Just dropping by to say hello to all my fellow warriors

Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

Hello.  Wow, it's been awhile since I have stopped by.  I miss you all and just wanted to share that this month marks my 5 year clean anniversary.


Like many, I have my share of side affects, but at the end of the day I get to lie down and go to sleep after spending the day with those I love.


I'm still in Alaska and this is where I hope to live a long life and die.  Can you believe I went dog mushing?  Yep, sure did.  


To all those in the fight, stay strong. You are not alone.


Whispered prayers for all




Tim Cogdill


Stage III base of tongue w/ mets to lymph

Radiation & Erbitux

5 years clean 




  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    edited January 2017 #2
    Happy for you

    Hi Tim, congratulations on 5 years, I reached mine in November 2016~~glad to see you're living your life, your way. Mush!!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    edited January 2017 #3
    Hi Tim!

    I keep up with your Alaskan adventures on Facebook.... :).  Glad you dropped in here, tho....so your old buds can keep a handle on you.


  • armana
    armana Member Posts: 97 Member
    edited January 2017 #4

    to you and your family for 5 year NED

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member
    nice post


    Look what dropped in, my Erbitux brother.

    5 years is good, and my next milestone number.

    Your biggest side effect was moving to Alaska.  Mush on to many years ahead.


  • wild willy
    wild willy Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2017 #6
    congrats Tim

    congrats Tim, i just reached 6 years this month. have a long life in Alaska

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 727 Member
    edited January 2017 #7
    Good to Hear from You

    Hey Tim,

    We go back my friend.  I thought you were in Idaho but must have missed the memo.  Like you, I try to pop in once in awhile to see how everyone is doing and also to see if someone has my rare cancer type.  Glad it's all working out for you.  Your attitude and prayer club was much appreciated.


  • Raddude
    Raddude Member Posts: 84
    congrats Tom!

    fantastic! I grew up in Eagle River, AK. Mush!

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Officially cured. Nice to see your note here. Keep mushing! 

  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456
    edited January 2017 #10

    I stick my nose in this forum, which I rarely do and look who was here.  Congrats, Tim I am so glad you are happy and doing well.  Time sure flies, remember I had my final rad on the day that you joined the forum.  We were the Erbitux pioneers, acne and all :).  
