Peg Removal Advice
Hi Folks, I did read through the super thread and have tried to garner as many tips as possible, but I still feel I need some guidance. I finished radiation on May 25. I have a button feeding tube in place. It's a pain for me, as the tubing is too small and leaks gastric juices. I have to use a combo of Marathon skin…
windpipe transplant
News just broke that Swedish Drs just performed the first "man made" windpipe tansplant. Done using patient's own stem cells, and doesn't have to take anti-rejection meds. Patient was stage-4 C of the larynx/voice box, and is said to have had no other options. Have a couple more planned this year, also. FYI kcass
I went to see a myofacial doctor for my jaw pain and he sent me to physical therapy for treatment. I was supposed to have some osscalating treatment but she would not give it to me because she said that before i could get that she had to make sure i did not have cancer. She showed me 3 excercises to do that she said would…
Food Ideas and Such
Hi everybody! I hope all is well or getting that way for everyone out there. I've posted recently that I am six weeks over my last of 33 rad treatments for tonsil cancer. The doctor (and most folks here on this board) said the rads continue to work their magic for three months afterwards. So, I am slowly working my way to…
breaking the gloom
How do you guys handle these situations? You know when an aquaintance comes to you and asks in a timid fashion ...How are you? Almost like they are scared of the response that your gonna give them. I keep trying to come up with a humorous way to respond to these nice folks who are genuinely concerned about you but dont…
Thinking of Skiffin today
Skiffin's big two year post PET is today. Thinking of him and sending prayers and best wishes his way and to everyone who is, has, or will battle this disease. Here is to good news for Skiffin. Myka
back in the glass shop!
Hi Everyone, I feel compelled to tell you all that I FINALLY went back into my little workshop, after almost 6 months of not even stepping foot in there..and finished a piece of glass that I started last September. It is FINISHED!!! It was intended for my hubby's Christmas present 2010, then became the March birthday gift…
Done with Treatment; No Follow up Scan?
Hi Everybody! This board has given me much comfort over the last couple of months. I finished my last of 33 radiation treatments for tonsil cancer six weeks ago. I didn't have chemo but I did have my right tonsil and what the doctor described as a tumor removed from the right base of my tongue. The cancer was apparently…
Carnation Instant Breakfast Program
Hey everyone. I know money is tight, especially when some of us have to take a leave of work. The thought crossed my mind to share this with the board. Feel free to share it with anyone else. At the hospital where I am being treated, they have a great program for carnation. I do not know how widespread this type of thing…
Update on my husband
For those of you that may remember, I had ask alot of questions a couple weeks ago about buccal mucosa cancer. My husband had his surgery this past Thursday. They did dissection of the tumor, skin graft from forarm and thigh, and selected neck dissection. Things went well for the first several hours. On Friday he was found…
after treatment scans
Ok, I really need some feedback on this. July 2006 completed chemo/rad for scc base of tongue. Following November had surgery to remove 5 lymph nodes on side of neck. Cancer free since then. My ocn who performed the surgery told me he doesn't schedule scans after 2 to 3 years. My rad/ocn and chemo/ocn are still…
Glass trout!!! and PEG (weird)
Hey ya'll! Well, here it is...this is from a free pattern found online. My hubby DOES fly-fish when we go to the mountains so he has alot of flies. When this photo was taken I did not have any E6000 on hand to attach a real fly to the piece. (and do not want to use anything else) Like most endeavors, it takes time and…
A post from Chefdaddy.
Chefdaddy posted to me on the superthread, so I thought I would place it here. Please pray for him and his son and daughter. He has really had a hard time. June 17, 2011 - 5:15am Hi Kiddo, A lot going on, Hi Kiddo, A lot going on, unfortunately, some is very bad. I got a call from my son's oncologist this morning regarding…
Gone A While
Hi, everybody. I've not posted for a while and I'm sorry about that. It seems that everything built up and came crashing down on me and I have been really down. I have been experiencing a great deal of facial pain and I have been to numerous doctor visits to try and get relief. My main doc and my ENT surgeon think that I…
Chef Daddy Mikes Son up-date
Hi everyone I talked to Mike last night and the pore man just can’t get a break. His Son was told the bad news yesterday by his doctors that more than likely his Liver will not allow him to do more Chemo again for his Leukemia. Mike and his Son was all day running from one doctor to another and was pretty exhausted by the…
skull base institute
Does anyone know any info. about the Skull Base Institute in los Angeles....just wondering if anyone has had any experience with them. I guess I'll also post this on the brain page.
squamous cell ca of tonsil
I am wondering if anyone has had or heard of someone having been treated for squamous cell ca of the tonsil, being "cured" and then 6 months later on a PET scan showing lymph nodes lit up? This is what happened to someone very close to me and I can not understand it. Could it be just an infection? What happens if it is…
July Fourth & Military
Please remember those that have and still pave the way for the freedoms that we enjoy.... Our men and women in the service, their families, those that are serving and those that have served. Those that have paid the ultimate price, those that have signed on the dotted line and know at what cost that could be.....ready 24/7…
Radiation burns
Hello Everyone, Of course I have another question about Connie's condition. Around her neck her skin is very dark and looks burnt. She is three 1/2 months out of treatment but this skin has become darker every week. I think we both thought this skin would peel like a bad sunburn, but so far that's not happening. It…
Hello Everyone! Happy 4th Of July, I hope your all enjoying it! I have a few questions and I'm not sure where to begin. My Dad has vocal chord cancer, and as of right now he is doing NON traditional treatments, and so far the cancer is NOT getting any worse. We just weren't comfortable with the surgery they wanted to do,…
Has anyone ever used Caphasol?
Has anyone ever used Caphasol for the mouth sores? I spoke with a fella that swears by it. He didn't hear about it until week 3 or 4 and reported huge success with it after initiating use. What does it actually do for you? All comments welcome and requested. Thanks to all, Mike
Husband's anger -- embarrassed...
We have a small mobile home in a nice neighborhood that I use as an in-town office for my business as our main home is in a small rural town (pop 250) 15 miles away with limited internet access and no businesses on "Main Street." I'm so embarrassed to say that I slept here last night, leaving my 58-year-old husband to…
New Allergies/Reactions?
Team, Happy Fourth of July. Thank you founding fathers, revolutionaries, military personnel (deceased, retired and active and formerly active), and people who stand, put their hand over their heart and join in when the Pledge of Allegiance is beginning. Now - haven't had a whine in a while - that dry patch is over. I broke…
does anyone have the same form of cancer?
I have been dx'ed with metastatic Melanoma with no known primary. While I have gotten excellent info from some very caring and knowledgeable people here, I am wondering if there is anyone with the same type of cancer I have. I guess while not unheard of it is not very common. I would love to hear from someone in the same…
"Be grateful for those who have opened the door before you, they have shown you new possibilities." When I came across this quotation, I immediately thought of all of you here at CSN. Thank you all! As I read these posts, I am still learning of how I can take better care of myself. God bless you! Love & Prayers, Patty
I am so blessed....
Hi Fellow Fighters, I know I have not been posting, but I come here for support. This site, my friends here, people I have never met, have gotten me through the worst days of my life. They gave me advice, answered my questions, comforted me, and supported me. I could not have come this far without YOU. I am NED as of 2011.…
Who on here has been in remission after doing chemo only or clinical trials? Have any of you had pallitive chemo...whatever that is.
hondo dr. sebi
Hello Hondo, I don't know if I am "supposed to" write you directly. I went to Dr. Sebi's site and plan to call them. I did not see under their product list the 2 that you mentioned you take (Chelation and Electro Cell). Just wondering. My husband's cancer has metastisized and we are trying to learn about alternative…
2 Questions
I have 2 questions frist I had my feeding tube removed 5 weeks ago now around where the tube went in it's swallen like fluid around it it's not sore or red like it might be infected I dont know if it may need to be drained or not has anyone had this problem. Next question 2 weeks ago I started taking Salagen to help with…
Wow,how time flies by. One year ago this week I was told by my doctor I had cancer. My wife was on a weeks vacation with here girlfriends when I got the news. Ironically this very week, she is on vacation with her girlfriends. She was in a shoe store at an outlet mall in line to buy a pair of red high heeel shoes when I…