Still in hospital

jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

still in hospital 3rd week. I've had endless tests, 4 ct scans, 5 X-rays, the diagnose has been so far dumping syndrome, now ruled out, now they say it's a blockage in the bowel. They've taken that seriously as I'm a PEG feeder and a completely blocked throat. I've had a bag attached to my feeding tube so nothing goes through the stomach. The pharmacy have mixed me up a special liquid diet that flows through a cannula in my arm. Every morning I expect a bowel op but because I got so weak they hold off. The surgeon said this morning I will be on the liquid feeds for the weekend and Monday he will put me on my ensure again very slowly. If my body takes that then they won't op just yet, if not I'm in for surgery. I went through all the throat cancer treatment in fairly high spirits but this has really knocked me for six. I was ready to give up last week in fact I did stop feeding and drinking because of the pain in my stomach and not being able to get the vomit out. Everyone said EAT but how can you while your continously retching and rolling in pain. I'm not in pain now or vomiting as there's nothing going through my stomach. If there's any more closed up throat PEG users it's OK to put a vent in the PEG tube ie the bottom of the syringe without the plunger, your stomach contents will come up a little and if you wait air will start coming out in spirts. HOPE THIS HELPS 


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member

    So sorry to hear of all your problems and praying for a quick resolution.  My husband has had a blocked esophagus for almost 3 years now and has a PEG tube.  He does complain from time to time about being nauseous and takes medication for that.  He, thankfully, has never had any spells of trying to vomit.  Funny thing is that about a month age he was spitting out blood from his mouth and the hospice nurse and hospice doctor said he probably had a bleeding ulcer.  I asked them to explain how the blood could have gotten up his esophagus into his throat since his esophagus is blocked.  They never had an answer. 

    My husband is also a largynectomy and I have found that too many doctors and nurses know almost nothing about that.  I have had to explain that his esophagus and airway are no longer connected and that all his breathing is thru the hole in his neck and with a blocked esophagus nothing is going to come up into his mouth.

    Wishing you peace and comfort -- Sharon

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about this horrible ordeal that you are going through.  I've not been on the board for awhile, so I am just now getting caught up.  I do hope that, sooner than later, your docs are able to correctly diagnose the flow problem that you are having so that you can get back to enjoying life again.  It is good to hear that things are a bit better for you, and hopefully a solution will be found so that you will feel a lot better.  Hang in there, I'm rooting for you, and sending masssive amounts of positive wishes and mojo!  Keep your eye on getting back to Melbourne next year....*


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Sorry Jackie

    So sorry to hear you're still in the hospital with the blockage. Hope this will work and you won't need the op. Prayers and big mojo you way. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    hang in there


    I am sorry you are feeling so badly as if the H&N were not enough. Stay strong, you need to fight both mentally and physically.

    Sending good thoughts and prayers.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    thinking of you

    Hope the Drs figure out soon what's going on with you~~~keep your spirits high...

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Grandmax4 said:

    thinking of you

    Hope the Drs figure out soon what's going on with you~~~keep your spirits high...


    Thinking of u from Liverpool kid.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    jf, i can't belive they

    jf, i can't belive they havent' found the exact problem yet, you poor thing.  i'm so sorry you may be up for surgery.  so happy you have stopped vomitting tho.  saying a prayer for it to work out without the need for surgery.  don't give up, you've fought way to hard to give up now.

    God bless you,


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Thank you all

    I think they have narrowed it down to scar tissue or twist in the bowel. in the past I've had several abdominal ops. Today they took the bag off of my PEG tube and are flushing it with water just little drops at a time. If I tolerate that and it passes through the system then they will start introducing a little ensure during the day. If that goes good and no pain or vomiting hopefully they will release me, later this week. It's a nice hospital here and they leave you to your own devices, I've been catching up on my ipad all the TV progs I missed.

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Thank you all

    I think they have narrowed it down to scar tissue or twist in the bowel. in the past I've had several abdominal ops. Today they took the bag off of my PEG tube and are flushing it with water just little drops at a time. If I tolerate that and it passes through the system then they will start introducing a little ensure during the day. If that goes good and no pain or vomiting hopefully they will release me, later this week. It's a nice hospital here and they leave you to your own devices, I've been catching up on my ipad all the TV progs I missed.


    I am glad that you are finally comfortable.  Hopefully this will be able to pass without surgery.  Thank you for keeping us informed.

  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    my dear Jackie

    I'm glad things are clearer /better. I hope u get to go home soon.

    sending u lots of love and prayers.

