Newbie from the Northwest
I've recently been diagnosed with stage 3 colo-rectal cancer. The cancer was through the colon wall (right where the colon/rectum meet) and had infected around 20 lymph nodes. All tests show that the cancer hasn't spread, but then they also said the lymph nodes weren't affected. Yeah right. Had surgery November 14th. My…
5 years
It's been 5 years since I was diagnosed with rectal cancer (stage III). I wish I could say I am 5 years NED and "cured". That is not the case. I have had two recurrences (both solitary mets in the lung -- treated with surgery followed by chemo). However, I am NED TODAY -- and have been since my last surgery a year ago. I'm…
Check this out! Fascinating. I wonder if I have this gene?? http://www.fightcolorectalcancer.org/news/2008/01/colon_cancer_gene_traced_a_sin.php Sorry, I don't know how to add a hyperlink to this site, so you'll have to cut and paste. -Susan
I have a question
I have been Ned probably since surgery July 2006,and my last scans tests etc.were done in September 2007, I have my next follow up appt. next Tuesday,I think the Dr. told me that this time was going to be only bloodwork,I am stage 3a and 1 and a half year from surgery,my question is what is the the average protocol as far…
Hi everyone. Just have a question. After my dad had his surgery two years ago,his bowel movements haven't been the same. He gets constipated more often than before. Over the past few months, it seemed as if his bowel movements were regulated again. Now, he told me that he has been constipated for a couple weeks. I am…
me again thanks for prayers
Hi, Thanks so much for the prayers and hugs sent my way. The ultrasound showed two lumps in my breast that I will have biopsed on Jan. 25th. I really feel like this is going to be okay. You all are great. Robin
I went to the onc today and my CEA is down to 3.5 I asked if that made me NED. He said yes my PET and CT scan showed nothing so I'm NED. I'm very happy and I thanked the good Lord for my being NED today!
Help!!! Doctor is not
Hi there, My dad is stage iv with mets to the bones. He has not been able to get chemo for two months because he was having severe reactions to the premeds. Has anyone had this experience? I took him for a second opinion and the doctor seem to think there were things that could still be done. Unfortunately, the second…
CT Update
Update for my much needed support system, Stage IV dx July 05, 2nd line chemo campostar and erbitux, 1st scan with new chemo-no new tumors and some shrinkage, really good news as my husband was so sick the past 2 months, bad bad labs and thyroid with diarrea so bad at times I didn't think he would make it, BUT, now that…
2 Different opinons on CT scans
I am so confused. My last 2 ct scans are being read completely different by 2 different places. My local radiologist says I have one liver tumor. When we sent the scans to Mayo, they say there are multiple lesions on my liver. We know there were multiple tumors in the beginning. Anyone have this happen? I am stageIV, have…
Xeloda and Humana
Hi all and Happy New Year. I am beside myself as I just found out that Humana has changed the classification of Xeloda from a Class 2 to Class 4. This means that my co-pay for one cycle has gone from $35 to $450!!! What I don't get is that they did not notify me or my onc when I began treatment about 3 weeks ago. The…
Exercise Question
I had my surgery November 14th, which included an ileostomy and am now going through chemo. My question is exercise related. I am 44, female and prior to surgery exercised at the YMCA 3-5 days a week. Nothing extreme, just water aerobics, stationary bike/elipctical and some basic weight lifting routines. Not all on the…
I'm back from long break
Hi Everyone! Sorry that I was away for such a long time for those I know. Hello to all the new people. I have missed everyone that I have met on this board but I was trying to get myself together. For those that are new, I'm a stage 3 colon cancer survivor as of Dec. 19th 2007. Yeah me! 9 out of 12 rounds of chemo. Still a…
3rd time around way to difficult
Started folfox again...waiting on insurance to approve Avastin..can u believe that ? They said that because is not proven to work/or not to work...insurance sometimes give us a hard time....anyways...I kind of forgot how tired I used to feel 3 years ago....my skin is sooooo dry that it's breaking out...but I am still…
Just whining
I had my yearly physical today heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, prostate, thyroid, blood pressure chorestrol, etc all good or better than good. Still NED from the colon cancer. Then the doc looks at my face and says that little red pin prick on your face is likely Basal cell carcinoma. So I get to see another doctor with a…
Insurance Help
Hi All, Through my job I have become aware of a resource for cancer survivors. The Cancer Legal Resource Center is a non profit organization that helps people with legal issues related to cancer such as trouble with insurance companies. The toll free hotline number is 1-866-THE-CLRC or 1-866-843-2572. Their website is…
Oxaliplatin meltdown
Ok, I'm really struggling with the chemo drug Oxaliplatin. It didn't seem to bother me much the first time around but I guess it has a cumualitive effect and now I have so many awful symptoms I can barely tolerate it. I'm seriously thinking of telling my oncologist no more! I s there anyone else out there that has made the…
Prayer request
Hi All, I went for a routine mammogram Friday and they called yesterday and told me that there was a change from my last mammogram. I tell you when you have had this disease something like that can really upset your world. I go today for an ultrasound. Please send positive thoughts and prayers to me. It would be greatly…
Downstaging liver mets
Is there anyone out there on chemo to shrink tumours in their liver to possibly have a resection? My husband (stage 4) has been told this may be a possibility for him and he is on CPT-11 and Avastin.
New Update on mom
well mom has been home from hospital since a few days before Xmas, she mainly just lies in her bed, and gets up for washroom only, she is drinking water with electrolytes in it and they gave her antibiotics to take twice a day and potassium pills twice a day, she also has a patch on for pain and takes pain break through…
colostomy...yes or no
On Oct.24 I had Lower Anterior Resection surgery. I had done little research and had no background on the subject matter.I was told by my surgeon that I may have enough of my rectum left to avoid having a colostomy. Hearing this my mind was made up that if this was possible that this would be the obvious choice.Now however…
Not good news
Hi all, First off I would like to Wish everyone the best in 2008. My hubby was dx in Jan 2006 stage 4 colon cancer, 2 surgeries later, and an illostomy, 9 rounds of chemo, we thought we had it beat. But alas the beast has returned. It is now on his bladder, now I do not recall anyone having it show up there. We have…
anal fissure
anyone with experience? I am waiting to see the surgeon and am in tremendous pain. Finished up chemo. in oct after rectal resection and reversal last may. any input would be great, as I am stressed!!!
does anyone know anything about this stuff in china.? chrisdee
History: DX in July 06 with Stage II (NO/MO) colon cancer. Finished chemo in 11/06. Latest CT Scan was done on 27 Dec 07 and I am still NED!!!! :) . Bloodwork is good also. I also had a biospy of my cervic because of mother nature hanging around for more than 7 - 10 days and that also came back clear. That procedure was…
Sis hits bump in the road...sigh
Well, my sister has been off rads for almost a week (sigh, she has only one week completed) because of a low platlet count. The docs are hoping it climbs for Wed restart of rads. It's a bit frustrating...the onc gave her a 'big' dose of chemo (mitomycin and 5FU) to start...and now..humm...well....I'm trying hard not to…
Finally.... and it's Terrific News!
The Surgeons' office just called us . For those of you who know our story....(liver resection only to be told 6 weeks later that the cancer may have progressed considerably, the PET shows negative for uptake. The resection was apparantly a success and the surgeon's wife(who is also a nurse in his office) said they did not…
Still Recovering in 2008
Happy New Year to all of you! May your new year be filled with all good things! My husband was diagnosed with stage IIIb in September 06, had rads, chemo, surgery, followed by another surgery to reverses his ileostomy in June 07.He has done well, but is still having some problems after having his reversal. He still passes…
Grace of a New Year
Happy, Healthy New Year to you all! I wished my husband a happy new year, and being the pessimist that he is, he just said, "So what? We'll just be doing the same things we did last year." Well, I just had to say something there. I told him, "I'm here to be doing the same things I did last year, and if that's not a…
Swelling of the feet, ankles, legs
Just wondered if anyone experienced swelling? My husband (46) has undergone extensive things in the past 2.3 years. Stage 4 colon cancer, has had radiation, chemo, surgery to remove primary (permanent colostomy), more chemo (folfox), theraspheres, embolizations, liver resection (60% removed), more chemo (folfox), as he…