changes in bowel movements after 10 years NED
Wow, its been a while for me, but I was hoping to get some suggestions. I had rectal cancer in 2001 with 6 mnths chemo. My most recent colonoscopy was at the beginning of last year and was fine. Since my surgery in 2001 I have had frequent bowel movements, which I understand alot of us have to deal with after rectal…
Liver surgery
Okay so as the past has been clear dr.s don't tell you everything they tell you what they believe to be true or what they want you to hear. Those that have had liver surgery please give your experiences and thoughts of what to expect following this surgery. They are saying 6ish hours surgery they are definitely taking gall…
lost and confused
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer (adenocarcinoma of the cecum) last year just before his 29th birthday... a couple of months ago the doctor told us that he was just needing a little more chemo then he could go to maintenance if scans looked good after another 6 months... well last week my husband had 2…
Turn the White House Blue - light it up in March for CRC awareness
Please take a minute to sign the petition to light up the White House Blue in March for CRC Awareness month. Pink has done it every October since 2008, so we should get it done for BLUE! TURN THE WHITE HOUSE BLUE PETITION
lisa: just wondering how you are doing and if anything has changed. know that you are in my prayers daily. Praying for healing and strength for you. Much love to you and your family AMY
Phony Avastin?: Press release from Genentech
gene.com/gene/news/press-releases/press_statements/ps_021412.html advising health care workers what to look for
Canadian Pharmacies
My sister is mentally challenged and has schizophrenia as well. She takes a medication called Zyprexa. She had been under my mother's care for most of her life but she has recently become independent of my mother (thank goodness). The patent on Zyprexa recently expired so her psychiatrist is unable to give her free samples…
Stage 4, 3 years NED
I just got the results from my last CT scan and x-ray and they were both clear. I have now been NED for 3 years since I was diagnosed July 07 as Stage 4 CCR with met. in my liver. I have posted before with the program I have been following, but thought I should do it again for those new to the board. I am not saying that…
Hi Pete. I wanted to ask you if your onc mentioned to you trying a vaccine. I think you said in another thread your pharmacist had one "custom made" for himself after having been diagnosed with cc. Was wondering if you have thought about doing what he did, or if not, what are your thoughts on that? Wondered where he had…
On antibiotics today for recurrent pneumonia- religious post
Hi all! Thank you for all your replies. I'm sorry to have made you all sad with my news. These past few days have been quite difficult, until this afternoon... My husband told me when got home from work today that he heard words from God 3 times today ( and this has never happened to him before). He said he was driving to…
scared with new issues
I am a stage 4 colon cancer patient wtih mets to liver. I was lucky to find new onco/surgeons and had a colon resection and liver zapping on my lesions. I am NED at this point. There a two things though. First, with being NED I am having a hard time accepting and believing after eveything i've been thru since May of 09. I…
first day of chemo
well here are the meds i am started on so far 5-fu on pump and 2.5 hours of cpt-11 well i am scared but tring to keep a positive out look on things, i will post more when i get home thank you all for being here for me. john
New issue.
I am on a chemo holiday for 6 weeks right now from Avastin. My last CEA level was 1.3. Last MRI showed lesions shrinking and going from 30+ across both lobes of my liver to 15 or 16 only in the right lobe. The down side has been migraines. I was on Fioricet but I "abused" them fearing every headache would be a mirgraine so…
Does anyone have experience with severe diarhea followed by severe stomach/intestinal cramping 5 days after getting Irinotican. I did Irinitocan 4 years ago and didn't have these problems, especially this long after my last infusion.
update on husbands surgery
My husband originally didn't get a ileostomy but ended up getting one Sunday because around 2 oclock that morning it popped, luckily he was still in the hospital. He started running a fever and sweating. They sent him down for a ct scan at 12:30pm and by 2:30 he was headed for surgery. His colon tore where they put it back…
Embolization #3
Last week, my wife underwent an embolization for tumors in her liver. The interventional radiologist (IR) said he hit the spot he wanted. So after being discharged, we get home and she is having some severe abdominal pain. Long story short - prior experiences are not an indicator of current effects. The prior procedure was…
Life after treatment
Hope the following article about life after treatment will be helpful. Feel free to share with your survivor friends. http://voices.yahoo.com/life-after-cancer-10949944.html
AFP test/CEA test
I am a Stage IV patient who had colon resection at end of 2009 (Stage IIA then) followed by recurrence 15 months later with liver metastasis and liver resection in summer 2011. I am moving through six months of chemo treatment with Xelox and will be finished in a month. My CEA went down immediately after both resection…
I love you Lisa42
Lisa, I wanted to start a new thread to ask for continued prayers and good thoughts/vibes to send your way. I think of you every day. I pray for you to have no pain, to have loving and peaceful times with your family, for you to feel the wave of love that we here send you across miles. We have never met Lisa, except…
Sad-- Colon Cancer Related Stroy
Following is a link to the story of a father of 5 who lost his battle. www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46366444/ns/health-mens_health/
Sky high CEA
Hello again. Has anybody here had a sky high CEA with fluctuations during chemo? I mean sky high as in the thousands. And... if you had HAI or SIRT or RFA, was it done during Folfox chemo or after? Thanks so much.
new symptoms....advise please
Well- mom is 4 year crc survivor. She had resection with 1 foot of colon removed followed by chemotherapy. She still battles with fatigue and neuropathy. Now I have had irregular bowel pattern and bright red blood in my stool. It has only happened a few times this week. Went to GP today and he says most likely a fissure or…
Hello - new here too
Hello, everybody. I've been reading this board since October but have not "joined" or posted. So... here goes. My precious daughter is the one with the disease. She is 32 years old, she and her husband just had their first child late August. She was diagnosed 7 weeks later. It's been just devastating for all of us. She got…
New normal... Am I alone on this?
So Ive had this illeostomy (recurrent rectal cancer stage II) for 4 1/2 months now and I'm in no hurry to get it reversed. I adapted to it allmost immediatly and really have no issues with it. I can eat whatever I want whenever I want with no ill effects and without any medicinal needs (Imodium),I can travel without…
Two years ago Today and Still here
At 2 AM on February 6th I discovered I had stage IV, colon cancer, and the way they were all crying and hugging and patting me as I left, I knew it wasn't a good thing. After all the test over the following week, I was given 2 weeks without treatment, 4 to 6 months with. Two years later I'm still here, just started my…
scan good.Not perfect but good enough:)
Hi everyone, I had ct scan as well as pet scan on monday.It has been 6 month since I had suspicious para-aortic lymph nodes show up on ct and pet and cancer in 3 clavicular lymph nodes in my left side of neck. Ct results : perfect no disease seen anywhere Pet scan showed small focal area of moderate uptake in the right…
hey all new here
hi everyone i am new here, i was dignosed (sorry bad spelling) Dec 3rd 2011 with this cancer and the next day had had emergency surgery to remove 5 out of my 6 feet of colon and to biopsie the 4 tumors on my liver which means i just found out a lil over 2 weeks ago that i have stage 4 colon cancer i had the port put in on…
Very cold here , so just stay home , may be dinner with friends and lunch with family . What about you mates?
****UPDATE****... Been to the TCM Pharmacy!!!! AND... a Thank You to JOHN23
WoW!!!! Thats all I can say because my first visit to a TCM pharmacy was really awesome! Look at that pic! They gave me 5 big piles of these herbs. A special formula prescribed by my TCM doc. When I seen that I thought "Whoa..do I brew it...smoke it...or build a darn campfire with it??? " LMAO.... I know right! Whats in…
lost at sea on cable and vimeo and clear colonoscopy today
Its been over 15 months and for some strange reason within 2 days of each other my old lost at sea story is back going around the world again, now on cable tv the bio channel in a program called "i survived". and also on the interent, on a site called vimeo, its the staff pick, the stories is getting some nice comments.…