There is NO shame in being able to provide the correct answer each week. If you got it you got it :) RIDDLE: Mr. and Mrs. Smith were walking home from the shipping mall with their purchases when Mr. Smith began to complain that his load was too heavy. Mrs. Smith turned to her husband and said "I don't know what you're…
Stage IV
I was told yesterday that cancer has spread to liver.This is very upsetting to my wife and children... me I try to stay positive, focused and faithful. But it is tough when your Doc tells you that without treatment the odds and averages are that you may not live a year. Well I may be odd but I am not average! I feel like…
Have a Colostomy or Ileostomy Question
I am very new to my ileostomy and today when I was talking to someone that I haven't seen since last summer, "Bella" started singing. They didn't know that I had cancer or an ileostomy. What do you all do when this happens. I was embarrassed. I know I should find the humor in this, but right now I can't. Is there some…
How many scans have you had? Do you know???
Every time i get another scan done, the techs always ask me if this is my first...whatever. All i ever say is "no". I've had dozens of scans, and i've tried to remember each one. I used to keep track of the CT scans, and now, i have no idea how many i've had. I've had probably a dozen MRI of various parts of the body…
Menstrual problems
I had a fairly large malignant tumor in my sigmoid colon and had it removed in March of 2007. Nine out of the twelve lymph nodes removed showed cancer. I had six rounds of folfox and became "allergic" to the Oxalaplatin and finished up with six rounds of Xeloda. In March of 2008 a CAT scan showed metastases to my liver. I…
Remove me as member
Since I've been instructed that I am not to share my faith, Bible verses etc., on this site except by pm 'if you connect with someone on the board that shares your beliefs', I am requesting my membership be removed.
Does anyone juice with a colostomy?
I had my colostomy surgery March 10 and liver resection April 9. I am wanting to juice again but I don't know what it will do to the bowels? I am still trying to figure out what constipates and what gives me stomach cramps so I was just trying to see what others did with the colostomy.
Sobering discussion
Interesting discussion after my consultation. Background for those new. Stage 4 colon surgery 9/06, chemo (folfox w/ erbitux) liver resection 2/07, follow up chemo (folfox w/ avastin )until 6/07. 2 lung mets showed up in 11 / 07 and those were resected. Clean scans until 3/09 with a new lung met, resection 4/09. I have now…
Has anyone ever quit before 12?
Just wondering if anyone has ever quit treatments before they were to 12? When we saw the dr. this week he mentioned "bet you are wondering why 12". He said it's a French thing. Just a number. NOW, we are wondering did he mean to say "you can quit now if you want to". Husband has stage III, one lymph node out of 15…
Hello-I am a 28 year old healthy female that has recently started having major GI issues. I have been to 5 doctors in the past 2 months and no one is taking me seriously. I started having slight bright red rectal bleeding on the stool in January, occassionally. I just opted to watch it after OBGYN said it was probably…
Buzzard Are You Out There????
Hey I just wanted to let you know I am done with my treatments and my CEA test came back good......Thank You soooo very much for all of the advice, compassion and laughs you have given me through your posts...You and alot of other people here have given me the strengh and will to carry on and I can't thank you enough..You…
11 down, 1 to go!
Well, guys, I'm almost there! This one went well, nothing too bad or out of the ordinary. Onc says he doesn't need to see me the last time, but if my tongue and mouth act like they did last time and the hands, I need to call and he will discontinue the oxy. However, the nurse said that if I think I can take it, not to - so…
Good news on the thyroid front, I think
I finally had my thyroid biopsied today. The doctor says the cancer is fully contained in the left lobe of the thyroid. So i will get to keep the right lobe and not have to take a hormone supplement the rest of my life. Some bad news is that the tumors (two tumors have grown into one large one) are larger than previously…
Heads Up! national Cancer Survivors Day is coming!
It's just May 1, but I thought I'd alert you all a bit early to National Cancer Survivors Day, June 7. A friend of mine in radio who keeps track of these things sent it to me today. Not sure how I'll celebrate it, maybe just a prayer to ask that a cure be found and that all of us who have or have had the big C, will be…
Would you be scared?
Hi all! I was wondering, I just saw my onc on Monday, who said the big question was if I should be kept on Avastin. As you know, I just had a colon perforation at the end of March, and had to have emergency surgery and a colostomy done, my bowels were going into my belly...the surgery went well, and the recovery was well…
RIDDLE: Mr. and Mrs. Smith were walking home from the shipping mall with their purchases when Mr. Smith began to complain that his load was too heavy. Mrs. Smith turned to her husband and said "I don't know what you're complaining about because if you gave me one of your parcels I would have twice as many as you and if I…
Colon Cancer
Hello: I have just had surgery on March 13 with a diagnosis of metastatic colon cancer. I find out more tomorrow about my future chemo treatments and some of the rest of the pathology report. I am nervous about the final diagnosis but hope that it is a treatable cancer. My husband and I had a visit a oncologist that did…
lab questions
Hi Everyone, **** goes in for his 4th Folfox treatment tomorrow. He had blood lab work done today and we have a few questions. His white blood cell count has been continually falling and today it was 3.5K/ul slightly in the low range. What number do most people get or need a boost? The doc didn't say anything about it this…
Seriously good night!
I've had some unusual things happen to me since treatment began. After my 1st liver resection in July 08 I was kept in a drug induced coma for several days. The surgery lasted 13.5 hours and was very extensive. The anesthesiologist kept me sedated, even though the surgeon wanted to wake me. Well, I had the worst care known…
Elevated Liver Enzymes Post Treatment
Hello everyone. Wanted to know if anyone's liver enzymes were still high after completion of treatment. I had 12 rounds of oxyiplatin, 5-Fu, and Leucovorin. I have had blood test, liver test, and CT scans and thus far nothing has given the reason why. Would like to know your thoughts. Thanks, Valerie
F'ing Drama Queens and Kings, Listen believers and non believers. Personally I love the drama you guys have going on. Last time I checked, cancer doesn't give a hoot who or what you believe. If you slip up your **** is grass. Now I've been reading these posts about what should and shouldn't be said or allowed to be said,…
Thanks for all the support!!!!
I jusy wasnt to thank everyone for their advice and support. This is like going through hell, and at times get scared but I have made it! On Jan. 31, 2010, I will be Cancer Free, I hope. I am getting things at home done so I have not been on much. But All of you are in my prayers. I belong to a Methodist church, and the…
A cancer question?
OK, that was tongue-in-cheek, but I need some help. How do you all manage bowel problems? I am usually constipated because of pain meds, and my lack of a rectum I guess. I use Miralax (doctor's orders)then I suddenly get diarrhea where I am literally in the bathroom 30 times a day. To stop it, Imodium. Then I get blocked…
haven't heard from you in awhile - are you ok??
Question about 2nd round of chemo
My new Chemo Dr. says I do not need the 2TH round of chemo cause the surgeon took out 13 limp nopes and there was no cancer in them.Now in the beginning I was told that I would need it just in case a micro dot of cancer broke off during surgery and the Oxaliplatin with 5-FU would kill any left over cells that might be…
2nd chemo for mom this monday...is immune system progressively gets slower to recover??
MY mom is having 2nd chemo treatment in 4 days..right now its been about 12 days after the 1st chemo, the first 4 days she was out and just sleepy and tired, after that, she seems like nothing has happened to her. She got her port surgery yesterday to replace the picc line that was being used for the 1st chemo, and there…
Woody's Take on Anxiety
I was watching Woody Allen's movie "Scoop" last night about a young reporter trying to solve a murder mystery when Woody said: "My anxiety is like aerobics, it gives me exercise." Now maybe it takes the delivery which I can't reproduce... the whiney voice and wide eyed look with spectacles but I fell out of the bed…
waiting for surgery.
Hi everyone. I just finished my round of chemo and radiation for stage 3 rectal cancer. I am 36 yrs old. I have my surgery scheduled for the beginning of june. Just wondering what to expect from the surgery and recovery. wishing the best to all. Thanks for any info you have to offer.. Take Care.
Regaining weight loss after surgery
I am recovering form a complete colonectomy (surgery was two weeks ago)and I've lost about 10 lbs. 10 pounds I might add I can't afford to loose (I'm a 6'2" male at 185 preop). I'm wondering if there is anything out there that you all could suggest that would help me to regain the weight? Web-sites? Diets?
Angelsbaby...we're all thinking of you and Angel
Hi Michelle, It has been some time since we've heard anything from you, and i can't help but fear for the worst. Every day i come here and check to see if there is any update on Angel's condition. I think about you all of the time, and i hope and pray for a miracle. Many hugs to you and Angel, Krista