Has anyone here heard....
Of squamash cell carcinoma of the RECTUM? I usually post on the anal cancer site as my tumor was staged and treated as anal cancer...just read clinical notes and realized it was squamash cell of the rectum......must not have been listening close enough at first consultation... It is very rare and I was just wondering if…
Avemar Ultra
Has anyone taken or know anyone taking Avemar Plus and any results would be appreciated.
liver ultrasound shows 2mm polyp on gall bladder
About to start researching this. Maybe this is where the met has landed. Better the devil I know. The ultrasound also found a small 7mm cyst on the liver. Now the ct a few days earlier found nothing but is being reviewed by the radiologists monday. Also monday 7am i am off for another pet scan, its been 6 weeks. I also…
cea 17 up 1 in two weeks and i am full of lead and mercury, functional liver test, genetics testing,
Just a quick update. i sent off some spit in the mail. it cost me a $1000 genetic test, to see what they recommended about tailoring supplement/diet/lifestyle to my genetics and the expression of those genes in the context of defeating the crc. looking forward to the results and the program to get me through it. i have…
Thanks for your help
Thanks for everyones help these past months. I lost my sweet husband of 43 years at 3:30 this morning. It is so hard to believe, feels like a bad dream. His last hours were peaceful, hospice was wonderful. I can't begin to express how much the wonderful people on this site have helped me this last year. You guys have…
Hello Everyone, My journey began in February, 2010. I had surgery and 12 rounds of chemotherapy. I rang the victory bell at St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore, Md on November 4, 2010. I wish to take the opportunity to personally thank each and everyone of you for your kind prayers and support. It was kind of rough at times…
Just took my last pain pill!
After being on Vicodin for nearly a year, I officially took my last 1/2 pill today. Took three weeks of tapering (thanks Abrub!), and I've felt like crap, but now I'm done. Still feel like I have the flu but hopefully that will subside in a few days. Pain meds are great when you need them, but a serious pain in the butt to…
Support for family member with cancer
My sister is stage 4, preparing for a HIPEC procedure later this month. I want to do whatever I can to support her, and it's feeling like she doesn't want any help from anyone, or at least from me. Those of you in her position - help me. Do I back away? I don't want to add to her stress level, but doing nothing and…
Erm this is combined with my other posting?
Keep sending them good vibes, or if you believe keep them in our prayers please. Before I get told off, did post in the religious forum, but it's quiet in there hoping it wont be missed. Just thinking We use to do this all the time in our section, asking for prayers or good vibes why did we stop? Anyway please, please I…
More tales from the hospital bed
1:00am Sunday, January 15 Started puking again Saturday afternoon. Around 4pm it turns dark and tastes of old blood; twice more like that and another call to 911, another trip to the hospital. The usual rigamarole in the ER, including a CT scan showing the kidney stent placed 5 days ago has pierced the kidney wall. Late…
Does anything we do make a difference?
I can't answer this for myself yet but a few current posts have really got me thinking.... Some here claim they have made absolutely no changes in their life after Dx;others have tried doing what they are convinced (or just hope),for whatever reasons,will be of benefit to themselves.Does any of the latter make a…
Hi Mates , it is FRIDAY any intreating plan for the weekend?
Dinner tomorrow with wife&friends, Saturday cinema, Sunday family lunch. Have a great and peaceful weekend !
Did anyone catch this?
Apparently recently on David Letterman's show Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne announced a sweepstake for colon cancer awareness. CBS and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center are co-sponsors. Apparently you can win a 3 day trip to NYC for you and a friend, some cash and a free colonoscopy. If you want more…
taraHK how you doing my friend? I have seen you posting but
not comments about your situation, are you going to be operated? are you fine? . Love you . Pepe.
Half way home
I have just finished the third of a six week 5fu and radiation treatment. The side effects include sores in my nose and serious constipation. I was hospitalized yesterday to help get things moving again and to get pain under control. The only way I can have a desent BM is to give myself an Enema and along with this comes…
husband not sure about more chemo
after cancer came back 2 years after first diagnois my husband not sure he wants to do more chemo. the oncoligist said 6 months of treatment. He had his port out last feb. when he had hernia surgery, so has to get port in also. He is really reluctant to do chemo, I am trying to be supportive, but I am having a problem with…
Update on my wife
The irinotecan regime, Xeliri, failed, CEA started going up on treatment 6 and by treatment 8 had doubled. Scan shows more liver involvement. Onc is going to try Xelox, as the oxy worked the first time. She knows what NED is, just never heard it. Her onc said from the beginning this was palliative, not curative, so we've…
Another reason to eat celery,green peppers,carrots,oregano and other sources of the flavonoid "Lute
eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-01/bc-pfl012012.php "Plant flavonoid luteolin blocks cell signaling pathways in colon cancer cells" also at;medicalnewstoday.com/releases/240628.php
I think i made a decision
I just had my fourth abdominal surgery for colon cancer this past December. I had my CT scan last week and I'm going to see my oncologist this week. I was told they got all the cancer that they could see during the surgery. I have had chemo for 1 1/2 years. Im thinking that if the scans are clean, I'm going to do the wait…
CBS Sunday Morning - Cure for cancer?
Interesting piece. Calif. HS student devises possible cancer cure
Avastin & Irintecan
I will start my 1st rd of my 2nd phase of infusions tomorrow 1/27. (mets to lungs) Anyone have any exp With these 2 drugs? I know some of the side effects will be diarreah, hair loss, nausea ect. Was wondering how bad fatigue is on it. Wont have the folfox with so no 46hr pump to go home with also. Will be doing this every…
G'day everyone, It has been a long year but I have made it thru another one still cancer free. That makes it 14 years since my ca surgery on this day back in 98. I send my best wishes for all those who continue to battle with colo-rectal cancer and a hope that a new and effective treatment is just around the corner. Hugs…
Oxi added to 5FU and stage III:***Plus now one on Xelox
(sorry for lengthy typing needed but worth reading) health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/cancer/articles/2012/01/20/more-evidence-for-oxaliplatin-as-colon-cancer-chemotherapy added this 1/24: "NO16968:Xelox improved 7-yesr OS in advanced colon cancer",at hemonctoday.com/articlePrint.aspx?type=print&rID=91711
Getting the Flu
Wow I'm not sure if I've got the flu or not. My back and chest aches so bad and and it feels like I've got to go poopies so I've taken some Milk of Magnesia and tums and I'm feeling a little better but this is the way I'm always feeling when needing to go poopies good and a good clean out but just feel different this time.…
OT Can"t get any respect.
Cancer survival gains you no respect with mother nature. Last week the weather service declared that la ninja was on the wane and average rainfall would drop dramatically. So this week we have had three days of torrential rain and once more I find myself up to my ankles in bathroom //laundry and bedroom. The state…
How ya doing Buckwirth?
Are you still in the land of nurses who wake you up at all hours and where there is lousy hospital food? Hope that the last procedure helped you and you are feeling much better. Let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Marie who loves kitties
latest pet scan CLEAR and confronting pet result
so the surgeons and oncs think its a recurrence, its just the tumour ain't visible yet. to be honest i am in no hurry for any tumour or tumours to show up either, so i was happy with todays pet result. 7 am pet, they did brain as well. small uptake in rib, that they say is not a met. note no similar uptake on the pet a 6…
Any advice?
Been fighting stage IV for over 20 months now. Decided it was time to stop all tx and enjoy life for a while. 42 and otherwise healthy (except for hypertension, blood clots and now insulin dependent diabetes, thanks cancer and chemo). Doc said 12-18 months, that was 4 months ago. Just wondering what to expect. Still…
Bulging area around incision
Hello friends, My husband had liver resection surgery 7 weeks ago. All of a sudden there is an area on part of his incision that is kind of bulging out. He says it doesn't hurt but I wonder what it could be. He just start radiation last week and doesn't really feel like going to see the surgeon again who is not in the same…
My dutch day....
Typical Dutch day: Got on our bikes, checked out some flowers along the way, rode to a 2nd hand store with a restaurant inside. Ate a dutch lunch, with a cup of coffee, mounted up, rode to a grocery store for stuff. Sat and had a free cup of tea, rode home...car hasn't left the garage in 2 days...*smile* Dutch hugs, kathi