San Antonio, TX
Does anyone happen to live in or near San Antonio? If so are there any good cancer centers there? The reason I ask I am thinking about applying for a job in that area and wanted to know if anyone had any info on the cancer centers there. Thanks Beth
Brother Passed Away Today
After an 11 week battle with this disgusting disease my brother passed away. I've never felt pain like this before in my life. I have so many questions that can never be answered. 32 years old with not any hope at all. Thanks for all the replies in my previous post and I hope there is a cure for this disease. Romana x
This week's winner was Phillieg. The answer was within his second response. RIDDLE: If there were no food left, what could people do? ANSWER: Country people could eat their forest preserves and city people could eat their traffic jams.
Uncover the Cure!!
I thought you'd all get a kick out of this fundraiser for "cancers below the waist" :) It makes me smile and although I can't run or walk the route, I am going to see how I can get involved this year. The Underwear Affair 09 Vancouver - Uncover the Cure Those crazy Canadians! What will they think of next??? :) This is a 5K…
Remember we are all in this together............
Hi all - most of you don't know me, but I have been hanging around since my initial Stage IV diagnosis in May 2005 (liver met, plus sigmoid tumor). I've been doing really well and like many survivors I sort of drifted away from posting on this and Colon Club board. But, I read all the time. And, I am disturbed now. Folks…
Just wondering if anyone has had a gallbladder attack or had it removed??? I never had problems with it until I was on my 10th treatment. Just wondering if one has anything to do with the other..Also if anyone knows of any home "cures" for gallstones I would like to hear from you...Thanks JULIE
RIDDLE: If there were no food left, what could people do?
Think of me tonight
I hope y'all will be thinking of me tonight. My Relay for Life team is having a talent show tonight. It was a huge fundraiser for us last year, so I hope it does well again this year. I'm singing 2 songs. I was only going to do 1, but we found out this week that a little 4 year old girl from our church family has leukemia,…
Help with Info
Hi Everybody. I am going to give a talk at Zane State College on early detection for colorectal cancer. I had my emergency surgery at age 45 for metastisized tumor. Since the statistics are so outdated, and the guidelines and insurance recommends colonoscopy after age 50 I would like to use testimony from others like me,…
CSN Beta Site
I received a message from CSN today. "We haven't seen you at Cancer Survivors Network since Aug 09, 2008, and we miss you! Please come back and visit us soon at http://csnbeta.cancer.org." It looks like the link points to the beta site of CSN. The messages there are old, like in 2008. Someone received the same email…
Diagnosed 4/8/09 with BOTH Adenocarcinoma of Rectum and Adenocarcinoma of Esophagus. Started Chemo
I'll be posting on this board and the esophageal board as I've got both. On April 7th, 2009 I had rectal bleeding from 7pm thru 5am prompting my visit to a gastroenterologist on the morning of the 8th. I had dismissed prior blood in stool as being related to hemorrhoids for over a year. Aside from an obvious need for a…
What's with Anonymous?
Does anyone else see this in the posts/comments section? There are posts by Anonymous but when you look at the topic, nothing seems to have been written. Am I the only one seeing this? A voice from beyond maybe?
Side effects of Folfox+Avastin
I think I am doing follow up chemo with Folfox+Avastin, I still have to confirm with my ONC. But I am wondering what side effects come from this mix? I did pretty well with 5FU, no hair loss...just had to stop for a week because I got 'hand and foot' syndrom. How about getting sick? I know everyone is different, I just…
History: March 05 colon cancer IIIC, surgery & chemo 06 & 08 had two recurrences with single solitary tumor on liver, both surgically removed plus post surgery chemo 09 Jan CT showed 0.5cm nodule in lung, wait and see Latest CT (5/4 09): every thing is normal, the nodule is unchanged. Although I don’t write often, yet I do…
Low Stoma
I have a low Stoma and can not see it unless I look in a mirror.and I am having trouble getting the right flange you know the base when I put it on it gets wrinkles in it and when I rinse the bag it leaks I use colopast my Ostomy is oval I hate it on top of an open wound. I have a wound vac and part of the flange goes over…
More surgery
Hi all, A little history: Hubby dx'ed Jan 06 - surgery to remove colon Apr 06 surgery to remove the tumor and most of the plumbing, hot chemo washes, and a permenet illiostomy, followed by 9 rounds of folfuri. Mar 08 more surgery to remove the bladder and prostrate -permenet illioconduit. Two tumors were found in the…
surgery scheduled...
I met with my surgeon and oncologist today. We usually all meet together when we determine courses of action. I don't know if everyone has the opportunity to meet with their DRs at the same time but this was the 4th time we've all met together and I really feel like it makes a difference. My thyroid surgery was rescheduled…
Just found out we have colon cancer
We just found out Tuesday, Dec. 16 that captainhop has colon cancer...Dr. recommends immediate surgery. Going through all the first emotions of shock, anger, disbelief,anxiety,etc. Appointment w/ surgeon Monday. What can we expect. Dr. said this called for immediate surgery to remove the entire colon
Question for colostomies or ileos
I had my colostomy surgery March 10. I still feel like everyday I am either battling a constipation and gas stomach ache or that laxative feeling stomach ache from having to take one. Do any of you deal with this? Will it ease up? I ate a tiny bit of grapes and salad yesterday and the gas stomach ache was horrible. Will I…
Here's a awkward topic
Has anyone had the experience, especially the ones who have been fighting cancer for a long period of time compared to those who have been dealing with this for less than a year, where the cancer has affected one's sex life? Either the frequency of it, or the desire to have it, or the ability to "perform"? More so lately…
Hi everyone, My dr. decided to change my chemo to xeloda, I have had 19 treatments of 5fu. What can I expect from this drug, He told me what to expect but I love to hear from you! I will be taking the pill for 2 weeks then a week off etc. If he isn't happy with results he will add oxaciplatin to the regimen. Any feedback…
War on Cancer update
Interesting article on the false reality of the "war on cancer" the politicos and big pharma keep perpetrating. http://www.cancerdecisions.com/050309.html peace, emily
blah blah
High blood pressure...to the 200s...is this somethin that you get due to Avastin or any of your chem
Hello..just want to ask you guys if your blood pressure went really high after the 1st treatment...my mom had her 2nd chemo today, the docs said her blood pressure is really really high so they recommended a higher of her blood pressure med of atenolol to 50mg from 25mg...i was just curious since i know if its over 200/100…
Next week is surgery.
Hey I have not been posting trying to get things at home set up. I have 3 children 17,10,and 8 and I almost forgot 36 lol, that's my husband he has been wonderful and will have his hands full will us. I am getting nervous and try to stay calm and not worry, but for me it's hard. The surgery is to fix another drs. mess up.…
are we ready for #5
ok everybody that is about to get treatment #5 lets just suck it up and get er done.i have been on my pre-chemo depression today.it always happens the day before.i just start crying out of the blue.i go tomarrow for this and i know others will be with me,lets just hang on to buzzards rope and we will be fine good luck and…
Every year our town throws a festival. We call it spring fling and it lasts all weekend. It started out small. Some of us local restaurant and bar owners got together and sold some food and beer on the street. We had local musicians perform and local artists display their works. The first few years were great. Now things…
Quick thought
After each of my surgeries the drs have given me insulin to keep my blood sugar low to improve healing. I really don't remember my by glucose level being high but they wanted to keep it way down. Now I know cancer uses glucose in very high concentrations. I imagine lowering your glucose level makes it harder for cancer to…
May 5, 2005....last treatment was a bowel resection...NED for 4 years!!!!!!
I'm doing the naked happy dance...all weekend....YEA!!!! (And, I guess 5 years in November from diagnosis....) Hugs, Kathi
Stage IV colon cancer
My husband found out he has stage 4 colon cancer. He had surgery to remove it from his colon in November. He is on his fourth Chemo treatment and seems to be doing well. It is in his liver ( Onc. says extensive ) and little flecks in both lungs and a small spot on the adreanal glad. Everything I have seen on this site is…