"Go Away", my onc said....
I went for my 3-month check, and my oncologist said "I don't want to see you for 6 months"!!!!! Music to MY ears!!! CEA (colon cancer marker) was 1.1, CA27.29 (Breast cancer marker) was 18....both WELL within normal range (probably the only thing on my body that IS normal..lol!). As an added bonus, my cholesterol is, for…
double mastectomy reconstruction on hold
I had a double mastectomy Mar 12. Finally had to give in and remove my expanders. I feel that my cancer was removed via surgery. I'm a stage 1 and opted for no chemo. I am lucky and thankful but do admit to having a hard time facing the next 6 months with or with out prostics. I realize that most people on this site are…
Finishing Treatment & Fear
Next Wednesday, I will be having my 17th and last Herceptin treatment. While everyone around me is jumping for joy, my level of fear is increasing daily. I had a bilateral mastectomy in April 2006, had to deal with reconstructive surgery that failed, I had 4 cycles of Taxotere and Cytoxin, started Herceptin treatments…
So what have you done since being diagnosed?
I always wondered if being diagnosed with a serious illness would change the way I live my life. Would I continue to put off doing what I really want to do, or would I live more in the moment and be a little more hedonistic... less hesitant. I guess I got my chance to find that out when I was dx in 2004. I have to say that…
Re: Shrinking Breast
I went to the Dr. and to make a long story short, I have BC. It's called lobular and it's both ICS and LCIS(I think that is correct). Have to have both breast removed w/radiation. Not sure about cemo. I was soooo upset at first, however, I'm OK with it all now (for now). I'm trying to find a local group of survivors to…
Arizona BC resources/groups
Hi. I'm new to the group. I currently live in Northern California but will be relocating to Surprise Az sometime in October. is there anyone out there that can tell me what bc services are available in that area? Or if there are any support groups? I do have family in the area, but I also need to get more involved with bc…
Moving and New Doctors
I don't know how many of you have actually moved through or after fighting the beast, but I was new in Memphis when it occurred. Then afterwards, we were relocated to Georgia. I have now started going to new doctors and have found it very emotional having to share the scars over and over both physically and mentally. I was…
Back on Femara
Well we are going to give the Femara another try. I really don't want to stop taking it. The risk is worrisome, for not taking it, and worrisome if I do continue to take it. I am walking my fool head off to try and correct the circulation in my leg. It seems somewhat better, but if it does not correct I guess I will have…
Sentinal node or take em all
I was diagnosed with stage III invasive ductal carcinoma in April '07 (I'm 44 years old). I began chemo two weeks later - 4 A/C and 12 Taxol and Herceptin (I still have 4 more to go). Surgery is scheduled for October. I'm planning on having a bilateral mastectomy with (maybe) reconstruction - I'm still on the fence about…
Sexual Healing????
At the Relay for Life last weekend, a woman was relating her cancer experiences and she told the crowd that she is The Princess at home. Only now, she said, instead of her husband kissing her backside, he now has to wipe it! We all laughed, of course, but later on, it did make me think... Since cancer, we have this…
High Calcuim Levels
OK... Got a New Question Have any of you been told that you have too high of a Calcium Level... I have been on Armidex.. but then stopped it for 3 weeks and went to the Onc to switch meds...(lot a feet and leg swelling).. They always run blood test on me when I go... and they called back saying that I had high Calcium…
It's Been awhile
I haven't been on here recently, and haven't even checked this network in a while. Sorry... I'm now 4 years' out of dx, surgery (mastectomy), chemo, and still taking tamoxifen. I'm in the 1% who seem to get all the side effects of treatment, and have developed several health issues following chemo. I'm just wondering if…
My Mom's CT Scan
My mom had breast cancer 6.5 years ago. Had full masectomy, node negative, 6 treatments of chemo. From what I can gether she was er-. Was told that tamoxifin was not helpful for her type of early state breast cancer. Went every 3 months for follow-up for first 4 years and the last 2 years was 6 mos and 1 year. All blood…
Abraxane use??
I will be meeting w/ onc Monday and am looking for something other than Taxol or Taxotere for my next treatment after A/C. I didn't do well on the 2 week dense dose plan - neutropenic 2xs. Does anyone have experience with Abraxane? I also want to see if he'll let me do dense dose 2 week intervals w/taxol. Comments about…
I need advise
My name is Helen i've just beat breast cancer for the second time. I've been on Arimidex for 18 months and have found that my wrists, fingers, ankles, feet, elbows and knees have all seized up. I'm not sure i can handle this for another 3 and a half years. Has anyone got any ideas or advise? I'd really appreciate it.
Off Arimidex on to Tamoxifen
Hey Ladies,,, I am now off of all of the armitose inhibitors.... they all caused by feet and legs to swell badly. I tried all three of the vairations... but after taking them for about 1 1/2 years the swelling just got out of control I lost 4 pounds in one week. Just that much fluid was being retained.. So this week I will…
Just flew in from Europe....
And Boy! are my arms tired!!! I ate all my favs, saw all my favs, and even squeezed in a trip to Prague in the Czech Republic. This is the first summer trip I could take since my diagnosis 3 years ago...I had forgotten how lovely Holland is in Summmer! Hugs, Kathi
I had a double Mastectomy back in March and just had nipple/areola reconstruction this past Thursday and the stitches come out on Friday. Once the stitches come out what is something good to use to reduce the signs of scaring?
Done with surgeries!!!
Sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been taken my mom to 5 endoscopies during summer because her esophagus decided to close!!! I just wanted to update you... I had my expanders replaced last month and I think I am done with surgeries. The next surgery would have been the nipple reconstruction, but I have decided to…
Online Resentment
Have any of you met with anger, jealousy or resentment about the connections you have made with this amazing online family here at CSN? It seems to me that it is oftentimes easier to pour my heart out to those I have met in chat than those I live with! I feel such a connection with this online community, and I can't expect…
Wife says no tamoxifen
My wife is about to undergo chemo treatment #5 out of 6. She is sick of it and wants to feel normal again. She is going to also do six weeks of radiation. She has heard horror stories about the side effects of tamoxifen and is saying she does not want to take it. Does anyone know the increase in recurrence without using…
after Arimidex
After 5 years of taking Arimidex, what is next? Thanks to all who answer. Sue
Still looking for anyone on Tykerb
Anyone on Tykerb yet? Would love to hear how you are doing? I can say ... my skin is as dry as sandpaper ... oh my! Thanks
Finished fighting the Beast?
Hello all, just got my port removed this morning - I guess that means I'm finished my fight? It's kind of depressing and scary all at the same time. My Onc says that is all normal, that while seeing all the docs and getting treatments one feels like they are "battling the cancer or doing something about it" - I welcome the…
Sentinel node qestion
This is SEOF. I thought I was going to respond to another person's question, but I have my own about the same subject, so I thought I'd better not try. As I understand it, there would be 2 reasons not to take out more nodes: a) to reduce chances of the arm swelling due to poor circulation/drainage of the lymphatic fluid…
diet and exercise
Has anyone changed their diet or exercise/fitness plan since diagnosis or treatment? I struggle with reducing stress and those "drama" focussed folks in my life. It scares me sometimes. Do y'all feel the same or differently?
eight months out
I am eight months out, and have finished treatment. When will I quit worrying about a recurrence?
Well the oncologist is sure the pain in my calves is the Femara. He has stopped it for 3 weeks, and then we can talk about it. Has anyone out there stopped this family of drugs and stayed off them. What are your feelings, and what do your doctors say? How long have you been off, Femara, Aromisan, Arimidex???
haelan 951
Has anyone taken this haelan 951 and can you give any recomendations for the use iof this.