My Old friend Pneumonia

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

Had another fight with a little Pneumonia for the last 3 or 4 weeks, did not know what was going one. I would feel good during day and sick at night, running high fever and then freezing. I had to go out of town on a 3 day job but had to come back home because I was feeling so bad. Caretaker Wife made me go see the family doctor and there is was my old friend Pneumonia. There was also something else, there always is in the x-ray that my family doctor seen so she made me go see a Lung doctor. What was really nice is the Lung doctor was very familiar with my type of NPC cancer, so he knew just what to look for in the x-ray. So after more x-rays he said it is only Pneumonia nothing else, wow that made feel better right away. God Bless to each and every one of you

Tim Hondo


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Not sure how to word this...

    It's not a good thing to have pneumonia, but it's good that is what you had and you didn't need to be hospitallized. Tim it just sounds so wrong to say "I'm glad you had pnueumonia", but I know what you mean. With my COPD that is one of the bigest worries other than a return SCC. I have to keep Antibiotics and steroids at the house at all times. 

    I do hope you are felling better and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Great your back

    glad to hear your back, it's all ups and downs with this cancer,, even when your NED the side effects still hit you. I'm hoping to come out of hospital tomorrow. I'm back on the ensure just got to build back up to full strength .Im sure my stomach doesn't like ensure but the dietician insists it can't harm me. Continue to get better and enjoy Christmas.

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Tim,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are doing another dance with your old friend, and hopefully it will end soon.  I literally know what you are going through, as I have had that dance partner before too, and know how much fun it is not.  I'm glad to hear that it's just pneumonia, (who ever thought that those would be welcome words- oh, you just have pneumonia- alrighty then, bring it on), so now you can focus on kick'in this and getting back to feeling good, if not great again.  Happy Thanksgiving Tim.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Was wondering

    I was wondering why we hadn't  heard from you, especially when ChefDaddy posted.  Sorry to hear you are going through this again.  Glad that you are on the mend.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Was wondering

    I was wondering why we hadn't  heard from you, especially when ChefDaddy posted.  Sorry to hear you are going through this again.  Glad that you are on the mend.

    worse is over

    Looks like the worse is over and I am back to my old normal once again. Wow is all I can say what a punch; I thought I was on my last there for a while; Anyway just glad for all the prayers.


    Patrick you are so right, man I was sweating it just knowing the doctor was going to tell me something bad.


    Thanks everyone

    Tim Hondo

  • Jeff2159
    Jeff2159 Member Posts: 108

    Looks as though I have joined your club. Oct took a month off of treatment and went to Scotland and played 6 rounds in 11 days. Had a wonderful time with my wife where I played and she shopped, slept or went to spa. Very relaxing trip for both of us. Did a 6th round of carboplatin and 5-fu 2 days after getting home and this time it knocked me on my **** more than usual. No eating or swallowing for 5 days due to nausea but did have hydration. After that it was a struggle to still swallow. Whole time my endurance has dropped where I played 3 days in a row of golf, I can barely walk 100 feet. Started radiation tues for my bone cancer pain (after 3 sessions it has helped) but the past month I have been coughing flem with bits of blood mainly in morning but decreased after the last round of chemo. Last weekend I was not feeling better and then with radiation thought I might have side effects. Anyhow after rads on friday I decided to check myself into the evaluation treatment as I had been on antibiotics for 3 days with no fever reduction and didn't want to have an issue over the weekend. Well I stayed for 4 hours, got hydratin and IV antibiotics and a diagnose of pnemonia. Will find out monday or tues exacting what type I have but after 12 hours I did feel alot better and the cough has gone from every 30 seconds to 30 minutes. The mucous is a real pain but the exhaustion does not help either. Holding off further chemo until rads are done and now til I feel stonger. Next chemo may be Taxol. Anyhow, pnemonia is not fun

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Jeff2159 said:


    Looks as though I have joined your club. Oct took a month off of treatment and went to Scotland and played 6 rounds in 11 days. Had a wonderful time with my wife where I played and she shopped, slept or went to spa. Very relaxing trip for both of us. Did a 6th round of carboplatin and 5-fu 2 days after getting home and this time it knocked me on my **** more than usual. No eating or swallowing for 5 days due to nausea but did have hydration. After that it was a struggle to still swallow. Whole time my endurance has dropped where I played 3 days in a row of golf, I can barely walk 100 feet. Started radiation tues for my bone cancer pain (after 3 sessions it has helped) but the past month I have been coughing flem with bits of blood mainly in morning but decreased after the last round of chemo. Last weekend I was not feeling better and then with radiation thought I might have side effects. Anyhow after rads on friday I decided to check myself into the evaluation treatment as I had been on antibiotics for 3 days with no fever reduction and didn't want to have an issue over the weekend. Well I stayed for 4 hours, got hydratin and IV antibiotics and a diagnose of pnemonia. Will find out monday or tues exacting what type I have but after 12 hours I did feel alot better and the cough has gone from every 30 seconds to 30 minutes. The mucous is a real pain but the exhaustion does not help either. Holding off further chemo until rads are done and now til I feel stonger. Next chemo may be Taxol. Anyhow, pnemonia is not fun


    Sorry you were down and out but good to hear you are on the mend. Don't overdo! Prayers sent your way. 

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Jeff2159 said:


    Looks as though I have joined your club. Oct took a month off of treatment and went to Scotland and played 6 rounds in 11 days. Had a wonderful time with my wife where I played and she shopped, slept or went to spa. Very relaxing trip for both of us. Did a 6th round of carboplatin and 5-fu 2 days after getting home and this time it knocked me on my **** more than usual. No eating or swallowing for 5 days due to nausea but did have hydration. After that it was a struggle to still swallow. Whole time my endurance has dropped where I played 3 days in a row of golf, I can barely walk 100 feet. Started radiation tues for my bone cancer pain (after 3 sessions it has helped) but the past month I have been coughing flem with bits of blood mainly in morning but decreased after the last round of chemo. Last weekend I was not feeling better and then with radiation thought I might have side effects. Anyhow after rads on friday I decided to check myself into the evaluation treatment as I had been on antibiotics for 3 days with no fever reduction and didn't want to have an issue over the weekend. Well I stayed for 4 hours, got hydratin and IV antibiotics and a diagnose of pnemonia. Will find out monday or tues exacting what type I have but after 12 hours I did feel alot better and the cough has gone from every 30 seconds to 30 minutes. The mucous is a real pain but the exhaustion does not help either. Holding off further chemo until rads are done and now til I feel stonger. Next chemo may be Taxol. Anyhow, pnemonia is not fun

    Hi Jeff


    As they say you can’t keep a good man down, looks like you had a little hell there are a few days but glad they found the pneumonia before it got really bad. I have a problems taking antibiotic now, many of them will not work and my stomach is so messed up from taking so much that I am always having stomach problems. Well my new Lung doctor does antibiotics a different way, by injection every 3 or 4 days, wow it kick the  pneumonia right out of me with little or no problems from the antibiotic. I am almost back to normal whatever normal is, take care and keep your focus on getting through your treatment and back to doing all the things you love to do.


    Tim Hondo