would you be concerned that these symptoms may be colon cancer?
hi this website is a great resource, and having had malignant basal cell on my neck at only 30 (diagnosed by myself and fobbed off by doctors until i went and paid privately to see a skin cancer specialist!) i am very aware that signs and symptoms that hang around and can be easily ignored by patient or doctor ,can…
Has anyone here taken the once a year osteoporosis IV drug reclast. I had it done tuesday and late tuesday nite I woke up with chills and alot of joint pain. The next day I had alot of joint pain again, nausea, fever, no appetite. They said to take tylenol but that didn't even dull the pain. Today I feel groggy but no pain.
Pre-Surgery testing questions
Hi Everybody, Blood tests, EKG, talk to anesthesia and nurse. That was it. They suggested something in my spine for pain management????? Not a spinal but I can't remember what he called it. What pregnant ladies get. He said it would make me just about pain free in stomach. Port would be wired up my back and taped over my…
A Light Hearted Story - Did anyone else do this today?
Today was "Take your kid to work day". I believe it started in 1993 as a take your daughter to work thing so they could see how they could have many different employment opportunities. It soon became "take your kid to work day". 6 years ago I took my oldest son, Dylan to the work day (he was really 8 and the age range is…
RIDDLE: A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and one other - the fox, the goose, or the corn - at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with…
Erbutix...makes you loose wait!!!
My hubby is on erbutix he had 3 treatments so far...he is lost a almost 50lb since Feb.20 after the surgery....Im so worried...is this right,as he has a bowel movements 2-3 times a day...appetite is ok..not great.Has anyone out there has experiece this kind of side effects. PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR IDEAS,EXPERIECE....ON…
ideas, experiments, advices?
Hello All, I wrote earlier about my mom. Now, I finally talked to an oncologist today. Well, no good news. First of all, it turned out that she was on Avastin and Folfiri (not Avastin and Folfox) as Avastin and Folfox is not registered here, same with Erbitux and folfox)...anyway, the doctor was really nice (and really…
Fermented Wheat Germ
Our daughter's fiance works at Sloan Kettering in New York and she had him speak to some doctors and get the link to the info spoken about on another thread. Here's some links. http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/69418.cfm American BioSciences Ave (Avemar/WGE/Wheat Germ Extract) Not widely available – may need Dr input $200 +…
Question for women who had radiation to the pelvic area?
I am still in houston from my liver resection surgery and was refered to a oncology gyno to see while I am here, since I had radiation to the pelvic area. She was great but suggested I use this cream daily called ESTRACE Cream. It is an estrogen cream. Has anyone used this or anything like it? I guess I am just scared to…
Just want to get started
Hi again! Last time I posted here I was waiting on a pet scan... the results are in and it showed small spots on my liver, so I had a biopsy yesterday and am again waiting on the results. I am a positive person but geeze I was diaganosed on March 13 and I just now want to get some kind of treatment started. I hope this…
Colon Palooza 7 will be in Key West, Florida October 21st-25th. We have gotten a block of rooms at the Casa Marina Resort with some great rates! If you click on the link below you can check out the hotel and if you click on guest rooms each of the different kinds of rooms. The rates are guaranteed if you want to come early…
Question about 5 hour energy drink
Has anyone tried the 5 hour energy drink? If so how did it work? I am tired of being tired and not having any energy. I dont like the other drinks that have so much sugar in them and thought that maybe thnis one would be better. Any input is greatly apprecaited. Thanks Beth
Just how tired are we?
I have to say I'm more tired than I can ever remember before my cancer diagnoises. I have been on chemo treatment since Jan 08 just finally have to say I've had enough (stage 4 at diagnoisis). During the last 16 months I had 3 breaks for CT or PET scans usually the breaks lasted 3 to 5 weeks. At which time I would regain…
Home to Gardner Kansas
Keep me in your prayers and thoughts today. I meet with my liver surgeon at 10:00 and hopefully he cuts me loose from Houston to head home to Kansas!!
Wenchie -are you out there?
Just concerned that I haven't heard back from you recently. How are you holding up? Have you started your chemo of gotten another opinion after M.D Andersen? Please check in and let us know how you are- We care!! Dawn
Hans update #4
WHEW! It's been a wild few weeks! Hans is doing better and better. He is capable of functioning at 'normal' levels...the only thing missing is his incredible retention (he could quote you on something you said to him, 10 years ago, word for word). But, he is better. He ended up with a stress ulcer, and, after 4 failed…
Pain in chest
Has anybody else had pain in their chest after getting oxy and 5FU. I had treatment #5 this morning, and the pain started within a few moments after getting hooked to the fanny pack. It has to be the chemo, because this is the 3rd time. It is sort of like indigestion. It is a steady pain. The first time (#3) I thought I…
Angels update
I looked back on some of my post and angel was doing good mid march,went to the bike nite he started throwing up then that was march 27th has been nauseated from then but for about a week now he has been throwing up and is having alot of pain in the pelvic area he is using his extra doses every 2 hrs but not really taking…
My weight loss after surgery
I got on the scale today and was surprised to learn that I had lost nearly 13 pounds since my surgery. I knew from the pictures I saw of myself at Easter that my face looked a lot thinner but didn't realize it was that much. Granted I'm 5'6" and weighed 135 pounds before and now weight 122, but that just seemed like a lot.…
New Erbitux Info
I do not know if all hospitals are doing this, but where I go, they have shortened the infusion time with Erbitux from 2 hours down to 1 hour. I spend more time going to and fro that in treatment (which if A-OK with me!) Just thought I'd pass it on. -phil
PICC LINE OR PORT??? mom is stage iv wit numerous liver mets..which should she pick?
Hello, at this point, my mom is having her 1st chemo treatment in 2 days, she has a picc line installed, but will have a Port surgery discussion after her 1st chemo. She is still undecided, so i asked her what the "schedule" is for her chemo. She was given a 4 part chemo, im assuming every 2 weeks..and maybe they would…
From oncologist to ivf to diazepam
Hello, Hope everyone is well. Know it's been a while since I've posted, but things have not been so good for me. Apprently I have started suffering from panic attacks and they get especially worse when my better half is not around.Firstly stomach symptoms I was getting, I thought was because I was eating things that didn't…
1st chemo done yesterday...now what??
Hello, my mom received her first chemo yesterday, i was extremely nervous for her, but when she left the hospital after 5 hrs of treatment, she felt fine and more than normal..some of the symptoms with her leg disappeared albeit only short term. She was talking, laughing, and she's attached to this purse looking pump for…
Question on vitamins and calcium with vit D?
The gyno I saw yesterday at MD Anderson suggested I take calcium with vitamin D along with my multi vitamin. I have been researching vitamins but they all have so many 'fillers'. What vitamins do you all take and what brand?
Just got the news..... tumor on right side... I'm scared
I have a zillion questions,... starting with "why me?" So much I don't understand. I am 52 years young with wonderful husband. Symptoms started with diarrhia for several months. Me and the girlfriends just made fun of it cause we were all heading to what we thought was the "depends" future..... NOT. I finally ended up in…
Surgery complete onward to recovery
I completed my surgery a few days ago. I spent 3 days in the hospital and I am now home for a few weeks of recovery. Immediately after surgery I felt like I was hit by a truck. I have not had surgery before and this one was 8 hours long. The good news is that the tumor is gone. The bad news is they left me with a permanent…
Suggestion when you 'need' something
On another post, Barbara mentioned not having a juicer. Does everyone know about www.freecycle.org ? You join the group in your county or the counties you'd travel to. You offer or request items that others might not be using. This past week, a lady needed a slow cooker and I'd just gotten a new one for free doing surveys…
HI everyone, I just found out yesterday the YMCA and the LIVESTRONG foundation are getting together and offering a 12 week program for cancer patients and survivors! I don't know if it is just in my area but check it out in yours! They are 2 classes a week for 1 hr and all it is, is to build up strength for our little weak…
#6 done
Well- Mom has survived through her many bumps in the road. She is rid of her bowel obstruction. She had #6 last week and has not had near the side effects with the change of chemo meds (no oxi, no 5FU push- only leuvocorin and 48 hours of 5FU and decadron). No diarrhea, things are starting to taste good again, good energy,…
Surgeon wants to see me - New Update
I called the surgeon's office today because I am still in so much pain when I sit. I had rectal surgery (ileostomy also) on March 26 and when I sit for longer than about 5 minutes my bottom starts to throb and hurt really bad. I'm still on pain meds and it helps but I just don't know if this is normal for so much pain…