a picture of my daughter, my butt and artesiane methods of operation
do you think i will get into trouble putting this as public on my blog ? the methods of action are documents i have shared at the bottom of the blog in my goggle docs. i made them public but noone can change them. i got them from a trusted source. if anyones interested, the reasons sound compelling. this info ain't…
Vectibix / doxycycline
Hi, Has anyone been on this alone (no irinotecan) and suffered from fatigue? Thanks! Liz
Update on George:
George had his six week oncologist appointment yesterday. I expected a not so good report since he has been real cranky, tired, chemo diarrhea, etc. but the news was actually pretty good. It appears the cancer is inactive. Is it still there, well yes, but it isn't growing or moving around and his CEA is down another few…
flying and clexane for blood clot
Hi, while my husband is feeling well we would like to go to canaries, 4hrs from england. Will he have to declare injections for flying?
Questions about Folfox issues
Hi folks, I just had my first Folfox treament last Wednesday. The mild nausea and lack of appetite are still with me, which is already a problem since I am visibly losing weight. My ostomy output is also too high so I called the doctor today and he told me to take Lomotil throughout the rest of today. I felt really…
good news I think CT SCAN clear no mets and latest CEA down 1 from 17 to 16 Yippeee!!!!!!!!
so i am hammering our health system here. 9 am intravenous iv c and i get the cea and full bloods results from last friday. now my cea is down to 16 from 17 over the period of a week while i was away on holidays. note for 3 days of that period i did iv c 60,000 ui and artemisinin. nothing conclusive but still better than a…
blood clot from avastin
Hi, visited onc today, all areas have responded again to chemo ( liver, lung and peritoneum ) finished chemo for a while, the oxaliplatin will not be continued because of numbness in feet, and the Avastin will be stopped because a blood clot has developed in pelvis area. We are stopping chemo for the while and see what…
I did it!
I just ordered the Omega Vertical! I'm so excited...estimated arrival date is 1/31....I can't wait! I hope despite the problems and set backs I've been reading about, everyone is in as good as spirits as possible. I think of you all daily. I get my colonoscopy report tomorrow. Yikes it's scary to wait, however I think I…
The Sundance Book is NOW Finished! – “Let’s Talk About This…”
Well, the book is now finished - I’ve got a full manuscript in my hands now, ready for submission. Can you believe it? You can imagine my thoughts as I’ve crammed 7.5 years of my cancer journey and relived it ‘in detail’ for the writing of this book in less than 5-months, right? I have been living cancer 24/7 these past…
husband had surgery week ago yesterday for colorectal cancer that met to liver. first diagnosis was
surgeon said he got all of the cancer on the liver, was wondering what to expect next, have app. with oncoligist tomarrow.
After liver resection, time frame to start chemo?
Good morning, friends. My husband will be 4 weeks out from liver resection surgery tomorrow. His oncologist is going to start chemo on Thursday. 4 rounds every 3 weeks of Xeloda, oxi, and avastin. I did not get to go with him to his onc appt so I couldn't ask questions. does this sound typical as far as time frame after…
latest CEA results- not good
Hi, Got my lab results back this morning from Friday's blood draw. It's been three weeks since my last CEA check. It went up 132 points in three weeks. It now sits at 727.6 That's a pretty scary number & I've felt myself getting worse and weaker the past couple of weeks. I guess this probably means the natural extract I've…
24/7 stomach bloating, stinging pain in abdomen
Merry Christmas to everyone, sorry I couldn't bring happier news but I need help. I'm a 23 year old male from Arkansas. About 7 weeks ago, I went to the hospital because of a bloated stomach, lower back pain, and difficulty breathing. They did some bloodwork and an Xray, everything came back fine. I got a call a day later…
Hard to watch
Hard to watch hubby so ill. Still in hospital, in so much pain. Meds put him out until it starts again. He is so weak he can't hold the phone when calls come. Mornings are better, he seems more oriented. Evenings scare the hell out of me. I know the dr said maybe several months, but how can he last like this. I want to be…
Nana b - Have not heard from you
We have not heard from you since your cea increased. Just wondering how you are. Take care....Linda
Pills or Port?
So I was told today that I have to recieve chemo I am a stage two never reached my lympnodes but it is just to make sure I get all the cancer cells out of my body. Question my doctor said I either go with the pills or the port. I don't know what to do, with the pills it will be a minimal treatment and the port will def.…
Radiation for rectal cancer
Happy New year to everyone! I hope that 2012 is a good year for all of us. It would be nice to have a year without cancer treatment for sure. We haven't had that in this house since 2003. Next up is radiation for my husband. We are trying to decide on a doctor. Looking for advice on this one. We saw a doctor locally who we…
After Cancer.... Now What?
I know that we mostly post about our fight during our cancer treatment but I dont see a lot of postings about the fight we go through after we won the war. So far so good on my bone scan, CT scans, Colonoscopy, and blood work. Dont get me wrong, I thank god every day that my cancer is gone but I still have so many issues.…
Why are Posts Suddenly Disappearing
Twice now I've been replying to a post and after hitting submit it says it's no longer there and sure enough, it isn't. Is there a glitch in the system or something. Just wondering as I'm afraid to write anything at length in case it just gets lost in cyberspace. Anyone else having this problem? Kim
Regorafenib do you know when is going to be approved by FDA?
No news about EMEA approval here yet! Hugs!
Pleurisy with Lung Mets
I've gone from doctor to doctor and I myself find an article on the internet regarding pleurisy. Bingo, that's got to be my latest issue! Have any of you had pleurisy and how was it treated? I was on antibiotics twice and I thought it was cleared up and then it came right back. Do you have to have your lung drained?
as a stage 4,getting my first RFA
hello all yes i am still around i just dont post much.it seems i dont have a lot of positive things to say and i would rather not bring anybody down.just a little update from me since my liver resection in sept.i have had 5 tx of chemo and my latest ct scan showed the lessions in my lungs are shrinking but i have one…
Haven't heard from you in awhile and wanted to let you know you are being thought of. Hope your more comfortable with your move. Hope all is well. Kim
good morning semi's
hi gals and guys long time. hope and pray all is well i am going for my yearly scope in alittle while and i am asking for a little good karma. not much sleep prepping. will post more later. be well never ever give up bruce
Vile Bile = back in Hospital. UPDATE
My home away from home. Not the wrst thing though; they gave me another CT and my kidney stent is not placed properly. The doc this morning seemed to be surprised that I was not in some kind of extreme discomfort as a result. Another minor surgery tomorrow to fix that. Waiting another few days could have been disastrous.…
CT scan update-good news!
Been sweatin’ it this past week through the process of the quarterly scans and checkups. Though I don’t frequent the boards as much as I did when first diagnosed I want to send my love and hugs to all who are now dealing with recurrences that, as we know, can just be a scan or a CEA rise away. Kinda blew me away reading…
CT Scan / MRI results question
Hello and Merry Christmas to everyone. I recently had a colonsocpy where a 1cm sessile polyp was found to be cancerous. The surgeon removed it as far to the wall as he could but was uncertain if he had gotten it all or not. The pathology report showed cancer that extended to the bottom of the polyp. His recomendation was…
hi mates it is FRIDAY ! any interesting plan for the weekend?
I will remain her, may be some shopping and Saturday cinema! What about you?
trouble swallowing
Anyone have trouble swallowing? Food gets stuck at Adams Apple. Sometimes liquid hurts going down at sternum and it hurts in middle of back. I'm on 4th tx of second cycle of folfox. They are scheduling an endoscopy. Just curious if this happened to anyone else. Oh, the heartburn too. Nexium almost daily. Looking forward to…
Need your help !
Has any of you used the same chemo twice in different periods ? I mean if you have been in folfox successfully , years later in folfiri and it failed after a long period, can you go back to folfox? , did it worked in any of you?.In my case it's been 2.5 years since I'm off folfox. Thanks in advance!