Angelsbaby...we're all thinking of you and Angel
Hi Michelle, It has been some time since we've heard anything from you, and i can't help but fear for the worst. Every day i come here and check to see if there is any update on Angel's condition. I think about you all of the time, and i hope and pray for a miracle. Many hugs to you and Angel, Krista
The Liver Symposium
I am attending The Liver Symposium in Chicago May 14-16th and thought I'd post the link. It was organized by Suzanne Lindley, who is living long-term with colon canzer and been a very effect advocate in Washington, DC. Many have followed her blog and her work. The Liver Symposium (including meals, not lodging) is at no…
My first post
Hi Everyone, My 57 year old husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer with liver mets on 3/2/09. Since then, we have been in a whirlwind of biopsies and chemo. The medical onocologist said that there is no cure, and my husband has 2 to 2 1/2 years of "quality life" left. He never said what would happen after that time,…
Surgery Tomorrow.... <Sigh>
Hey Everybody, The big day has come. I am not scared or nervous...at this moment anyway. I am more anxious for a prognosis. Gosh.... I sure hope this thing has stayed inside the colon wall.... that would be the best news. We won't even discuss the worst. All I know is it will be a relief no matter what the news to finally…
Help! I was just told my lungs where too weak for chemo. Is This the end?
I've been waiting a month for my first chemo appointment. In this time my breathing has diminished quite a bit. I was giving my doctors the benefit of the doubt, thinking they needed this time too fine tune my course of treatment. Today I was just told that my lungs were too weak for chemo, and unless my breathing capacity…
It was certainly Monday
Well, today certainly acted like Monday. I was awakened at 3 am with my old buddy, the severe abdominal pain. I tried for a couple of hours to get past it, but ended up going to the emergency room. Same result. "Backed up," but luckily no obstruction. Had to have painkillers (let's just say my hiney is sore now!)and a…
Went for Pre-op today
I want to pre-op for surgery May 11. I feel alot less scared. I know I am going to be alright. I want to thank everyone who helped when I asked for advice. It all helped me through. I am already to pack my stuff but don't know what to take. Many Prayers Jackie
Cannot access certain posts
Lately, once in a while i am unable to access certain posts. Today there are two in particular that will "time out" when clicked on. Is anyone else having this problem?? Krista
Question about adjuvant treatments post surgical removal of lung mets
I am in the process of trying to decide what treatment plan to follow after the removal of 4 lung mets and 6 mediastinal lymph nodes. Unfortunately, I felt that my surgeon wasn't as aggressive as I had hoped. The plan going into surgery was that he might remove my RUL if necessary. Instead he removed a large wedge (2 cm)…
A Public Service Announcement
http://www.born-again-christian.info/questions/answers.45.htm http://christianswithcancer.org/ http://www.christiansovercomingcancer.com/ http://christianswithcancer.wordpress.com/ http://christianscuringcancer.com/default.aspx May you find whatever it is you are looking for :-)
does anyone feel like this?
hi i was just wondering,you know the weather has been great to get out and do things but sometimes i get depressed about it.i start to do things like gardening or just grooming my horses and sudenly i feel so weak and tired.im getting so sick of being sick and tired.will things ever change or is this how life is going to…
Hurry up, and wait again......
Hi all, history: Dx in Jan 06 surgery twice in 06,the last surgery left Bill with an illiostomy (sp) followed by 9/12 rounds of chemo. reoccurance in 07 with surgery in 08 to remove his bladder - he now also has a illioconduit. A little humor - He is the only guy I know who does not have to make pit stops on a road trip.…
How do you PM someone
In my profile it says that my e-mail is for ACS to contact me regarding updates or whatever and said it was private, but I see people saying "just PM me". I didn't see that option in my profile for people to send me a PM. I must be missing something somewhere on my profile or editing. If someone could fill me in, I'd…
Cancer Help
I hope that people who are dealing with colon cancer are not scared away from this site because of the rehashing of a old topic. This site is here to help to answer questions from people who are suffering from cancer, especially the newbies. The last thing they need to hear is fighting from it's members over non-cancer…
Scary Doctor visit this morning UPDATE
Ok, I was scheduled for round 2 of 5FU this week (5 days infusion, then 3 weeks off). I see the oncologist on Mondays. So I was giving him my list of issues that have cropped up, one being I am having bad pains in my abdomen, feels like it's in the colon up high near my navel. He started poking around, which brought me up…
return visit
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say hello and ask if anyone has new ifnormation for Stage 4. I have posted in the past but been taking care of everyone for a while. History: Husband dx'd 6/05 at stage 4. He has had most everything in different combinations and we are now back to Avastin. It seems to have stopped working.…
just so you know
Hi Everyone, People care so much for each other on this board & I truly value how much everyone steps up to the plate and offers advice and support to everyone who asks for it! I just wanted to say that I'm going to be stepping back now a bit in how often I post here. Certainly, it's not because of anything or anyone here-…
Shoulder and neck pain
I am doing my last treatment..YIPEEEE but this time I had bad pain in my shoulders and neck to the point where I was crying..The doc said its a normal side effect and put heat on it..I did but doesn't help much..Has anyone had this problem and what have you done for it????? Thanks Julie
My employer has "renewed encouragement for you to seek professional help in dealing with the very re
He even researched and gave me a list of therapists. He also said he would pay for it if I couldn't afford it. Renewed encouragment is true and he has said this to me before. I do not think I need mental help, neither do my friends or family who know and love me. I told him I find the peace I need on this board. From…
Great News
My husband - stage 4 with mets to liver and lungs - just got his results from his pet scan - HE IS NED!!!! We are very happy, we are celebrating tonight. Sandi
RIDDLE: A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and one other - the fox, the goose, or the corn - at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with…
some colon humor
My daughter sent me this link she loves icanhazcheezburger just some skittles
3 more days till surgery and I am going crazy!!!!!
I cannot get past the "what if's"...... what if i wake up and they tell me it has spread to my lungs..... this is why I have been coughing.... my dad just died of lung cancer. What if it has spread to my nodes and is traveling thru my body. I am so scared. All I do is cry and worry. I pray.. A LOT..... Everyone says suck…
okay is this a "normal" side effect or is this reason for concern...
long story short, mom had 1st chemo on monday, took the pump out today, she is extremely sleepy..i cant say fatigue, she keeps saying just plain sleepy, she musta slept like half of the day, if it wasnt for the rest of the appointments I took her to, her appetite is alot less, but she still eats like whole grain crackers…
Surgery scheduled in a few days ans I can't quit coughing
My surgery is scheduled wed. 4/29 and I have developed this cough that at times sounds croupy. Throat tickles.... a little runny nose. Do you think I should tell doctor or not worry about it???? I don't want anything to postpone my surgery.
Quercetin + Vitamin C
Has anyone tried the supplements Quercetin + Vitamin C against cancer? Quercetin is a supplement that is extracted from fruits. In vitro research indicates it can kill cancer cells. Animal studies also show that Quercetin can work against tumors. These supplements are sold everywhere at vitamin stores. I'm looking for…
Freedom 55 :) :)
Ok... in a way, this doesn't have anything to do with cancer, per se... but in a personal way, it has a lot to do with the recovery journey :) Currently, I am lucky to be on Long Term Disability insurance, which is a benefit from my employer. I could be on it for as long as my doctors say that they don't feel I can go back…
Abdominal Tap
Hi. This is probably the 2nd time I have posted a question. My sister Gail has Stage 4 which has metastisized to the liver. She is very ill right now. Her original oncologist was a non proactive, negative one. We are in the process of getting a second opinion. Does anyone have any info about abdominal taps? She is so…
just found out my dad has colon cancer
My family and I just found out Monday that my dad has colon cancer. He went in for a colonoscopy and they found a growth which they biopsied and it came back as cancer. He had blood work and a CAT scan done today to see if the cancer spread to any other areas. He had a physical a few weeks ago and had a chest x-ray done…
folfiri cleared up reoccurrance
HI For those who have had a reocurrance after a fight with rectal cancer. I had mine come back last March 2008 after being "cancer free" for 11 months. Had 6 months of folfiri and the turmors in the lung and liver dissappeared. The dr said I am as close to NED as I can get. No sign of disease. I praise our Lord every day…