Damn it... I hate this cancer...hate it..hate it...
I just got a phone call from my husband and I'm sitting here trying to work but instead, I can't...cause I'm crying again. I hate this cancer. Gawd, I hate this cancer!!! I keep thinking that everything is going to be fine and then I get these huge reminders that it's not going to be at all. Damn it. Husband, 58, was dx…
I want to know why????
I want to know why some people have cancers that come back and/or they have metasis to other parts of the body and others don't. Hell, I think doctors do not know the why's... It just saddens me to see that some people have to battle this beast over and over again. Why is cancer meaner to some folks and nicer to others.
I generally lurk here but do occasionally post. I would like to state for the record that the heroes on this planet are not the ones that score the touchdowns or hit the grand slam home runs. The heroes, my recently discovered ones, are everyone on this site that takes the time to help us by answering our questions and…
Fine Needle Aspiration
Hey all again. I just have a quick question. I have an appointment for a Fine Needle Aspiration of my Lymph Node on Thursday. When I try to look it up in google, I get several different responses as to what to expect. Do they put me to sleep? Is it just a local numbing agent? How long will I be there after its done? Is it…
Thanks for all your support, help and love....12 rads down
So went through my 12 rad, ended up speaking to the doctors and nurses...Going to try to manage pain with liquid Tylenol 3 with Codeine every 6 hours and 5mg (pill form..think I may need it in liquid)of Codeine 3 hours after each Tylenol dose. The doctor also prescribed 3 days in a row of 2L IV fluid with cordisone to calm…
Completed treatment!!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know I FINALLY finished chemo/rads on Wednesday! I managed all 3 rounds of cisplatin (last 2 at a reduced dose) and 35 rads. Had a couple delays due to chemo related side effects, a few shots of nupagen, a unit of blood, a bout of pneumonia, a couple hospital stays, and one ugly…
I can eat a GYRO! I can eat a GYRO! I can eat a GYRO!
..not that I am excited or anything..It has been over 18 months...yum. Stacey
Good scan results
Hey everyone, just wanted to share some good news. I got results from my MRI today and was told my tumour has shrunk quite a bit from the chemo which I am ecstatic about. I have stage IV Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and instead of going straight into radiation/chemo treatment which I am told is apparently the standard…
90 day post-treatment shows lung inflammation/"warm" spots
I went in for my 90 day post-treatment PET and CT yesterday. All the disease in my neck and lymph nodes is GONE!! Wiped out, eliminated, kaput. BUT, they discovered what they described as "warm" spots in my upper lungs. They say these are caused by inflammation, infection or metastatic cancer. There is still a lot of…
Black Tongue
I am on the verge of becoming a "registered Chow Dog" - my tongue has several black spots and they are growing. If this were on someone else I'd probably stare, smile (possibly giggle to myself) and throw them bone but the fact is it is happening to me. My Dr told me "don't worry about it" but that is hard to do when you…
I just downed a boost!
Reading about everyone eating....I am starving...I decided I would just bite the bullet and just downed the boost.....hope that helps me sleep better. I cannot wait to get to the other side and enjoy meals again.....wonder what that will be, I love such variety...mexican...greek......japanese.....and much more that gyro is…
Low Country Boil
I have to say first that I'm sorry for those of you still struggling through taste and saliva issues....I do have compassion as I have been there also. But after two years post treatment, I have regained a huge amount of both and do enjoy good eats....so I was watching one of the fishing shows the other day and they were…
Wish me luck - A GOOD THING
Taking five grandchildren to Panama City Beach for a week. Oldest is 11 youngest is 1 1/2 (his mom will be there, even I'm not that brave). Really do hope my strength stays up this week because I do want them to make good memories.
Thank You!
Hi all: Just wanted to thank all of y'all for prayers for Donna at my church. I found out while I was out of town that she passed away Thursday morning. I also learned that it was March 17 when she was diagnosed. She didn't even make it four months. Thanks for all the prayers and continue to pray for her family, please.…
juice while in treatment
Did anyone drink or put through PEG juices during treatment? If so what juices did not make you sick to your stomach?
I really miss pizza
I am about 7 weeks post treatment for scc tonsil cancer. 38 rads and 3 chemo....a walk through hell. I seem to be healing good. My taste is coming back slowly but surely. I have been able to eat cheeseburgers for about a week and a half as long as I drink after each bite to swallow. However, I still cannot get pizza or…
newly diagnostic Nasopharyngeal stage3 -Update
Hi everyone, Frist, I want to say thank all of you here for your encourgements, supports, prayers and helpful information. I want to stop by and give a update about my husband treatment at Johns Hopkins. The first chemo session started last wed feb 23 and ended Sunday. He was given both 5FU and Cisp. His body is getting a…
Six week follow up visit today
Well my hubby is going for his six week follow up today with the rad doctor. When he went for the 4 week check up he had Thrush so he told him to come back in 2 weeks. So, here we are, I am wondering if my husband will remeber to discuss with the doc about fatigue, nasuea (he got sick this morning) and the bump on the side…
11 rads in and it is getting tough already
#12 is today......throat is killing me....tried to eat a bowl of cereal with milk this morning softened....bad choice.....felt like push pins all the way down my throat and then got naseautated and got sick. Now my voice is gone. This is so painful, taking t3 elixer right now along side with 2 different rinses. I have read…
"Mean" cancer made me think
I always assumed my cancer was female because it cost me a lot of money, had me tossing and turning at night and had me watching my weight very closely. At least I kept the house when we parted. Nuff said
Allow me
Hello to all. Im a little embarrassed to admit that I have followed your posts religiously for months without saying a peep. Im contacting you all on behalf of my dad, Tony, a 64 yr old man diagnosed in february 2010 with stage 4 cancer of the tonsil with spread to lymphnodes. I am one of his 8 daughters, 25 yrs old. And i…
Tonsil Cancer
Hi. Im new here, just found this site while looking for information. I am 36 years old, female, wife and mother of 4. I had a swollen lymph node and went in to my doctor. They ran blood tests and told me it was a virus/infection, take these antibiotics and it will get better. It didnt. I went to 2 more doctors, and got the…
a funny one
tonight i went to the kitchen to get myself a snack (i am still 40 pounds under my starting weight). The wife looks over my shoulder and tells me that there arent any snacks because she hasn't had the time to do the grocery shopping. So she suggests a can of peaches. I think okay, i know that peaches taste okay now because…
What happens when the post treatment PET is not clean
Buzz will be having an MRI on Tuesday to get a better picture of the metabolically active areas on his tongue and right neck. The right neck area was negative before treatment so this is a new development which has grown in size and brightness between scans. A new spot has appeared on his tongue since the last scan. What…
kidneys and dehydration
Jim was admitted to the hospital Friday for dehydration. This morning the doctor said his kidney function numbers were up and if they did not go down by tomorrow they would call in a kidney specialist. I am scared. Has anyone been through this? He has been on intervenious fluids since and is not getting any better. Doc…
Lymphedema Problems
I am suffering from severe lymphedema of the face, neck and I think what appears to be my tongue. I am now over four years post surgery and treatment for pharyngeal cancer. I think they removed about fourteen lymph nodes in my neck during my surgery. I was not initially bothered by lymphedema at least as not severe as it…
nausea and feeding tube
The past couple of days my husband has been sick to his stomach. He is not vomitting, just feeling yucky. We have been using ensure and boost in his eeding tube. I am trying to get a grant from Visiting Angels so we can get some Jevity. I am looking for some recipes for the feeding tube. Not sure what to use, I am afraid I…
How Can I Cope?
Still having lots of facial pain and now my throat feels sore and swollen as well. I had planned on getting back in to see my ENT this week, but last Sunday, my Mother died and my world is in turmoil. I am very nervous about coping with the funeral home and the funeral itself today and tomorrow. Sometimes, the pain in my…
7 week follow up
I went to see my rad/onc doc on 7/12 for 7 week follow up. He had not seen me for 3 weeks and the first thing he said was, "Who's this guy?" He said I looked great compared to the guy 3 weeks earlier with the burnt and peeling neck, unable to open his mouth or swallow, etc. I seemed relatively normal now in comparison. I…
I am 7 weeks post scc tonsil cancer treatment. 38 rads and 3 cisplatin. At about 5 weeks I noticed swelling/juggling under my chin. At first I freaked out thinking c was back but it seems to make sense that it is a side effect of the lymph nodes being removed. Does anyone know if I can find some online resource to show me…