Friday Riddler - ANSWER
Vinny3 had the right answer. CONGRATS!!!!! EASY RIDDLE: A london train bound for Manchester leaves London at 12 noon traveling at 80 miles an hour while a Manchester train bound for London leaves Manchester at 1:00 pm traveling at 90 miles an hour. Which train is nearer to London when they meet? Answer: They are at the…
Ahoy! First let me apologize for being AWOL for the past days... weeks... months...! So, I am looking for some feedback for ColonPalooza 6. Pursuant to the CP by-laws, the attendees at the last CP voted on the venue for the next Palooza. We'll be in San Francisco on October 22-26. Katie (USAKAT for you newbies) and I will…
chemo break?
Hi Everyone, dx March 2004, stage 2 rectal cancer. since then recurrences in both lungs, surgery on each lung and lots of chemo. I currently have one spot in my left lung that my latest scans showed as decreased. I am considering taking a chemo break because my quality of life sucks right now, but I'm afraid that if I do…
Good News today...
Quick history, white male, 46 years old,6'1, 180 pds, good physical shape,happily married with a five year old son. I was dx Dec 04 w/ stage IV CRC and liver mets(3) two on right lobe,(1) on left. Started chemo, folfox, Jan 05, did 12 doses, half way thru I had colon resection surgery. July/August 05, did 5wks of radiation…
radiation for crc...is blood in stool normal
I am post op from oct. 25,2007 for crc after 6 week recovery I had 8 weeks of chemo (5fu, leucovorin sp.,and oxiliplatin) one treatment every 2 weeks. Now I have completed 15 of 28 radition treatments in conjunction with f5u...5 days a week for the last 3 weeks. My question is...Is it normal to have blood in your stool at…
Rising CEA
Husband diagnosed crc 8/06 surgery with 15 round chemo cea went from 38 to 0.8 has been around 0.8-1.7 for the last one year pet scan 4/07 was clear.Cea Jan 08 5.8 and petscan showed increased activity in the rectum.colonoscopy today was clear.Has any one had this experience this is my first post.thanks to all of you.
Friday Riddle / Teaser
EASY RIDDLE: A london train bound for Manchester leaves London at 12 noon traveling at 80 miles an hour while a Manchester train bound for London leaves Manchester at 1:00 pm traveling at 90 miles an hour. Which train is nearer to London when they meet?
pituitary adenoma
I had an MRI of my brain. Purely precautionary. My oncologist told me that modern chemo, while great, cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Although metastasis to the brain is very rare, they are seeing more these days because people are surviving longer due to better treatments. I just got the results today. No evidence…
Happy Valentines Day!!
Hi all and Happy Valentines Day, My internet has been in and out the last 3 weeks so havent posted much. Today I had my one year colonscopy and it was good. He took some biopsies but not because of cancer, something to do with hardening of my sigmoid colon probably due to chronic radiation, this causes me bowel problems.…
Recurrence? Biopsy?
My surgeon and I spoke late last night for over a half an hour. He explained to me that the biopsy is not as easy as it sounds. The area they need to biopsy is on the outside of the rectum, so they either have to go in surgically, which he does not want to do, or it has to be done with a needle biopsy. This is also…
Cancer Treatment Centers wonderful
Yesterday we began a new bout with the big "C". We went to Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa. They are great, so helpful, we have print outs on the chemo, side effects, how to prevent or lessen them. Everything is geared toward treating the whole person not just the cancer. There are classes on eating, vitamines…
Anyone get scared at treatment's end?
I have one more chemo treatment and I am done! Stage III with one node, colon resection, folfox after. The oxiliplaten messed me up (low platelets, low whites, diahrrea, neuropathy) so they skipped a few rounds. I thought they would tack those on at the end, but they're turning me loose! Did anyone get scared when they…
Radiation and chemo together?
Hi, anyone have 5FU and radiation treatments at the same time-5 days a week for 28 treatments, is the plan. They say a spot deep in the pelvis near too many nerves needs to be removed but too dangerous for surgery right now. The hope is to kill it with radiation or shrink it to remove
First Post from Long Time Lurker
Hi, I have been reading this message board off and on for the last two years. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer at age 32, in July of 2005. I had the typical chemoradiation for 5.5 weeks, surgery, then 7 months of post op chemo (FOLFOX then switched to Xeloda after I could no longer tolerate the FOLFOX treatments).…
Since we took my father home from the hospital 3 weeks ago I have not gotten any sleep. Ever since his first ever Ct scan (august/07) he has been plagued with nocturnal urinary urgancy. (he has to go 8 times a night). Of course now that he broke an arm in the hospital (as he was learing to walk again after being in a coma)…
Happy Naked Dance
Hi everyone, just wanted to let everyone know that as of 2/6/08, I am NEDS!!!!!...history, dx may 07 stage 3 with nodes affected colon cancer. Tumor removed June of 07, IV chemo started in July until Sept then I did Oral Chemo and radiation for 28 treatments, then back to IV chemo. Did Pet scan on Jan 28th, results on the…
25th anniversary
Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of my colon cancer operation. I was 34 years old at the time, with a wife and 4 year old son. It was the most trying of times. The support of my family and friends was paramount in my recovery. I had an annual colonoscopy for a while after, then every two years, now every three. Doc…
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Has anyone had experience with CTCA? We have an appointment next week for a 2nd opinion.
Best Advice EVER
Listen to this whole thing, and tell me your thoughts. I absolutely love this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfq_A8nXMsQ&feature=related
long time no see
Boy, have I missed this forum. My computer has been down for almost 2 weeks. I have gone back and read your posts. Seems some of you all are coming up on the one year after colonoscopy, I am too. Valentines Day is my appointment and of course you know what I want!! I also read some posts about diet and cancer. Before my dx…
Back from Cancer Teatment Center of America
It was a long week but a great experience from the moment u walk in....Like I mentioned before they will even pay for hotel and travel expenses. For the ones that are asking what's the difference, here's some interesting points.... Body, Mind, Spirit and religion support ( if asked) are defenitly part of the…
Friday Riddle / Teaser - ANSWER
RIDDLE: What is Shakespeare's Juilet saying in the shock of realisation, in the coded message below? NF AMPF PAIW CLKDMZ YKAN NF AMPF XOJW StacyGleaso is correct. The answer is: MY ONLY LOVE SPRUNG FROM MY ONLY HATE CONGRATS!!!!!!!
Stent Shifting/Bowels Issues AGAIN
Hi all. I am more of a lurker than a poster and have been since October. My husband was diagnosed stage IV in Sept 07, scheduled for surger on the colon but it was cancelled two days before because the surgeon said it that the colon cancer wouldn't kill him but the mets to the liver would. Have more than 4 spots in both…
I haven't posted for a year and I don't recognize hardly any of the names now. On Feb. 13th it will be a year since my friend passed away. Mark was my ex and I came back into his life when he was diagnosed with rectal cancer in August, 2005. I became his fulltime caregiver, his cook, his shoulder to cry on, his protector…
Just wondering
We've been told the cancer is growing in my father lungs. Health care professionals seem rather confused when listening to his lungs with that information in mind. His lungs sound clear and strong. ?! I'm confused.
Friday Riddle / Teaser
Okay this is probably going to be easy, but it is Friday. RIDDLE: What is Shakespeare's Juilet saying in the shock of realisation, in the coded message below? NF AMPF PAIW CLKDMZ YKAN NF AMPF XOJW
Stage 4 Liver Re-Resection Question
Hello. Is there anyone out there that has had a liver resection? Has anyone had to go back and have a re-resection after the first resection? I apologize for all of the silly verbiage I know that this probably sounds like something out of a Dr. Seuss book:)
This will Bring a Smile to your Face :)
20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity. 1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. 2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice. 3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that. 4. Put…
How do you remain optimistic?
After 2 chemo rounds to fight stage 4 colon cancer caused blood poisoning that landed him in intensive care for a week, my father accidentally asked for a prognosis. He was told 2 years. After making through a week in a coma he had his mind set on being a miracle - but instead he has been told he has about 24 months (2 of…
Oxaliplatin Question
I'm currently on chemo (3rd round was today) with 5FU (I think that's what it's called) and Oxaliplatin. Today it was cold here and for the first time I'm really feeling the neuropathy in my hands - they just don't want to work right. It seems from reading posts that the neuropathy gets worse as treatments go on. My…