Made it through my first week of treatment
Hello all, I made it through my first week of treatment. Monday was chemo: cisplatin and taxol. Tuesday - Friday rads. The mask didn't phase me. I just laid there and let the machine do it's thing. Chemo: Different report than rads. I have been very nauseous all week. Zofran didn't seem to help so I am switching to…
Emotional Issues
Do you feel like you are "wasting" your second chance at life?
one month check up
What was your first one month check up like after chemo and rads?
There is some light ahead
Had my one month follow up on June 14th. I had been off work for 3 going on 4 weeks. All my follow ups have been with the radiation oncologist and my oncologist. I have not seen my ENT since he referred me to oncology. I was told that eventually I'll see the ENT again. I know that for many here ENT is the coordinator. My…
How long were you out of work
I have been out of work since July 2010. I get ssi short term dissability. It pays all my bills with my wife working. She pays half the bills and i pay half. My problem is i am sitting home getting more and more depressed. I went from working 60 to 80 hours a week to nothing. I dont feel like i am able to go to work yet. I…
HPV Research
I came across this article regarding HPV, the vaccine and a summary of the latest research. I think there is some good info here. http://www.slate.com/id/2296748/pagenum/all/#p2 Cheers, Jimbo
Did you keep your mask?
Just wondering if everyone kept their mask and what did you do with it? I kept mine and am collecting different animal fur to make a halloween mask (or wall hanging) out of it! BILL
Has anyone experienced Head Sores
Has anyone ever gotten head sores after the first round of treatment? A week ago yesterday my husband had his first treatment Cisplatin and Docetaxel and then he had 5 days of Flurouracil. Tuesday he had the Neulasta injection. He started getting sores in his mouth last Saturday and now he has sores in the lower back of…
Throat infection
Hi All, As I have posted, I finished rad treatment on May 11. Cancer of left tonsil. This past Monday I went to my ENT doc (had a sore throat) and have a throat infection. Does anyone know how common that is? Is it an 'afterthought' of the radiation? I have follow-up with my oncology doc next week. Guess I'll find out…
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with AdCC in January of this year after having a tumor removed from my soft pallet. After surgery came 7 weeks of radiation to "mop up" any left over cells. 35 treatments later I lost all of my facial hair leaving me with only a partial neck beard that actually looked rather amusing but I…
Cancer and Dreams
Last night I had a dream about cancer. In my dream I had cancer, but later in my dream it was gone. I also dreamed that my husbands cancer came back in his neck and he needed surgery and wanted a hospital bed for the living room and I told him that was silly getting a hospital bed for just 3 months. We always question our…
hangin in after neck dissection
Updating on Neil..about 3 weeks ago he had a modified radical neck dissection. Chemo was not affecting his lymphnode at all, so this seemed like the next thing to do. They took out 77 lymphnodes and had to take out quite a bit of muscle. Pathology report showed Thyroid cancer, so now we are on the path to find out more…
This is my first post, been lurking for about 2 weeks
Hi everyone. I have stage 4 left tonsil CA diagnosed 4-1-11.You can read my story if interested as I just signed up to board and posted it. I am T2 n2a M0. Just started radiation today and currently hospitalized for PEG site infection. I wish all the best and will chime in form time to time. I have HPV related tonsil…
Neck dissection and what to expect
I'm scheduled for a partial right side neck dissection on May 17th and am wondering if anyone else has had this and what to expect. I've had 33 radiations, 2 chemos and am currently 11 weeks post radiation. The ENT said that he's planning on taking my right lymph nodes and jugular, cutting me from right ear to inside of…
Stage 4a tonsilar cancer - newbie
My husband just had day 4 of radiation for his recent diagnosis of tonsilar cancer, 4a. He had both tonsils removed, cancer only in left, 25 lymph nodes removed, two were squamous cell, rest benign. Our local cancer team (WA state) met after needle biopsy and suggested surgery & radiation. He's six weeks post surgery, had…
Hey Y'all, I'm not tryin to be too nosy here but I would like a few info. from everyone. This is helpful to me and my hubby as we're dealing with my recurrence from nasal cancer. it's in my orbital eye area now. I'm 50 years old... married 21 years and have an 18 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. My daughter just…
PET scan
Sorry I haven't posted much lately, I've been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster lately and didn't feel I could really be of much help to anyone so I've been staying away from the boards. I usually only respond to the posts to congratulate someone on a good scan or when someone has finally met NED. A brief background…
Hello and I hope all is well with the group. Yesterday I had a follow up chest CT to compare a CT that was taken last December when some type of mass that they assumed was either scar tissue from radiation or inflamed tissue. I am happy to report that it must have been inflamed tissue as there was nothing visible on the CT…
Saliva and taste....does it get better?
One of the greatest loves I think I have is food. I'm in the middle of my fifth week of rads. No peg, drinking a lot of ensure, and missing; pizza, steak, tacos, cheeseburgers, beer, gin, vodka. :) I can taste very little at this point and most food burns my tongue. The dry mouth is particularly frustrating as I talk a lot…
Why am i so cold
Before surgery i was never cold now i am cold most of the time. Any ideas. Thanks David
Still NED
Just had my last 6 week follow up exam and now I switch to visits every 3 months. I'm almost 14 months out and my Doctor says everything looks great. I was diagnosed with SCC unknown primary with 1 lymph node testing positive. I had a left neck dissection with tonsillectomy and everything came back negative except for the…
Skin Breakdown, Peg Tube
Good Morning All, I am usually on the Colorectal Cancer Board, but I thought I could get some better information over here. We are having a issue with hubbys PEG Tube, where the bumper is stiched into his adbomen around the bumpber he is having quite a bit of skin breakdown, we do have some leakage in this area that I…
Radiation treatment question
My mom is on Rad 18 Of 35. They told us today she needs a CT scan tomorrow to see if they need to narrow the radiation fields. I was wondering if this is standard practice? We are stressed as it is with moms cancer and dad passed away May 31st from cancer.
taking anger out on caretaker
OK, I am confused, my husband seems to be angry and short with me over simple things which is bringing me to tears. I am so stressed with trying to read and fill out forms, schedule, and coordinate, add to that we had to move this weekend and I am surrounded by boxes and can't find things and my stress level is through the…
I just read on line that; having a high level of pain after treatment is a possible sign for a reacu
I just read on line that; having a high of level pain after treatment is a possible sign for a reacurrence.I found the article interesting, being that my husband had a high level of pain before, during and afterwords. Kinda freaked me out.. I am always worried about the reacurrence thing. I guess I need to quit getting…
Spicey Food or things that burn my mouth...
Question for long-term post radiation patients: Will I ever be able to eat Ketchup, Tex-Mex, or anything acidy again?? Is this due to the lack of saliva? I am currently 5 months post radiation.
Is radiation related hair loss permanent?
I lost 2 weird looking semicircle patches of hair at the base of my neck. May have been related to that plastic molding my neck sat on during radiation. Now have very fine hair, perhaps 1/16" in those areas. Also, my facial hair is for the most part gone. I'm sure others here have lost hair due to radiation. Does it ever…
rad mask question
My husband had a test run with his Rad Mask on Thursday. He said there was a piece that went in his mouth that pushed up on the roof of his mouth and was very painful. Is this normal or should he let the doctor know. He said that the he told the tech it hurt and he ignored him. Thanks, I Debbie
Question for myself- gallbladder attacks
Hi guys, This is a question about an issue I am having. For about 3 years I have been having these episodes of pain. It is located in the top part of my stomach area. They always happen at night and start off with a little gas like discomfort and then turn into horrible pain. It is so bad that I can not get comfortable. I…
No the news we were hoping for
Buzz had a PET scan June 2 and the results are not the clean scan we had hoped for. A new spot has showed up on his tongue since the last scan 3 months ago. The suspicious area in the right neck is now larger and "brighter". To add insult to injury, he has a clot in his left Jugular vein and so is on Lovenox, transitioning…