has a guideline for CRC treatment plus other info (.org is for clinicians) that might be of use to someone or two.....
Feb 22
We got the call today that my Husband's liver resection is scheduled for February 22nd and ileostomy take down. I am really excited to have gotten to surgery but nervous for him to go through the surgery. I believe that GOD will keep him safe and bless us the whole way. If you guys could send some prayers up for us that…
juice people
Would like to start juicing.Have looked at lots of juicers on line. Could use a little help. Please give name of your juicer and if you would recommend it. Thanks And happy juicing.
Taking a Break
Hi Everyone: Just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking a break for awhile to spend some quality time with hubby and family. I'll be checking in periodically but won't be posting a lot. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers daily. Hugs! Kim
I've been wanting to tell you this
Just a little story to share. As some of you know I was an ER RN for 15 years and loved my job. I got my cancer diagnosis in June 2010. I tried to work and it only lasted 3 weeks into the radiation/chemo pump when I had to go on LOA. I wasn't able to go back to work. The surgeries and chemo was hard on me and my job…
How are you! I haven't been following the boards as much, but haven't seen your name pop up in a while. I hope you are ok!
CEA check time. January Ck - Up 2.
I had my 27 wedding anniversary and my CEA CHECKED YESTERDAY. BITTERSWEET. I FIND OUT the results Thursday evening, To a healthier 2012, January 18, 2012 I get rescanned tomorrow morning! Hate scans!!
need some advice
hey you wonderful peeps, i dont come on here much, but here is what i need some help with....i was on the heavy chemo 3 yrs ago oxy, 5 fu and took the pump home for 2 days,,side affects were not so bad, sadly after being...ok....im back on the heavy stuff, oxy again 5 fu and fol..to take home with the pump...this time i am…
Husband had surgery yesterday
My husbands surgery was yesterday. We had to be there by 6:00am and his surgery was 7:30am. It lasted until 1:00pm, (although he did tell me that there was a 45 minute prep time in the operating room). The surgeon told me that it was better than he expected. That he had to take out less than he though because the tumor had…
Carl update
I get so busy with life. Kids still need attn, work, hubby etc I just don't make it here though I really feel I could use the support as the caretaker. Reading others travels helps me understand as we go thru this. Anyhow Carl had his last CT Scan for his colorectal cancer in July all was said to be good, labs scans all…
my aunt--update.
is still alive and kicking, doing well I think, but she's good at hiding stuff from me so, I could be wrong. Anyway, her cea (?) number went up last time, not much, just a point or two. She's on xeloda (2 pills twice a day for 2 weeks then off a week) and she gets treatments every three weeks, they've put on her avastin (I…
NED and so grateful
dx'd stage 3B colon cancer on May 20, 2008 My CEA taken a week ago and today met with my oncologist CEA is 1.8!!! 16 months to go to hit the golden 5 year "cured" mark. With love from Minnesota, Patteee
Happy Birthday to Me!!
A cancer survivor who hit another birthday! Yippee!! I won $500 (2X250) in a superbowl pool! Happy Birthday to me!!!
The End of my Tenure--10 years today
Hello you wonderful Semi-colons! Little did I know ten years ago, December 12, 2001, when I posted my very first post on this board that I would still be here posting away, answering questions, building friendships, mourning the loss of friends, and most recently meeting friends face to face, new and old, at my first…
Still here...
Hey gang, Thought I would give you a quick update. I am settled in comfortably in the first floor condo. I am on hospice care and have been taking far fewer pills and infusions. I haven't eaten real food in weeks and am pencil thin. I prolly won't make it through the month, but am happy and content. Luckily there's no pain…
UPDATE a small miracle ! so aggressive hyperthermia in germany or watchful waiting at home with alte
UPDATE so today great news, my leaky gut is fixed, now onto rebuilding probiotics another 3 weeks program, my functional test indicate i have phase 1 and phase 2 detox issues. starting to fix these as well using glutaphoine iv with my iv c drip. when these are fixed i will also have results of heavy metal chelation test…
I'm still offered to be on the dendritic cell vaccine Trail, but decided for folfox for the moment since it make wonders 3 years ago with me.So for the moment I'm quite well ,stable and hope we will se some regression in the next controls ,but this is my question , any of you have ever been in a successful trail ( so mean…
Recurrent Met to Liver
A small cancer spot has shown up on my liver. This is the second time it has happened. When my rectal stage iv cancer came back in January 2010, I had one spot on the liver that was surgically removed. This followed agressive chemo that ended in September. Now 4 months later, another spot has appeared. They plan on doing a…
mef123/Michele How did your husband's Surgery go Today?
Michele, Just wanted you to know, will be there cyberly holding your hand while your hubby is in surgery, and will be sending my best vibes your all's way. Thinking of you both especially this Tuesday!! Winter Marie
Juice and sugar and cancer
I am wondering if the concentrated sugar in juice (such as carrot, beat and apple) would be feeding the cancer, and bad instead of good?
Four articles on cancer drugs you probably don't want to read:
Rather disturbing:emaxhealth.com/1020/how-drug-shortages-could-affect-future-cancer-care While this next one relates to breast cancer treatment, the concept applies to us too-putting a monetary value on extending life, on the site's home page at the left:oncologyreport.com "US Oncologists Confront Pressure to Curb Cancer…
Help for Depression
Good morning! My husband, stage iv, liver resection in dec. and now on 4 rounds of xeloda, oxi and avastin- He is very depressed. He won't answer his phone, talk to any friends, leave the house during the week when we are at work and school . He has pretty much cut himself off from everyone except his sister since Dec. He…
Advice on colostomy
My husband had his LAR surgery on 1/30. We were hoping for an ileostomy but there was too much damage from the tumor and radiation so he needed a colostomy which is most likely permanent. One of the nurses gave me a crash course in the care of the stoma and they told me someone will go into more depth with me soon. I just…
I got juiced!
I'm loving my Omega Vert. :) Gail
Back to Work
I'm back to work full time after rectal cancer. I had my rectum removed and a temp ileostomy. Even though things are going well for me it can still be an uncomfortable situation at times. Many days I am so glad to have made it to quitting time and can't wait to get home. I would love to be able to work from home. Anyone…
My FRIENDS it is FRIDAY , anything interesting for the weekend?
Here ....not very much unless weather allows , cold, snow, bad weather!. Hugs!
New to club
Hi my husband was diagnosed November 2010 with bowel cancer stage 4 he has received excellent care and after a successful bowel and liver resection with 1st line treatment given as a " mopping up " six months later we've been told his cea level has risen from 35, to 77, to 122 so a ct scan was ordered and confirmed the…
A small collection of pics...a few more..
from my dutch world! (On my expressions page) More to come, I promise!!! Knuffels, Kathi
Up date on Hubby
We saw the Madison Team yesterday and everything seems to be a go for the liver resection. They said they will be calling in the next couple days and will have surgery in next two weeks. Needless to say we are so happy except that they informed us that this surgery has a 3% mortalilty rate. This is wonderful odds (I do…
CEA Markers
Hi to all, just wanting some information on cea, my husband is on a chemo break at the moment, having been dx 17 months ago, and at present being treated for Colon mets to peritoneum, liver and lung. What has been strange is that his Cea has never gone up!! Always around 3 - 4. Has anyone else experienced this? Again my…