Back from Holland...a GREAT time!!!
We returned home Monday late from 3 weeks in Holland. What a Great trip we had! Mom was in good spirits, and health-wise was at her peak! She made dinner for us almost every night (mmmmmm, all my favorites!!!). The weather was cold, but beautiful. No snow (sigh), but plenty of wind!!! No naked dancing, unless you counted…
Cancer Center Treatments of America Tulsa
I was accepted...and know I am scared.....I love my onco but I always wanted to go to Tulsa because they do work with the whole "BODY MIND SPIRIT" believe and of course diets....and even though they are out of network, they are going to charge as if I am in network. They are also paying for traveling expenses (milage or…
Get you rear in gear - Austin
I plan to do this walk and was wondering if anyone else was interested. My daughter lives in Austin and I am only 3 hours away in Mansfield so its close for me. I think it would be a great way for us to support the cause. If you can't do it just now, we will be walking for you. Jo Ann Register at this site:…
Recurrent Obstructions
I have had 3 small bowel obstructions in the last 2 weeks. I also had one last March but nothing in between. All of the obstructions have cleared in less than a day. My surgeon would like to go in and have a look around but is leaving the decision up to me (for now). Has any one else had to deal with this type of problem?…
Friday Riddle / Teaser - ANSWER
I will have to give it to PGLGreg he was close. You seem to have a lot of the answers. Give me your occupation. RIDDLE:Sitting on the school bus are seven boys and seven girls, with three vacant seats as shown. Another boy, Pablo, gets on the bus and sits in the first vacant sit, next to the window. He notices that there…
Question About IV Chemo (5-FU) vs. Xeloda
Hi all, I am now approaching the end of my 2nd two-week cycle of Xeloda. I seem to be getting the hand-foot syndrome pretty bad (though not to the extremes that I have read others get... at least not yet). My concern is how much worse it will become over the upcoming cycles and how bearable it will be. I am wondering…
Off the Oxaliplatin!
Saw my onco last week. Apparently I did have some sort of reaction to the Oxy drug. He said it is rare to suffer from the kind of symptoms I had but not unheard of. He thinks it was either an allergic reaction ,or the dose could have been too high. Either way he's not taking any chances. So he pulled me off the drug, and…
gendicine in china????
anybody have any info about this stuff? or gendicine therapy in general? chrisdee
Gross and embarrassing, but help
Diagnosed Feb of 2007 Stage III, colon resection in June 2007, 5fu and radiation pre-op, folfox post op (1 lymph node positive out of 24). So now I'm waiting for the end of all this fun. I have four more chemo treatments left. Anyway, now to the yuck. My butthole hurts! I go to the bathroom between 6-20 times a day and…
Friday Riddle
Sitting on the school bus are seven boys and seven girls, with three vacant seats as shown. Another boy, Pablo, gets on the bus and sits in the first vacant sit, next to the window. He notices that there are the same number of girls in front of and behind him. If Pablo had sat in the next vacant seat he would have had the…
It's been a good day. Saw my onc this morning for my 3 month check and my CEA is still very low and no problems noted. I am still NED but will defer the Naked Dance as it is getting down to zero around here. When I got home I received a letter from my primary doctor that my PSA is normal as well. I hope and pray that all…
Lung Mets
Hi guys: It has been three months since I have come back home and it has been wonderful as I have felt the first sense of normalcy since I was dx in November 2005. The chemo does cause fatigue, but for the most part is manageable. The good news is that the liver is in great shape with no sign of recurrence, but the nodules…
New here
Hello everyone, I've been lurking and reading, have posted a couple of times but this is really just now "soaking in" with me.I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and had my right kidney removed july 12th of 2007, after my surgery I just felt so bad, was getting weaker and weaker and felt horrible. I kept telling my docs…
I had sent several emails to Mary that have gone unanswered. I last received an email from her on 11/24. I found out from Mary's husband that Mary passed away on 12/07. I am crying as I write this. Mary and I had similar cancer stories and backgrounds. Although I never met her we had bonded via the internet. We were…
End of Life symptoms
Can anyone tell me what are some of the "end of life" symptoms? Not sure what I should be looking out for in my husband, who's been battling this for 2.5 years, and seems to be deteriorating.
Hello everyone, I have a question for you all. Did anyone have any problems with their bladder from the radiation for rectal ca? My rad doc seemed to get a little upset with me today cuz I asked him did I need to see a urologist because I am having a terrible time with my bladder, burning and frequent small amts. But after…
I'm Jen..but you can call me NED!!!
Hi All, I'm coming off of official "lurking" status to join the group. I'm 39 and at the end of August this year my husband and I took my oldest daughter to college 8 hours away and while there ended up in the ER wtih an emergency colectomy of my sigmoid colon because it was completely blocked. I had little symptoms just a…
Colorectal Update
Thanks so much to all of you wonderful people out there!!! I have no idea how to answer each one of you that wrote to me this last week. I am most definately seeking a new Dr. I am located in Sacramento, California. I am looking into a referral from my Dr to Stanford University here in California and also MD Anderson in…
diet changes
I was diagnosed with stage 1 in nov 07 after an excision of a polyp that was too big to be removed during a colonoscopy I had in oct 07. the surgeon said my best chance for a cure would be the removal of my rectum and anus. well I chose to modify my diet and exercise more instead, with regular checkups to monitor for a…
I'm new; have questions
What does NED stand for? I read a post where someone was concerned about a CEA of 23. I'd rejoice if mine was that. I've been as high as 670 and as low as 10 and all kinds of numbers in between. Is there something I'm not being told? Lastly, I was diagnosed (is that what dx means) Oct 12, 2006. Have stage 4 colon cancer…
Prayer request for Young Survivor
I am requesting your prayers for an acquaintence from church. She is 38 years old and was diagnosed the end of August with stage 4 CC with liver mets when her baby was 3 months old. She began exhibiting symptoms while pregnant, but they wouldn't do anything until after the birth. Of course, because of her age they weren't…
you can go and check out some of my moms documentary on Youtube.com , in the search section type in cancer stricken a courageous battle. or try copy and pasting this http://youtube.com/watch?v=fAOYy2Ipirs Hope you all enjoy, Vision TV may pick up the whole documentary.
colorectal cancer metastasized in liver
I am a 43 y.o. female. On October 23, 2007, age 42, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colorectal Cancer. The only symptoms I had was very tired for about 2 months and rectal bleeding for about 4 days before contacting my general practice Dr. He scheduled me for a flex. sigmoidoscopy the very next day. They discovered the tumor…
Acupuncture Question
I've heard from various people that acupuncture helps with nausea and fatigue caused by chemo. The chemo treatment I'm on seems to be hitting me pretty hard, despite using "Emend" for the nausea and getting extra hydration at the cancer center. These things do help, but it's still no party. Any 'red flags' I need to be…
Friday Riddle / Teaser ANSWER
FAMILY PORTRAIT: The mother, father, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, cousin, nephew, and niece of a family are all present at a family gathering. A photo is taken of them all. What is the lease number of people in the photo? ANSWER: There are four people in the photo. A brother and a sister, the brother's son…
Legs hurt
Hello all you Semi-Colons! I have been off of chemo now for 3 months. (that's a good thing!) My legs hurt, deep inside. When I stand for long periods of time or go shopping for very long, they ache. Is this normal, after chemo? Anyone have any remedies? I have an Onc appointment in February and will ask then but until…
CT update
Stage 4,colon surgey 9/06, chemo, liver resection 2/07, chemo, lung mets and resection 11/07. Just got back from Stanford and the results from the Jan 2nd scan looked good. It was nice to come out of his office not scheduling a surgery or with a prescription to pick up. While it is a long road and the odds are still tough,…
prayers answered
Hey,Hey,Hey, I have always believed that prayer changes things and for anyone who doesnt I have absolute proof. Last week I had a routine mammogram, found 2 lumps and went in for an ultrasound, dr said we need to do a core biopsy and possibly surgery. Of course I freaked after just getting over rectal cancer, radiation,…
Friday Riddle / Teaser
FAMILY PORTRAIT: The mother, father, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, cousin, nephew, and niece of a family are all present at a family gathering. A photo is taken of them all. What is the lease number of people in the photo?
Bumpy Road
Here's my story, I'll be 46 in several weeks, Dec 04 I was diagnoses w/ CRC and liver mets. I had two lesions on my right side and one on my left. Six weeks into my Folfox treatment the lesions on my liver disappeared. Several months later I had a colon resection, several months after that I had 5wks of radiation. That…