Menu Suggestions
Hi all, I am just wondering if any of you have any menu suggestions. I am living on scrambled eggs, homemade chicken noodle soup, applesauce, mashed potatoes and mashed squash/sweet potatoes. I have been avoiding dairy, it seems tlo increase mucus. I have four of thirty radiation treatments left, no chemo, a lot of mouth…
New procedure to open up esophagus
With so many reports here of folks struggling with constricted or closed throats and now living with PEG for the long haul, I saw this post about a very new experimental treatment that might offer hope to restore swallowing. Click
Chemo and radiation..MSKCC recommendation for HPV+
hello! so my dad has recovered from his surgery where they wound up removing all lymph nodes on one side of neck and found verrrrryyy tiny primary tumor site at base of tongue. PET scan before surgery showed no other cancer (didn't detect primary tumor one pet at all). - after a few weeks he found out the cancer was HPV…
2 yr check up- Still NED!
Hi Everyone! I know I don't always post topics as much as I use to, but I view everyday and comment when I can. So, I try not to be a stranger....But, I wanted to share the good news!... Kreg has gone for his 2 yr check up today and he still remains NED! For those of you that are not familiar with us, he was diagnosed Aug…
PET results
Had another PET yesterday at Mayo, results were good!!!!! Last PET was only 7 weeks ago but always that concern. Next one not for 3 months. Seems like I get an awful lot of PET scans. Maybe because I have had two recurrances. As I was going in the bldg I noticed that I had pulled my gtube out. If it was going to happen,…
Should I get PEG tube?
I know it's probably been discussed alot in the past but I wanted to hear from my friends what you think. I haven't been able to eat food for 3 weeks now. I've got 14 rads left and 3 chemo. I've been drinking Ensure. Now I cannot keep it down either. I'm using anti nausea meds every 3 hours and still vomiting up the…
Day 4 of RapidArc radiation for low grade parotid gland mucoepidermoid carcinoma...still very anxio
Hello. I am new to the board. So happy to have found it: I feel very alone even if my family is helping a lot. I feel they do not understand what is going on with me and all the talk and chit chat they do to try to distract me, make me angry. I am so sorry for them, but I cannot help myself being the positive and outgoing…
What are these links posted by testerbens? I'm not clicking on anything!!
I have tongue cancer. I think...
Hey there all, so I'm not sure if I should post here or not but I've been having some problems in the last month or so and have been self diagnosing with the help of the ever helpful Dr.Google. I'm sure. 110% that I have tongue cancer, really really sure. I have almost all of the symptoms I can find online and am…
having a problem today...all day....sick stomach and my ensure food rushing towards my throat like I'm going to be sick but I have a stricture in my throat and nothing passes. I've taken soluble anti acid tablets and anti sickness medicine but it isn't helping. Every time the acid and food rushes towards my throat it burns…
Uveitis and NPC
Hello everyone!! Just wondering if any of you have experienced recurrent Anterior Uveitis (eye inflammation) post treatment? I had a few recurrences last year and now again. The Docs don't seem to know why I'm getting it. Sometimes I think it could be related to the radiation (because everything else seems to be!! ) so was…
First Time I Had to use Miracle Mouthwash- A question
Through all the treatments I've been through I've never had bad mouth sores. Got some this time and got Miracle Mouthwash today. My question is, does this stuff actually heal the sores or is it just for the numbing properties? Thanks, Joe
Checking IN
Hi all: Haven't forgotten y'all. Never will for that matter! Request prayer requests for dear friend (Debbie) in Chatt. She is dealing with her stepdaughter diagnosed with brain tumor - inoperable, highly malignant and very aggressive. And then her cousin who lives about ten minutes from his wife Jean who has all sorts of…
Swollen Epiglottis, when does this heal, its been 9 weeks ???
Hi there, I was getting my throat checked with a camera down the nose almost 2 weeks ago now. Was told that everything was fine and throat was healing well but my epiglottis is still swollen. Im assuming this is what gives me the feeling of something stuck in my throat ? It has now been about 9 weeks since my treatment…
Update on "HAWVET"
My Dad "HAWVET" asked me, his daughter Shirley, to make sure that I sent all of you his goodbyes when he passed. He considered you friends and obviously held you in high regards. We miss him terribly right now and thank you for all of your prayers and support!!
Prayer request for my husband
My husband picked me up from rehab Friday and at 4am Satirday morning suffered a stoke. Thanfull I was home with him. Hospital did not give him antidote because they thought he was on blood thinner. Turns out he was not. He is in ICU and struggling. He is my love of 35 years and my world. Please include him in your prayers.
Mouth sores from 5fu
I'm looking for others who have had 5fu treatments I've had one treatment with the infusion removed last Saturday. The mouth sore are really severe. Not so much pain, but not able to eat, brush, and even open mouth very wide. What have others done to releave this side effect?
Anybody use/need Gravity Bags for PEG tube?
I have been off the feeding tube since Feb, and had it removed in March. I have a month supply of gravity bags that I do not need. The cancer center won't take them. If you could use them, private message me. I will ship to US addresses. Thanks! Lorna 2007 & 2014
Can Radiotherapy affect your hearing?
Bilateral, 60 gy x 36. Halfway up face and back of head.
Found a peanut, found a peanut
Found a peanut, found a peanut just now. Remember that childhood song. Well I have been singing that song since Tuesday. Four plus years ago they found a place on my mothers left lung and wanted to biopsy it but she refused. Fast forward to this summer. Spot is now the size of a quarter and she is spitting up blood. She…
Esophageal problems
Need some input please....I am dealing with radiation damage to my esophagus and am wondering f anyone who has experienced the same could let me know at what point were you ble to swallow solid food and what did you begin with. Ive had 8 EGD procedures to help with the stricter in my throat. After my second Barium swallow…
I head off to Stanford tomorrow. I received a letter stating that they would accept whatever my insurance would pay, I am afraid it will be $0. The hole in my jaw has gotten bigger, a crown popped off and my wisdom tooth fell out last week. There is still an opening from mouth to sinus and a small opening in the scar from…
Flu shot?
Did anyone refuse the Flu shot? Doc seemed unhappy with me that I don't want it. I have only had the Flu once and that was years ago. Is there any benefits to would want me to change my mind? Prayers and Hugs ! Kritter
Been a while
Hi Folks, It's been a long while since I posted or participated on the forum. I want to extend my apologies for my lack of communication. I participated quite a bit before, during and immediately after my diagnosis and treatment. I recieved a Facebook post asking about myself and Marcia. It basically inquired as to how we…
Just a quick update..., sorta.. I'm still hanging in there full of hope... I had an abcess pop up, very slowly near one of the original drain sites... That was pretty painful.., got some antibiotics and pain meds for that, and it's on the mend. Not much new on the leky hole as of yet... I am scheduled to see my Gastro MD…
It feels great to have more radiation sessions behind me (17) then in front of me (13)! :) It is going ok, mouth and throat sores but manageable with all the great advice from the CSN. I don't know if I missed it on the discussion boards but has anyone else experienced itching on the radiation sites? My neck and ears itch…
Sable1 does Happy Dance
Dear All: 6 month post pet scan behind me now. Wow, what a two week scananziety attack! My Pet Scan showed no cancer. Amen! I was so mentally and physically tired that I litterally slept the whole weekend. Taken Lorazpan definitely helped me get through it, though, the rad dr. wasn't to enthused to see me so calm on a…
Question on tongue sensitivity
Hi all On day 11 of 14 golfing in Scotland, nice to finally get away after 3 years of hell. I never lost saliva and my taste seems to be 120% of normal as flavors are amplified now though some have changed. Orange juice can burn and some red tomatoe sauces do the same. All carbonated beverages burn plus all alcohol. The…
rads/chemo vs surgery
Now I am very worried. I finished rads/chemo 9 wk ago. I was initially given a choice of rads/chemo or surgery. Drs though did advise me against surgery saying it could affect my speech. Ive now read a post on here where surgery is the better option, picking the other, you end up with problems as a result of rad/chemo the…
quick hello and thank you
Hi, I'm starting chemoradiation on Monday, and although I just registered on this forum, I've been lurking for a couple of weeks on and off as I do research on what I'm up against. So by way of introduction... My name is Siobhan and I was diagnosed in early September with squamous cell carcinoma in my neck via a fine…