Good news
No cancer in the lymph nodes!!! After bone scan, no cancer there either!!!! No need for chemo!! Dr. recommended Tamoxifen but I declined after research told me that it would improve my chances of non-recurrance by only 21/2 percent. Right now I am waiting for swelling to go down so I can move on to a prothesis and have my…
I completed radiation today!
I'm doing my happy dance! Honestly, it went by pretty quickly. I was also lucky that I had no skin issues. My energy level was compromised, however. Now on to my surgery the 27th. I am hoping to be able to start reclaiming my life in a few months. Take care everyone! Karen
Neuropathy & B-12
Hey All, I have a question. I have neuropathy and I wonder what level of B-12 supplement would be appropriate. It has been about 1 year since I took Taxol... but I still have pins and needles in my toes.... So I was wondering if any of you take a supplement? Lesley.. I think you wrote something about it a while back but I…
Hi Everyone, I finished chemo in July 05. The chemo caused Chemopause - which I assumed was permanent but much to my surprise, after a year and a half, my period is back. (at age 48) Has anyone else experienced this?
Mets to the Bones and Exercise
Hello - anyone with bone mets doing any particular type of exercises? I have mets to my T2/3 spin bones and my right hip and pelvic bone. I really need to lose weight and I need to exercise. I have consulted with my doctor and he really doesn't have much experience with exercises for my particular issues. He tells me to be…
Happy Day
Just wanted to wish EVERYONE one of you a very happy valentine's day. No matter how you feel today..let the SUNSHINE beam you with her rays! bunches of hugs and prayers. Cindie 3 yr survivor
Brand New-and thank you
I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Becky and I am post bi-lateral mastectomy coming up on 2 years this month. I also had chemo (FEC+taxotere+some taxol), but no radiation because I had previous radiation for Hodgkin's when I was 19. I am now 43. I've also had my thyroid removed (no cancer) and lymphedema. I have…
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Has anyone had any dealings with this organization? Was it successful? Tell me a little about your experience please.
Arimedex and back pain?
Hello! After mastectomy, chemo and radiation, I was taking femara (for about 9 months), but had to switch to arimedex because of joint pain. I've been taking arimedex for almost a year, but I have lower back pain that's getting worse and worse. That plus my feet, elbows and shoulders hurt too! (Don't even mention…
Looking for hummingbyrd?
Hi everybody, I have not posted on this site in a long time but do periodically check in and catch up on the postings. I was wondering if anybody has heard from hummingbyrd. I noticed she has not posted since October last year. There are a lot of new members on the board, I hope you find it useful like I do. I noticed that…
i am now taking b50. on the directions it says take 1 per day, i am also taking multi vitamines, calcium, omega tx, milk thistle and glucosamine. am i taking to much?
So sad
I know everyone here must have dealt with feelings of loss when you've lost a breast, or both or even part of one. I was wondering, does it get easier? It's 3 months post-mastectomy and reconstruction and I'm pleased with the results so why do I feel so sad? I'm back at work, and everyone has been great (I work with nurses…
Mastectomy this Tuesday (39y)
First of all I wanted to thank you all for listening and replying to my previous message. It really helps knowing that you all are here for support. Your prayers and words are really appreciated! I am very stressed because my 81 year old mom broke her right arm (same side as her mastectomy and nodes removal). She is in so…
I'll try to be here more....sorry!
I have been so busy with both my ex and daughter's final arrangements, AND trying to work, that I KNOW I have be letting you all slide. I really DO care for you all, but sometimes, well, other things are on top. I DO lurk on occasion, but just don't seem to have any insight to share.... I am coming out of my 'funk', people…
Looking for a new Treatment for my Daughter/Dealing with BC
I am new to this format and website and like most of you looking for answers and willing to help if I can. My Daughter, (Maria) and myself and family have been attempting to get her well for over 4 years. Just to give you a brief background on Maria's (and our) battle with Breast Cancer. Approximately 4 and 1/2 years ago…
Trying to choose lumpectomy or mastectomy
I only have the weekend to decide. I am afraide that they won't get it all if I only have the lumpectomy and I don't want to do radation.
Dying the New Hair
Is one allowed to dye their hair when it grows in or put a rinse in it? Somebody please let me know. ireneincordova
5 years
this oct. it will be 5yrs yea!!!!! i had bilat mas and reconstruction trans flap. 6 months after the chemo i had a stem cel transplant. i feal great. my girls have left the house, they are in college. very quiet place except my husband and the dog. the only problen that i do have is my feet, they hurt so bad i massage my…
THANK YOU to all those that responded to me
Thank you for all of you that responded to me. You are angels. A bad day for me started with a follow up sonogram and they saw a tumor in my left breast. I am headed to my mom's oncologist next week. I just wanted to send all my prayers and love to those that took the time to give me a little piece of themselves. thank you
THANK YOU to all those that responded to me
Thank you for all of you that responded to me. You are angels. A bad day for me started with a follow up sonogram and they saw a tumor in my left breast. I am headed to my mom's oncologist next week. I just wanted to send all my prayers and love to those that took the time to give me a little piece of themselves. thank you
THE WAY I FEEL (right or wrong) after my mom's Cancer diagnosis
The way I feel: Is this normal? I feel alone. I feel I want to isolate myself from others and everything. I dont want to hear the following right now: 1. Well, your mom's older and has lived a full life 2. If you are a Christian, you need to act like one and remember God's plan (Timing also includes religion, and there is…
I am wrapping up my radiation. I have completed 24 of 33 treatments. I have only one more for the entire breast and then 8 boost treatments. I have been fortunate that I have had no skin reactions, just low energy levels. On a down note, I probably have mentioned that I have to have my ovaries out in a couple of weeks. I…
breast cancer
My mother had a radical masectomy with reconstruction 3 weeks ago. Her nipple looks very black and I am worried. I am also very worried of the possibilities of chemo or not. Her doctor is not sure right now and was taking her info to a panel for a second opinion. Her cancer was in 2 lymph nodes and was 1.5 I feel very…
chemo or not? someone pls advise
My mother had a radical masectomy 3 weeks ago with reconstruction. However her nipple looks really black and i am worried. Her doctor is taking her info to a panel to decide on chemo since only 2 nodes were affected but otherwise she is clean (invasive was only 1.5). We are nervous and undecided about chemo. Someone have…
I was diagnosed on Jan 4..had mastectomy Jan 17. Have appt. to see oncologist Feb 8. I have been reading all of your helpful info but I am still so confused. I have already made mistakes...did not search for best surgeon...took my primary care Dr's referral. Guess I was in shock :-) There was no cancer in the nodes and I…
Transitioning from surrealism to reality
I spent all day on Wednesday downtown at the hospital, signing forms, getting three hours of pre-admission testing, plus a chest x-ray, and then three hours of the PET/CT scan. Almost passed out during the prep for the PET, because of the glucose injection. I hate needles. I hadnt eaten since 3:00 PM the previous day, and…
Terrified of Taxol!
Please share with me your experiences with Taxol. I need all info especially the bad side effects. If you had absolutely no problems at all, I'd love to hear that too. I have Breast CA, been in Tx. since Dec. I have completed 2 cycles of AC only to be followed by Taxol with Herceptin. I am not liking at all some of the…
Side effects of Aromasin
I am a survivor of 3 years. I was taking tamoxfin. My doctor changed me over to Aromasin and now I am have complete body and joint pain. I work in retail and stand on my feet for 8 hours a day 5 days a week and this is just killing me. I have talked to my doctor and she has told me to try and work through it as this is the…
Will be 4 yrs cancer free this year
Hello my name is Marilyn and my scar on my left has been hurting where my breast was removed I don't know if it is the cold weather . But since I don't have any breasts how do I know what to look for . Does any one have a problem with their scar hurting when it gets cold . I know I shouldn't let fear get me but after going…
I want to be the 30000 post! -Michael