Cancer and business
I was looking in on an online debate today about cancer and it's business wing. Cancer is a$200 billion a year business. 5 of the participants in the online debate believe there are probably viable cures out there that will never see the light of day because treatment is a fnancial boondoggle. One participant said that…
What? I can't hear you.
Hey, I'm curious what you all are doing about hearing loss. I have lost probably 40% of my hearing and am so tired of catching half the conversation, but not as tired as I am of asking people to repeat themselves. Has anyone gotten hearing aids and was it a good idea? S
Brilliant presentation on being a survivor
This TED talk is a very insightful presentation about how to view and live as a cancer survivor. Can't be missed. TED TALK
Heart is breaking for my 29 yr old pregnant daughter with new diagnosis of stage 4 (?) TSCC.
Hi there. My sweet daughter was diagnosed last week with tongue squamous cell carcinoma. She is 29 and otherwise healthy, HPV-, with no history of smoking or drinking... Apparently this is becoming more common in this demographic. She is married with three little girls, 4,2,and 1, and she's three months pregnant. I am…
Ready, set and go!
Started Chemo and radiation on Monday the 10th of November. A 180 minute session of chemo and then radiation for 15 minutes. ( Of course some of the radiation time is getting me in the mask.) Will have 33 radiation treatments and I believe 8 total chemo. So far, so good, only a headache, and dry mouth. Was nice having the…
Hi Folks, Tomorrow is yet another scope poke and prod. 19 months out and just about two years since my diagnosis. I'll be on the road at 6am and off to Baltimore. I don't anticipate anything negative as I feel pretty much the same as I have the last 6 months to a year but there's that nagging "scanxiety" digging away at…
Hey everyone, I'm writing because my dad still is having problems tasting foods and finding something that he can tolerate. It has been a year and about 3 months since he finished treatment. I hate this for him and everyone going through it :( We don't take it personal of course, but I just wish there was something that…
3 year check up
I bought this book yesterday called Anti Cancer by: David Servan-Screiber. I couldn't put it down. I don't believe everything I read but he does make some good points. I think it is worth getting a copy for yourself. Donna
SNUC.... Half way through treatment
I'm being treated at the UC Barrett Center. Have not been able to find anyone else with SNUC. I feel positive with my traetment plan, but it would be nice to find some one who has survived this cancer to talk to.
Last week of treatment
I am down to my last 3 days of radiation and 1 have more round of chemo (erbitux) on Wednesday and I get ring the bell which half way through I did not know if I was going to make it. Thankfully, I am here, although very beat up, and ready to get on with the healing side of this journey. My mouth is raw and filled with…
Radiation question
Hi just about to start radiotherapy 6 weeks 50 grays any idea what the worst sideffects will be had an adenoid cystic cancer in the paritod gland. This seems a smaller dose will it change the sideffects harshness. Thanks
checkup results clean :)
the "after 2 months" MRI came clean and beautiful:) i have some fluid in my frontal sinuses due to surgery but they said its fine nothing serious. and they found a smallllll cyst on my liver ! Like a 0.7 cm something on my liver. MRI came 90% clean (not cancer) but will be seeing the Dr. Next week to discuss this issue in…
Will the suffering end?!
Hello all. I'm sry its been a while since I last posted. But I was busy trying to get better from rads. But unfortunately 2 weeks ago I got a viral infection. Had fever and nausea. Spent 5 days in the hospital, came home 2 days ago. The funny thing allll tests came clean and good. But the nausea is killliiiinnng me :( ((…
MIA - Folks who have not checked back in (ROLL CALL)
The following were enrolled and have not reported back. There are 46 who did not return in 2013 and there are a total of 125 on this list. Adamson 091654, state unk, enrolled January 24, 2011. DX’d HPV-16 neck cancer in January 2011. Tumor removed 01/03/2011. Agatha, Toronto, Canada, enrolled January 4, 2011. DX stage IV…
so very sore throat :-(
Hi there, I know I'm in early stages of recovery, it's been 5 weeks since treatment. But could somebody please tell me , how long before there is any sign of the throat healing ? Especially at night, seems to hurt more. Feels like I have something stuck in base of throat and I gag an awful lot especially after brushing…
results of ct scan.
well guys i didnot get a NED, i got a its stable. not growing, not shrinking much. so i am still takeing chemo. doctor thinks it will shrink some more if i keep on this erbitux. i am a little bit let down but thankful its not growing. this is just a update on me.
You're always on my mind
Three years and twelve days ago, I was where many of you are today...scared, confused and waiting to go into the operating room at The James in Columbus,Ohio. I had been diagnosed in September with a mass ( cancerous ) on my epiglottis and my team, along with myself and family, had chosen to have it removed. I knew there…
Can I do it!
With this hole in my gum getting bigger and my wisdom tooth falling out on it's own. . .I've been wondering if I had it in me to do this again. Well, I don't have to guess anymore. I had am MRI and some biopsies last week. Yesterday there were no answers. Today the last biopsy came back, more scc. PET Scan next week and…
Thyroid cancer?
Anyone out there dealing with thyroid cancer at the moment? I know there is a board for it but no one seems to be active.
Post Treatment Scan
Hubby's post treatment CT scan showed his cancerous node shrunk by 1/2 and they believe what's left of it is dead tumor. Originally they had said he had tumor wrapped around and invading his trachea, in his thyroid, and in various nodes. The doctor didn't see any of that on this CT... It really just addressed one para…
Counts too low
Went for my 3rd and final chemo (one day of cisplatin & 5 days of 5FU) after finishing up 35 radiation treatments last week. My white blood cells count was 600. Extremely too low to do any chemo treatment. My treatment plan does not allow me to do any type of treatment to help with the counts. So they canceled the…
Rang the bell!!!
I made it!! I can't believe it has been the hardest and most surreal 6 1/2 weeks of my life, but I finished the race and got to ring the coveted bell. Never knew how good it felt to ring a bell especially with my wife and kids by myside and a few of my prayer warrior buddies. I am so grateful to have to made it…
Out with the Picc, in with the port
Finally got a port after 2 years of on and off with the picc line. Yea no more weekly change of dressings and I can swim and take a normal shower and bath. Gave the doctors a bit of a scare when they put it in. I was mostly awake when they put it in but was wide awake midstream as the doctor had the wire they insert touch…
eating disorder. Last treatment July 2012. Teeth breaking off at gums. Throat feels like its closing
Throat cancer
Swallowing Issues...
I'm ten weeks out from 35 rads and 3 chemos for BOT. I've had the usual dry mouth and lack of taste issues but have just started experiencing problems swallowing. When I eat or drink I can swallow without difficulties but without anything in my mouth I am starting to experience extreme problems with just the act of…
19 radiations done and 11 to go: why do I feel more anxious?
Hello I am very surprised about how I feel: rather than feeling released to get closer to the end of radiation, I am getting anxious about the possible side effects; I have been extremely lucky that so far the side effects have been minimal. During my radiologyst check up, he expressed his surprise on how well I am…
More surgery today.... scared.... never seems to end, all this
Here we go again.....
Dumping syndrome
For Peg tube users just came home from hospital, iI was in for a week I was in agony all last week, my tummy looked as if I was four months pregnant...still is...I thought I had a spread of cancer but after ct scan and x rays they ruled it out but didn't know what it was until I mentioned to the dietician I get cold sweats…
Rang the Bell
Rang the bell, radiation is finished! AND my voice which I lost last Sunday came back today. A good omen. Thank you all for your support, humor, help and inspiration. You make this doable. Forward! :) ~Sonja