So Far..., So Good...
So far, so good.... I even got to take the boat out New Years Day with my beautiful wife and catch a few Crappie..., but they were released to grow bigger... Best, John
Luck of the Draw?
I was treated at Johns Hopkins. They are one of, if not the top hospital in the country for treating cancer. My team consists of some of the best and brightest in their fields. When I see a study coming out of JH, I take notice. This was a VERY interesting study and conclusion and worth reading. Having been a member on the…
No longer lurking
Hi everyone, Happy New Year! Thanks to all of you who've posted about your journeys. I've gotten a lot of encouragement and ideas over the last couple of weeks here. My husband just started treatment for tonsil cancer yesterday. So I figured it's time to stop lurking and just introduce myself! We have a lot to learn!…
checking in
Hello everyone ! I've been a bit remiss in posting the past few months. But I have been reading posts and sending out silent prayers for all. My brother is 6 mo's out of tx's for the SCC HPV + dx. His recent PET showed no new evidence of disease ! So bringing in the New Year has brought much relief and hope for a great…
Dad starts off the new year ringing the bell!
Dad finished radiation treatment yesterday at MSKCC and got to ring the bell! I'm so happy to know this phase is over for him and he can now move forward in recovery. He did 30 radiation treatments (SCC BOT HPV+ with lymph node involvement, clear margins after modified radical neck dissection and tongue surgery, tonsils…
Goodbye 2014
Goodbye 2014 - Glad to see you gone! Wishing all a happy and healthy New Year! Lorna 2007 & 2014
Merry Christmas; Happy New Year, etc. etc.!
Hi all: Hope everyone had a great holiday season. I've been subbing a lot and fixing to start a long term sub on Monday for a kindergarten teacher on maternity leave till March 9 and another kindergarten teacher who will be out on maternity beginning in April thru rest of school year. I am truly blessed! I spent Christmas…
Treatment a 3rd Time
I am a 44 year old father of four and I've been through head and neck cancer twice and Hodgkin's lymphoma once, so like all of you been through multiple radiation and chemo treatments. I've given up my normal voice for a strange one due to treatment, given up most of what I used to eat and I've given up my handsome young…
PET scan results!
Thank you all for your encouragement. I had my followup scan yesterday. Phrannie, I tried not to think about it too much.☺ The doctor's words were " complete response to treatment"! The cancer is gone! I know it could come back, but for now, I will praise God for this happy day!
No trial
I do not qualify for the trial at Stanford. I will be getting Taxol locally. I will see my local ENT, who is very good about staying in contact with Stanford. I will go back to Stanford in 2 months to be evaluated to see if this is helping keep the beast at bay.
Prayers Requested
I am asking for prayers for my husband, Jim. Yesterday he went in for his three month scan of his chest. Last year his scans showed a 6-7 mm spot on his lungs and another smaller spot. We have taken a wait and see approach, as we realize this could be anything and because it was too small to biopsy. Well, the 6-7mm spot…
Tonsil Cancer 2 Year Check Up....NED
Just wanted to give some encouraging news to those currently fighting tonsil cancer. I just had my 2 year post treatment checkup (scope of throat and CT scan). NED!! It's hard to believe that it has been 2 years since I was in treatments. I was just finishing up right before Christmans 2 years ago. It was really hard, at…
Ned 3 year CT Scan
Good news....A few wees back I had my 2.5 year CT Skan and it was NED. In addition, the doctor at MD Anderson moved me from the "Cancer Patient" group to the "Cancer Survivor Group" IT was a fabulous today and today is my 56th birthday...hoping for many more. You guys really have helped me get throught the tought times.…
Rang the bell!!!!!!!
After a week of break due to an extended Thanksgiving vacation and few days to recover from swelling of the alloderm they put in during surgery, I finally rang the bell today! It has been a very challenging journey, especially emotionally, but I learned a lot about myself and also it gave me a new perspective about family…
Think I'm sorted
after a long month with weeks in hospital I think I'm finally sorted. I was taken into hospital after my stomach ballooned out and I was in agony with trapped gas. My bowel blocked and I have a complete stricture in the throat and couldn't pass the gas. I started to vomit but that couldn't get out and for days stayed…
Update.. Bad Trip
Talked with ONC Doc yesterday, he was speechless when he first walked into the room, and sat and looked at me for a few minutes. Said I am not the only most complicated case he has dealt with, but also the erbitux rash, one of the worst he has seen. He was grumpy about my weight, but I told him my * jeans* were happy, and…
Radiation starts tomorrow
Hi, I am new here. I have a high grade MEC of submandibular gland, but stage 1 with extensive perineural invasion. My radiation treatment starts tomorrow. * Does anyone have experience with neutron radiation? * Also, my medical oncologist is currently not recommending chemotherapy even though this is high grade. Apparently…
New with questions
Hi, In Sept my husband was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. After induction chemo with cisplatin, FU5 and taxotere (3 rounds), yesterday he started radition (he will have 38 sessions). I am so thankful for the discussion boards. I have read many posts and gotten lots of good ideas. Though, I have two…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Update: Yesterday, Dec 24, I ended up in ER, dehydrated. They gave me a full bag of fluids and a lot of liquid potassium in my PEG tube. Later in the day it did help stop the numbness I was feeling, the vomiting, diarrhea, can't say I miss the diarrhea, vomiting, but do miss the…
Happy Holidays
I just want to say thank you all for being a part of CSN and staying to help the many other who are new to this site get through there treatment and become survivors. I also want to just take a few minutes and pray for all who are still running the race headed to the finish line of there treatment. Keep going don’t give…
Just checking in
Haven't posted in awhile but you all are always on my mind. My time has been consumed with my husband following his stroke late October. He was hospitalized a week then went to acute rehab then to skilled nursing for less intense rehab, then he took a fall requiring stiches in his leg and another week in the hospital where…
Pneumonia a 3rd time
For some reason I can seam to kick this Pneumonia problem about two weeks ago I got rid of it and it is back again. I remember Denny always having this same problem every few months and always having to go back to the hospital. I am glad that the doctor can treat it with just injections of antibiotic and not having to keep…
Skiffin16 - On The Mend...
Well, so far so good.... It's been two weeks since I was released from the hospital and so far so good... Eating is slowly coming back, but down a total of 97# since this all started in April 22... Just wanted to give a quick update, and wish everyone here a Happy upcoming New Year... John
Dead Tongue- Speech Therapy?
Has anyone had success with speech therapy for a "dead tongue"... (neck dissection/radiation)... This has progressed over the past few years where speech is greatly impacted.. any success? ideas?
Merry Christmas...
Well... I went back in for surgery 12/11, I seriously under estimated it though. A lot more pain than anticipated.., grateful for Dilaudid.. I ended up being in for five days, that was after cleaning out twice..., thanks to my insurance...uggg. Then NPO and TPN for three of those (no food or water by mouth)..., so all in,…
New With Questions
Hi Eveyone, My husband was just diagnosed with SCC. He first noticed a lump on the side of his neck. They did a biopsy and it came back with SCC. He then had a PET scan which the doc said didn't really show much. He had a quadroscopy and was told that they didn't see anything visually except very small irregularities to…
Pain and tenderness
i had state 3 squamous cell base of tongue that metastasized to a lymph node. Treatment was 40 rounds of rads which ended at end of August. Pet scan in October and Ned. I never had pain in the lymph node area until 4 days ago, neck feels very tender in that spot, I can't stop feeling around and am making myself nuts! I'm…
Discussion Board and Chat Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of discussion board and chat spamming. If you…
Just a Merry Christmas to all;
A healthy, happy Christmas
Sending you all love x