Essiac Tea - Cancer Cure?
Has anyone heard of this tea as a cure for cancer? Please let me know. They claim it doesn't harm you while you are taking chemo, or any other treatments. I'm a sceptic. Thanks, Karen
facial hair after chemo??
I finished my last chemo Apr 5th and since then I've had 2 people comment on my facial hair. I've always had very fine light facial hair that most women have, but this stuff is either longer or thicker. At any rate it's enough to warrant comments. How flipping depressing! Not bad enough that I now look like I'm 70 yrs…
I don't understand my pain
Does anyone still have pain in their ribs, under the arm, etc. I am told this is just the way it will be from now on, but I only had stage 1 breast cancer. Radiation was complete 1 year ago 3/21 and I can't stand to be touched or hugged because my rib cage hurts..all the time. I exercise to strengthen muscles and just…
Not feeling pretty anymore
I know that so many of us have so many more things to be concerned with myself included but yesterday I got dressed for an inteview and after I put my makeup on and stood in the mirror it occured to me that I don't feel pretty anymore, I know it's just psychological crap but it's here and I don't like it. I don't think…
her2new and herceptin
Hi to all. I'm a newby here, diagnosed in Dec. and taking my last AC next week. I'm in a clinical trial because my her2neu is at a 3+. I'm going to be starting on taxol and herceptin after I'm through with AC for 9 weeks, and have to continue on the herceptin for a year, even through radiation. I have 2 questions. First,…
It occurs to me that all the recent articles about breast cancer seem to focus on the probablity that this disease will recur, and will most likely be the cause of death. This seems to be the opinion even if your disease was Stage 1 or even 2 with no lymph node involvement, etc. I find it a bit depressing. When I was first…
What does this mean?
My mom was just told that her cancer is back and that it is incurable. She is only 57, and I just can't accept the fact that she has no hope for a cure. The doctor told her that she could do hormone therapy, but wants to do a lung biopsy first to see if her hormone receptors are positive. Her receptors were initially…
HaPpY MoThEr'S DaY to all
May your day be bright,full of hugs,love and joy. billswife---> Hope your trip to MI was good...I can't wait to go to my part of MI in a couple weeks. God Bless ALL Cindie
A better day for Mother's Day
Let me start with the good news. Last week's MRI showed improvement in Bill's brain tumors over the original one. Our oncologist will now take everything to the Gamma Knife team and they'll decide if they want to wait another 6 weeks to see if there is additional improvement or forge ahead now. To be honest we were both…
For my daughter...I miss her....
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free I'm following the path God laid for me I took his hand when I heard His call I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day To laugh, to love, to work, or play Tasks left undone must stay that way I've found that peace at the close of the day. If my parting has left a…
Advice on Tram Flap in the Seattle area
I had a bilateral mastectomy due to DCIS this year. I am looking for advice from women that have had the tram flap surgery performed in the Seattle area, specifically at Virginia Mason Hospital. Any advice would be much appreciated!!
Lupron, Tamoxifen, & Arimidex
Hi, Was diagnosed with breast cancer with lymph node involvement last fall. Have done chemo, had mastectomy this past February and now doing radiation therapy. I was premenopausal at the time of my cancer, and the chemo brought me into menopause. My oncologist put me on Tamoxifen last month and was concerned about some of…
Radiation treatment after chemo
I was supposed to do 6 wks of radiation now that I finnished my chemo has anyone heard there is a new shorter treatment 2 wks?
Arimidex or just menopause
Has anyone experience painful intercourse caused by Arimidex, or is it just menopause in general? What can I do to alleviate it? I am using a lubrication, but it does not seem to do the trick. Embarrased Fran
Hi everyone, Just a brief note for all of you. Don't know if you have a Gilda Radner Club in your area or not, but I strongly recommend it. I joined the club here in Pittsburgh last week. It is a completely free organization and is first class. You meet and have time with Cancer survivors, and fighters for activities,…
Hi Everyone! Sorry to report my last onc appt didn't turn out quite so well. PET and CT revealed a large plural effusion as well as spots on the lung and rib. I had a thorocentisis (sp) and that relieved alot of the breathing but the real kicker is I gotta return to the land of chemo....o no!!! I was first dx in April 2005…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Male Breast Cancer" discussion board with the "Breast…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Lymphedema" discussion board with the "Breast Cancer"…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging the "Inflammatory Breast Cancer," "Lymphedema" and "Male Breast…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" discussion board with the…
Good report, but I still hurt
Well the good news is my 6 week post chemo check up was good and I don't have to see the oncologist for 4 months! No serious side effects from the Arimidex and I think my hair is beginning to grow back. But I'm still dealing with so much and like Kathy says there are just some bad days. This is one of them. Bill's been out…
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 and now it came back as of 2006. My parent's never told any of my family except my immediate family, my Brother and my Niece. Now I just found out that my cousin has breast cancer in both of her breast. My parent's don't want me to call her because they don't want to talk about it…
Hi Ladies, Just got a call from MD Anderson. I'm on the list to talk to any women who have gone through similiar side effects from chemo and Patricia from Michigan, I'm hoping will be able to log in and share her story. She is 3 years out of chemo and having problems with her legs, as I am, and probably still having these…
reconstruction surgery for seniors
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this board. My mother has recently been diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ. She'll most likely have a double mastectomy in the next month. I need some opinions on reconstruction surgery for a widowed woman of 75. Insurance won't cover it, but she can self-pay if necessary. What she WON'T do is…
I am beside myself....
My close friend has informed me she has been dx with lung and bone cancer. Her spirits are good,my humour rubbed off on her so she's laughing. she has a good support from her family..which I am very happy about.. I so wish we were closer ,I'd be there at her side(she is in Montreal & I in GA).At least she has my looong…
Screwed by plastic surgeon
So, my plastic surgeon's office called me last week and left a message on my cell phone, saying that he wasn't aware that I had radiation to the chest wall (untrue) and they cancelled my scheduled consultation and following surgery, without even seeing me or talking to me in person. I was SO upset! After 5 attempts to…
I'm finished treatment !
Hi everyone, Well it has been a while since I have posted, but I have been here very often. It has been a long road for me lately. I had a bad reaction to the Taxol. It shut down my liver, caused pancreatitis, and gall bladder irritation. Spent 10 days in hosp. They stopped the Taxol after 5. Not worth the risk to my…
Breast Cancer / Cardiotoxicity
Pain after Taxotere?
The pain in the bones (where my bc spread to) after I get the Taxotere - the oncologist said it's the cancer, not the Taxotere. Does that mean that it's killing it, or does it mean the cancer in the bones is getting worse? Have any of you resorted to using a cane. It is very difficult for you to use stairs" It is killer…
Arimidex & Swelling Feet
Just curious if any of you have had your legs & feet swell taking Arimidex... I stopped taking it today and don't expect to take it tomorrow. I have been taking it for about 15 months... and my feet have been getting more swollen and sore overtime. So I intend to try to convince my Onc there must be something better... I…