Prayers needed
I found out two days ago my Mama cancer is back. She had half of a lung removed along with lymph nodes in 2011. Now she has lmph nodes from the removal area up into her neck, or how ever you say it. She is 76 Years old, and I wish I could be with her again, but I have to worry about me this time. Oh and she has asked for…
Skiffin 16
I have been gone for a few weeks with pneumonic so I might have missed something’s. I don’t see John posting anything in a good while, anyone hear from him lately. Tim Hondo
Tonsil Cancer Diagnosis
Hi everyone. I just found out on Monday this week that I have tonsil cancer (left tonsil)...bummer. I went to see an ENT last week (Wed) due to my left tonsil being huge for the past several months. He took a biopsy that day and I found out this week that it is cancer. I had a head and chest CT scan yesterday and my doctor…
A friend and coworker
just found out that she has Stage IV cancer in her stomach area with spots on her lung and brain. Her doctors are optomistic and want to hit it hard and get treatment going. She is debating it because she has "always heard" that any Stage IV means no hope. I have told her otherwise. She also doesn't want to lose her hair.…
Salagen (for dry mouth)...
When I saw my ENT last week and complained about the dry-mouth he prescribed 'Salagen' which is used specifically to stimulate saliva secretion in patients that have undergone rads for head and neck cancers among other afflictions. I'm picking it up this week. Has anyone here ever used this medication or knows of someone…
Need help
Cant figure out where my discussions our going when after I read them. Envelope turns grey and can't get them back.
Am new here have been treated for tonsil cancer. Am 6 weeks out from radiation having trouble with mucositis and swelling. Is there any possible recovery time for this as having trouble getting nutriction in. Was given meds from ENT but has not subsided. Also have radiation burns on inside of mouth. any idea on the length…
Very confused by a post written by Gypsy1959
Hi there, Wasnt going to write , but its really getting to me. Am really confused by a recent post called " scared" by Gypsy1959. I am pretty sure I did not say anything wrong and if I did , I am sorry. But I really honestly cannot see it ?? I am sooo confused and actually a little upset. Tried contacting Gypsy1959 but…
Swallow issues
After nearly 12 yrs of cancer free, finally the side effect has caught up with me. I am having major difficulty eating, have a permanent feeding tube since last year and affecting my speech. Doctors believed due to scar tissues from radiation and neck dissection. Have seen many speech and swallow therapists and nothing…
Had my PET scan this morning. Had it at the hospital where I hard my laryngectomy in January. Anyway, just like every one else, I want my results NOW. But, of course, the doctor is not working today. The radialogist came to talk to me afterwards - first time that happened - should I worry or not? He asked if I had any…
My Old friend Pneumonia
Had another fight with a little Pneumonia for the last 3 or 4 weeks, did not know what was going one. I would feel good during day and sick at night, running high fever and then freezing. I had to go out of town on a 3 day job but had to come back home because I was feeling so bad. Caretaker Wife made me go see the family…
Out of hospital
After 4 weeks in hospital I'm home. I had a blocked bowel and was dehydrated. I was vomiting internally as my throats blocked and the stomach contents had no where to go. A bag was put on my PEG tube and my stomach drained. It was left on for 10 days. A formula was made for me and I fed through through a vein. I lost 4…
I beat Stage 3 Rectal Cancer and now after a "punch out" of a tumor on the base of my tongue I have Stage 4a HPV tongue cancer.
Expiration date
I know that we don't have an expiration date. I plan on enjoying my days. I have another recurrance in my Maxillary Sinus, scattered, not a well defined tumor. No surgery, no more radiation. I am looking into a trial medicine or a chemo combination to keep the monster at bay. It would be wonderful if it would shrink.…
What are the x-rays for?
my dad just finished week two of 30 radiation trearments at MSKCC. he is HPV+ SCC BOT. He said he is getting an X-ray once a week but he's not sure hat they are for. Can you detect cancer on an X-ray? What else would the weekly x-Ray be foR? Thanks for your help in advance.....
Hi to all.
Hi to all, Been kind of quiet for a few days fighting these crazy radiation and chemo effects. I have been reading the posts and to some of you my heart is so sad for what you are dealing with and with others, I am so happy you are finally NED.Or at least finished with these horrid treatments and on the way to healing. And…
Lack of urination
My first post - but i have read a ton of posts looking for this info.... My husband just finished treatment - 3 Cisplatin / 35 rad for stage IV, HPV positive, primary location not found (occult? - that doesn't seem like the correct word - I am a little weary) Radiation was pretty widespread because of not knowing the…
PEG Tube
So I had surgery today to have PEG tube put in and had a question for anyone that had this done. I am having fluid come back into the tube. I have not used it yet because can eat and dring at this time but it has filled up the tube approx 12". I was just wondering has anyone else experienced this and if so is this normal?…
Happy Thanksgiving Day...
...and on this day I went for a PET scan and it came back clean and I welcomed my new friend NED to the house. The side-effects from the rads get me down at times but the news today was most welcome. Ironically on this day of thanks I am given new hope for the future...
Parted ways with peg tube today.
Hi, Just parted ways with my peg tube an hour ago. It feels so weird not having anything dangling in front of me hahaha. I was weighed first and then bought in to Dietician. I had unfortunately lost another 2 kgs and thought they will definitely not remove it today. But the dietician asked if I used it anymore and I…
Dry Mouth / Throat
Three months out now from tx of 3 chemos and 35 rads and the dry mouth and throat seem to be getting worse. Have to drink water constantly and of course now have to go to the bathroom constantly. I wake up and it's not too bad but gets progressively worse as the day goes on. By late afternoon and early evening it's…
Surgery after chemo rad
Hello all my warriors, How are you guys doing,Its been long time i was away from this foroum,as i was with my father during his surgery. Yes my father underwent surgery after Chemo and 35Radiations for T3N2Mo.The surgery underwent fine.It was Total Laryngectomy and partial pharyngectomy with Radical neck dissection.The…
Sorry I haven't logged in..
Sorry haven't logged in for awhile. Been down in the dumps I guess. Things just get worse instead of better. Beginning to wonder if I can beat this. Has been one hill after another to climb to get this far. Had hoped I would have finished treatments by now. Did get the * power port * and got the stitches out yesterday. Doc…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a message from rita44556 prompting you for money,…
What IS 'Miracle Mouthwash' ?! :)
Hiyah I keep seeing 'Miracle Mouthwash'. As far as I know, we don't have it over here. But you're all saying it's really good. As you know, I'm going in on 14th November to have even more of my tongue taken away Here is what I do have prescribed, and 'in stock' in my ever bursting medication cupboard: * Xylocaine…
I have a question I would really like some feedback on. I have read and now I have met a doctor that said something I have wondered about. That is this. I have seen/heard it said that "anyone" who develops cancer has had some significant stressful event, probably in the last 18 months? Stress kills as surely as does…
2 Days Left !!
I only have 2 days left. One more Cisplatan and radiation tomorrow and then one last rad on Friday. Last week I was hospitalized for 2 days from dehydration and at the end of my rope. Mainly I have thrush, peeling neck skin (lizardish). I am without a feeding tube and have survived on Ensure. This last 7 weeks have been…
Surthriver Giving Thanks
It is close to Thanksgiving, and I have a lot (a lot, have you ever really thought about that term, I mean really, a lot, what is that....; what is a "lot" anyway?)to be thankful for. First and foremost, I am just happy to be here, and then, I am a surthriver, having been here 14 and change years past my final…
Still in hospital
still in hospital 3rd week. I've had endless tests, 4 ct scans, 5 X-rays, the diagnose has been so far dumping syndrome, now ruled out, now they say it's a blockage in the bowel. They've taken that seriously as I'm a PEG feeder and a completely blocked throat. I've had a bag attached to my feeding tube so nothing goes…
Passed the 2 year mark- Tonsil Cancer
Hi All, Having passed the 2 year mark was a great relief!!! The best part if this whole experience is that I had my one salivary gland moved to below the center of my chin before the therapy. ....although I can only produce saliva on one side of my mouth.....the surgery was a blessing. Has any one else had the salivary…