Mymother completd her tests at mdanderson...now the onclogist called and said the paranasal recurrence was in the eye orbit. and now is growing along the nerve toward the base of the skull!!! He saw on mri. I am scared to death. We haven't heard from surgeon but oncologist said it will be too dificult to operate. He said…
Best short tips for handling chemo/RT
In the course of my recently finished 37 RT sessions and 6 chemos for a tumour on the root of my tongue, I came across a few good ideas and suggestions which I had not found amongst all the tips in the basic help literature. I thought it might be a good idea to start a "discussion" so that people could contribute their…
Trip to the MDA Dentist
I went to see my Dentist Doctor at MD Anderson yesterday and he said it looks like the Jaw is open as much as possible using the new Dynasplint device. I went from 14mm to 21.5mm of opening, that is still a little under an inch of opening but to me it is a lot. He said the next step is to get injections of Botox, but after…
Hi all: Basketcase here. Just thought I'd report that it has been rough; this being our first wedding anniversary since Charlie passed away. It was a pretty good day; but very rough. I did see Mr.Popper's Penguins. It is a cute movie and I enjoyed it. Good thing I had a gift card though. It was $9 for the ticket and 12.25…
Vocal cord nodule or lesion
My mother is 91 years old. The dr just did a biopsy on her Monday as she is having horseness while talking. He said there is a 50-50 chance it may be cancer. If it is he is suggesting radiation. She is 91. What can he be thinking? She is in good health otherwise and he dsadi he took it all out. My husband passed away in…
checking in
Well I havent been on here that much latley, anyway have not had a pet scan latley but have been feeling ok. Around 3 months post neck disection over 3 months post radiation and chemo. I had a tumor grow on my left ear, big nasty thing that was SCC, had a moess procedure done at the dermetologiest office to remove it, any…
Another good check up
I have been reading these posts for close to 2 years. They have been helpful. I saw my Doc yesterday and he suggested I come back on a yearly basis. I'm 22 months post treatment (tonsil, lymphnodes, stage 3). I feel very greatful. I like reading the success stories and so far I'm one of those. I do miss seeing DelNative's…
residual tumor
What is residual tumor? I aksed this dctor here at emory and he looked at me like i was crazy! I've heard it discussed on here before...or do I not know what i'm talking about???
Port removal
How long did you have your port in?
Pathologic Fracture
Just found out my husband has a pathologic fracture of his lower jaw bone on the left side. He is a almost 3 yr cancer survivor from oral cancer in this same jaw area and also in lymph nodes. He has had teeth pulled in that area over a year ago and did 30 hyperbaric treatments. Jaw was swelling and painful. During a…
Fear and... Can I believe this.
Hey ya'll! Went to the doc today..he looked down my throat and saw no cancer!!!!! Well, I can tell you that I am thrilled! Just thinking (tho it is 12 something a.m.) that I just might be able to sleep through the night. Yay! To those of you that are feeling fear or insecurity at all; I understand as most everyone here…
Question about teeth
I had to have all my teeth pulled before I started radiation. I'm wondering if anyone is/was in same shape, When were you okayed to get dentures? I'm not sure if its a dental question or radiation question.
Any of you that lost your swallow because of radiation treatments, how did you get it back and what foods did you start with the get it back?
Specific question re: mouth sores
My wife is 6 mos. out from rad/chemo for squamous cell lodged in her tonsils which resulted in a tonsillectomy & lymphectomy neck dissection as well. She is doing OK ~ actually really well compared to my own experience ~ and just got a clear PET scan. One residual problem she has, however, is an ulceration on the right…
5 weeks out
Well we are 5 weeks out. Husband seems to be healing up nicely. He went to his onco appt yesterday and he seems to be doing fine. Still sitting at 146 pounds. She said he needs to gain weight. But, he still can't eat. The left side of his mouth/tongue is still pretty fried. We will keep trying. I told him try to eat every…
Positive Post-I've finally kicked my Roxicet
After surgery, radiation treatment, and recovery, ohhh about 7 months worth of total time on Roxicet, I can say I've finally kicked it. On my 3rd day w/o it. :)
muscle pain
My husband is having muscle aches in his legs. They are not cramping up, they just hurt and he can't walk for long periods of time they ache too bad. Anyone suffer from this or have any ideas what may be causing this problem.
Input regarding Peg Tube
I completed my radiation treatment back on 5/18/11 and hear I am over a month later still not able to really eat. I have been going to speech/swallow specialist once per week for three weeks now. She just released me to start being able to eat what I want. The problem I am having is that I find alot of things still burn on…
New pic
Hi all: Hope this does right this time. When I went to preview my post; it gave me some weird message about post splitting and had the date as December 31, 1969! Weird! Anyway since tomorrow (the 28th) is our 36th wedding anniversary I thought I'd put a new pix in. Obviously it's when we got married so it's 36 years old!…
Distant Mets-Mick
Mick, My husband origianally had tumor on right tonsil with one lymph node involved.(Diagnosed 6/4/2009) He did 35 rads and two rounds of Cisplatin. All the cancer in the neck is gone but on his first PET they found some activity in a lymph node in his chest area. So now he is doing erbitux, carboplatin, & 5-FU for six to…
6 months post chemo chills
Along with the array of anticipated complications and changes, my husband is still experiencing severe chills (especially during/after eating (even warm foods)- but at least he can eat now!). He is 6 months post last chemo treatment for NPC IVB. He did radiation and cisplatin then followed with cisplatin and 5fu. Just…
The hardest part...
I found out today that the hardest part wasn't hearing the bad news, it was having to tell everyone that I love that my cancer is not only back in my left lung but I have "advanced stage" with lymph node involvement in my right lung. I even felt sorry for my doctor today when he was giving me all the bad news, he sounded…
Finished week two of treatment
Just looking for some insight from you all: My affected lymphnodes are not shrinking. I realized that I am just wrapping up week two of treatment (chemo/rads) but I guess I was hoping to see them shrinking. My ENT Dr. said that it will shrink and the neck dissection won't be very invasive, post treatment. I suppose I am…
PET scan results
Hello Everyone, I just wanted to say "Hello" and share the good news that Connie's PET scan was all clear. She is still on the peg tube and starting to eat some foods so getting her off the peg is our next challenge. It has been one hell of a roller coaster ride but we just held on and it's slowing down to let us off…
I had stage IV-a head and neck cancer with a tumor under my tongue and a 6.5 cm tumor in my left lymph node. I had 35 rads, 7 concurrent chemos and a selective neck dissection in Nov 2010. Now, my Radiologist has found a tumor in my Larynx. He has scheduled a PET Scan for this Wednesday, and referred me to Chapel Hill for…
Help...Need Advice.
Hello, Two years ago my dad was diagnosed with Stage III NPC. He went through chemo and radiation and they told us it was one of the easier cancers to treat and that he should be fine. In December of last year my dad was complaining of back problems so he went into the hospital for a CT scan and that's when they informed…
Juice Recipes Anyone
Hi everyone, I know at times we have all done the juice or let’s say the juicing thing. Just wondering if anyone is willing to share their recipes for making something good to drink? My wife makes me Carrots with a green apple in the evening, but the same thing everyday gets old so I need something new to add. I promise…
HNC Superthread. A collection of links with answers to frequently asked questions. EXCELLENT INFORMA
HNC Superthread. A COLLECTION OF HELPFUL LINKS ONLY. (please post only informative links here) Help for some FAQ. Head and Neck Superthread. ***PLEASE ADD ONLY INFORMATION IN THE FORM OF LINKS ON THIS THREAD**** There is a separate thread for any commentary about this one. I would like this one to be just a place for…
Two Year Post PET Scheduled
My Turn Coming Up for the Anxiety - PET is scheduled for July 6th, 8:30 AM.... It doesn't seem to matter, these things still give me anxiety. Not the tests themselves, the waiting of the results. Usually I have them make me a desk copy that I can pick up 24 hours later and a week before the follow-up with the MD. With all…
News from Rabarbar
OK, I have done a FNAB biopsy (tumor of parotid gland) today and I am waiting for the result. Probably I will be the most difficult week in my life. There are two news: one bad, one good: * The bad is that the tumor is located very deep in the gland which means that the surgery will be more difficult because of the facial…