Lack of urination

My first post - but i have read a ton of posts looking for this info....

My husband just finished treatment - 3 Cisplatin / 35 rad for stage IV, HPV positive, primary location not found (occult? - that doesn't seem like the correct word - I am a little weary) Radiation was pretty widespread because of not knowing the primary tumor location. 1 week today since end of treatment.

He has thick mucus, gagging, some lingering mouth sores, but now (just the last couple of days) he is having great difficulties urinating. No PEG, no port, he roughed it out. Lost 40 pounds, hasn't eaten anything in 2 weeks, but his weight loss has level off. He is receiving IV fluids everyday to stay hydrated, only drinking about 4-6 ounces a day. Bad taste in his mouth, bionic smell - every smell makes his stomach quasey.

All of that sounds pretty normal, but now he just can't pee and I am worried! He is also constipated. I know everyone has dealt with that - I wonder if that is causing some undue stress in the pee area?

He is sleeping 30-40 minutes at a time and getting up to try to urinate. We are both pretty wiped out - any ideas?

Headed to the hospital tomorrow for IV fluids - just thought someone here could say "I dealt with that and you will be ok..."


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Be sure to tell the Dr. or at least

    let the nurses know about his lack of urination.  Does he feel like he has to pee, but just can't?  He's getting IV fluids, but he's not taking anything else in liquid.....I'm wondering if his body isn't retaining all the liquid he gets via the IV's??  I was taking in nearly 66 ozs of water per day.....and was getting hydrated everyday, too at the Onc's office.  That's why I'm wondering if he's not in a constant state of dehydration.


  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285

    Be sure to tell the Dr. or at least

    let the nurses know about his lack of urination.  Does he feel like he has to pee, but just can't?  He's getting IV fluids, but he's not taking anything else in liquid.....I'm wondering if his body isn't retaining all the liquid he gets via the IV's??  I was taking in nearly 66 ozs of water per day.....and was getting hydrated everyday, too at the Onc's office.  That's why I'm wondering if he's not in a constant state of dehydration.


    Be sure to let everyone and

    Be sure to let everyone and anyone know whats going on.They may just op for a peg tube which isn't all that bad.I had one in until after my first pet test and had to gain a certain amout of weight back.He may just be retaining his fluids.Any swelling anywhere?They could just give him water pills also to help.But he needs to drink and try eat even soft foods.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Make sure you let the hospital know.

    Don't be surprised if the keep him for a few days in the hospital. He sounds very dehydrated. He need to take in fluids one half his weight in oz. of fluids. [150 lbs. = 75 oz water] He needs to eat if he is going to get better and 6oz of water  is why he is not urinating and he has nothing solid or food so no bowel movement. Just my opion but this is not normal. If his doctors are aware of this condition, [which they must be to be getting IV] you might consider getting a second opion or at least a better doctor.  I wish you both the best. 

  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    I agree

    I agree with everyone, let them know and immediately that your husband is having trouble, this in and of itself can be dangerous.   If he is on pain medication that can be the cause especially the constipation.  The thick mucus and gagging is not unusal and drinking water will help with that.  Just getting fluids isn't enough unless it is 24/7.  My husband, in his first go round, had a PEG tube but thought he didn't need it and ended up having to get fluids daily but once he started using his PEG tube he was okay with staying hydrated.  

  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    I had the same diagnosis

    The constipation could be due to the pain meds if he is taking them - I had the same treatment - the cisplatin days were the worst for me. All I can say in addition to what everyone else is saying is that hydration hydration hydration- keep drinking water so he can flush the cisplatin out of the system 

  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597

    AS everybody has said, dehydration is probably the reason, however, cisplatin is hard on a persons kidneys, the kidneys process the fluids into urine. If there is not musch fluid going in then there will be not much fluid going out. Cisplatin damaged my kidneys some (5 years ago). He should get his creatinine tested if they are not already doing that. Drink, drink, drink.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi MoZars


    Yes he needs to see the doctor or go and see a Urology and get on some Rapaflo or something to help the Prostate gland as it might have been affected by the radiation or Chemo



    Wishing you both the best

    Tim Hondo

  • MoZars
    MoZars Member Posts: 2
    He's already doing some better!

    We spent the day at the hospital. We have a wonderful cancer team including a team of triage nurses available to us 24/7. The nurse sent us straight to the hospital this morning when I called and told her his situation. He is constipated, but his kidneys are functioning well. It is merely his constipation that is putting pressure on his bladder and cutting off urination. They inserted a straight cath and drained a healthy amount of urine. He got some advice on the constipation and has already had some success. He now knows that he will have to keep a closer eye on that! He is not taking any pain medication except Tylenol for an occasional headache. He is dedicated to drink more and will continue to receive fluids via IV daily. He knows that he needs to get serious about nourishment. He lost approx 40 pounds, but had 30 that he needed to lose anyway - so he actually hasn't lost that much weight (started at 235 - at 195 now - 6' tall). Blood work is good and his kidney function is good. We discussed PEG with his oncologist today (he was on call and came in to see us) - it is certainly an option but Al wants to give it a go on his own a bit longer. Like I said, he's done this with no port, no pain meds and limited nausea meds. He hates meds and avoids them when he can!

    Seems like his big problem now is bad taste, sore (dry) mouth combo that makes taking in nourishment very distasteful! He just can't stand the nasty taste he has in his mouth. He is giving the MM another try - he swore it didn't do anything before but give him a different bad taste -but he is going to try it again and see if he can use it and drink some protein that he knows he needs. He relies on salt and soda to freshen his mouth now. 

    I just can't tell you all how much I am amazed by this group! I have found some fascinating info - I think he gets tired of hearing "I read so-and-so on the CSN site..." - but he does occasionally ask if I have any info from "that website you read"! I must admit that I wasn't thrilled to join your club - but since we did - I couldn't imagine a nicer, more informative group! Thank you all!