this Thursday (12/15) and am extremely nervous. I have a couple questions for anyone who has or has dealt with…
Tongue biopsy...
I had a tongue biopsy on October 26, 2016. It's now Nov 27, 2016 and my tongue still burns and hurts. The biopsy was a fairly large excision of a "lesion" and hurt like hades! It apparently let thrush loose in my mouth and OMG! Felt like my mouth was filled with embers! Biopsy came back moderate dyspepsia something or…
Mandibular Sarcoma Removal and Reconstruction
Left Mandibular Sarcoma Removal and Recontruction New Hello, I was treated for Nasopharyngeal Cancer about 13 years ago. I lost most of my Salivary Gland usage and taste was ruin for 2 years only. Taste came back. I relied with constant water and Biotene's Moisterizing Gel. My nasal cavity was also very dry creating…
Vomiting first week post treatments
ok...Here we are in those days past treatement (6 days to be exact) where we were told symptoms would become more intense for a couple weeks then things would start beginning to heal. The tongue and throat are more sore, phlym is also thicker...., but the one thing we have dealt with the past two days is the phlym causing…
Adnoid Cystic Carcinoma and side effects
Hi everyone! I am new here and looking for support. I was diagnosed of ACC in Feburary 2016 and had surgery to remove my leftside submandibular gland and some lymphe nodes. I was margin positive and the cancer was high grade. I went through 30 radiations (5x/week for 6 weeks) which ended in May 2016. I chose not to do…
Going back to work
My husband just finished 9 weeks of chemo. weekly followed by 7 weeks of radiation (35) and 3 more chemo treatments with that. He's not even five days past his last radiation and we know he'll "cook" for about two weeks past treatments...He REALLY wants to get back to work out of loyalty and also normalcy. When did any of…
Numb chin and scared
hi,I am a 11year stage 3 tonsil survivor,things have been well until recently,firstly I developed a sore tongue which i had a biopsy for which came back as severe dysplasia(pre-cancerous cells)this is going to be removed by laser next week..But now I have developed a numb chin and lower lip! I had a look on Google "numb…
Where is Hondo?
Tube feeding supplies
Greetings Friends! Last year around this time of year is when my hubby finally got off the feeding tube. We had tons of leftover Nutren and Osmolite with no takers here so someone recommended I contact the Oley Foundation (oley.org). The Foundation has an equipment and supply exchange that provides free supplies donated by…
I looked for help
Last Chemo and Radiation tomorrow!!!
In what feels like a life time, my husband finishes treatment tomorrow!! I hope he also gets his port out tomorrow after it is used for the final time! This discussion board has been so much help along the way. Thanks to all and I'm sure I'll check back in when I have questions...I dread knowing that he will still be…
still have drainage lump feeling?
I have been clear for 16 months but still have a lump in my throat. I can take mucinex and it helps.Some times it is hard to swallow. This condition works on the mind mostly. Is their any ideas to help condition?Will it get better? Doc says just part of the side effects. Thanks John B
My husband got 1st chemo out of 3 cycles of cisplastin .. nausea kicked in almost immediately. and now constipation. he is taking all the nausea medicine prescribed. how long does nausea usually last ? AND what to expect in coming days ? Does everyoneveryone face lower blood counts ? is there a way to avoid that ? Anxious…
how long for throat to heal
Hello folks I had 6 wks of radiation for sqamous cell carcinoma in situ. I was very fortunate to have caught it very early stage 1. I'm just curious how long others have found for the throat to be back to normal if that's possible. I can eat some things others i pay for eating later. I have trouble sleeping because of a…
4 years NED- Dropping in to say hello
i see we have a lot of newbies and glad to see all us old survivors still welcoming everyone and providing insight. Well after 4 years of the " new normal" I feel blessed. I can list a bunch of complaints but I am alive and living a great life. Let's list the good things: 1- I became a grand pa 2- I know who my true…
5years, 1 month
saw my dear oncologist/surgeon today, tomorrow will be exactly 5 years, 1 month since my di vinci robotic surgery that removed my cancerous epiglottis. NED and congratulations were repeated to me many times as I left his office at The James in Columbus, Ohio. If I can fight this battle , you can ,too. Have faith, be…
Ding Ding - Ringing the Bell - NED
4 Nov - PET scan six months post treatment. My first scan. Prior to this my radiation oncologist and ENT limited the follow-ups to scoping. The tumor had responded well to treatment (32 hyperfractionated doses plus 3 Cisplatin). My original diagnosis was Stage 4A T2N1-2aM0 Moderately invasive squamous cell carinoma of the…
Weird bump and growths that are new
HI everyone, I'm amazed at all the new posts since I first started coming here! It's been a long time. Short intro....my hubby just over a year out from treatment for stage 4 tonsil cancer HPV+. He had chemoradiation with cisplatin. Up to now things have been going great. He's maintained his weight, and although he's still…
When did your tongue stop burning?
After nearly 5 months post rad, I'm still dealing with a burning tongue. Is there an end in sight and what can I do to improve it? It's really affecting my appetite. Since my last surgery October 7th, I'm down nearly 20 lbs pre cancer. I can't seem to eat enough these days.
Speech impairment
I am 14 years out from NPC treatments. Over the last 2 years my speech as progressively worsened to the point that it is almost impossible to speak on the phone. Background: 18 months after I finished radiation (MD Anderson) I woke up hoarse - it turned out to be a paralyzed left vocal cord attributed to the late effects…
18 month scope
Had my 18 month Scope today and was told everything looks great,Seams like you always worrie a little before you have these appts,
Peg-tube nutrition and Medicare
During recent hospital stay, nutritionist recommended Two-Cal canned nutrition product for my husband. They referred us to home health care management which husband does not qualify for at this time. Long story short, after finding out this is an 'institution only' product used by hospital and nursing homes, I contacted…
Checking in after 4 months.
Hi everyone. Had my 3 month check up last month. They didn't give me a pet scan which I would of preferred but I had an MRI. They said it looked " good" and to not be scared that the report said" can't rule out residual tumor" . Oh okay. They will scan me again in 6 months. So I'm like soooo am I NED ? They said until…
Tongue biopsy...
I had a tongue biopsy on October 26, 2016. It's now Nov 27, 2016 and my tongue still burns and hurts. The biopsy was a fairly large excision of a "lesion" and hurt like hades! It apparently let thrush loose in my mouth and OMG! Felt like my mouth was filled with embers! Biopsy came back moderate dyspepsia something or…
3 month check up/1st pet scan results
I saw my Radiation Oncologist today. He said I am 100% cancer free, no residual, nothing, no evidence cancer was ever there....it is as good as it gets...you can't get a better report!! I don't have to see the Radiation Oncologist for 6 months!!! He also said there is no need for me to have any more pet scans! I see the…
Please advise: mouth cancer
Hi there, A few days back I met with an accident and suffered few injuries and lost 4 teeth. After a few days, I called in a doctor to fix my teeth. I decided to try partial denture or dental implant to fix it. While he checked my teeth he discovered some discolor in my mouth and he recommended to take Oral brush biopsy to…
Neupogen to treat low white blood cell count
Has any one had Neutropena/LOW blood cell count late in treatment...Have 6 rads to go...1 chemo and hubby is in hospital with extremely low white cell count! They're not giving him anything except IV Antibiotice. I want them to use Nupogen or something else to rebuild the white cell count, but the hospital staff quite…