Hi, I finished chemo a little over 2 years ago (after single mastectomy and followed up by radiation). I've been in "chemopause" ever since. Was not even peri-menopausal before chemo, and I come from a family history of very hardy, long-lived ovaries on both sides of the family. Last September I had a period. Notified the…
Surviving Mets
Hello - I don't post often ... mostly when I get scared. After a stage 2 dx in 2000 I had a relaps in 2005 with mets to the bones. I have had various radiation and biological treatments and after a years had two clear pet scans (about 8 months)... then in May it was back again ... I am now taking Xeloda (which I was taking…
Advice on Reconstructive Surgery
Hi everyone! I've been looking for you:) I just found this discussion board after looking for a few months (on and off) for a good group. I'm so glad I found you! I was diagnosed w/ thyroid cancer while pregnant (3 yrs ago)--went through thyroidectomy, Radioactive iodine treatment, etc. All the docs said if I was to get…
Second time around ...
Hi - I went back and read a string about fear. One of the top were about recurrance and having to go through the treatments again. As you see in my previous post I have recurrance and the treatments althought many have not been nearly as horrible as the first protocal. I haven lost my hair ...I haven't missed work except…
Radiotherapy was my biggest mistake
I wish I had to do it over again. I was afraid to research it on my own and simply took the advice I was given and followed the treatment plan. Only after living with the side effects did I sit down and do some reading. It was all there, right in front of me. If you are told that radiotherapy is the way to go I suggest you…
Still NAKED, dancing with NED!!!
Yea!!! CT Scan: "No abnormal masses found" MRI: "Normal Brain" (Please note....this is SIGNED VERIFIED by a LICENSED PHYSICIAN) Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea!! Naked happy dance!!! Thanks to all for your prayers!!! Hugs, Kathi
Life Changes after Diagnosis
Has anyone made any significant life changes since diagnosis or the completion of treatment? I know I am very sensitive to what and whom I surround myself with now. I don't want to see violence on TV and rarely watch the news. And I also have become keenly aware of negative people. I have always been a risk taker, but now…
Aftereffects of IV
Fellow travellers, I started Chemotherapy today for breast cancer...sitting in the chair 3 hours reading, sleeping, watching TV, and getting aquainted with the young man next to me...College freshman battling with brain tumors, since January. My question is this...since coming home from treatments (approx 7 hours) I seem…
Anyone having side effects from Arimidex??
Spontaneous Remission
Greetings from Vancouver... I'm a member of the colorectal discussion group and haven't posted here before. I've recently started a weblog where I'm sharing reflections, resources, and insights from my 3 year journey with metastatic colon cancer and recurrences. Todays post is on "Spontaneous Remission". Previous posts…
New here and lost
My mom just found out that her breast cancer has come back. She is only 57 and I am scared to death. My mom has always been the rock of the family and now I am finding that she needs someone else to be her rock. She has only been in remission for 3 years before the cancer came back. I am having a difficult time dealing…
Still the family secret
I posted about how my parent's told me about my cousin that has breast cancer and had double mastectomy. But they did not tell my Aunt about me. I was finally able to get through to my parent that I needed to call my Aunt to help her with her daughter. I have been in contact with my Aunt but she said that she still did not…
Loss of A Friend
Hi everyone. I just wanted to pay my respects to my friend Laura Rodriguez who finally succumbed to cancer, starting with breast cancer I believe almost 15 years ago. Laura was a devoted mother of 2, foster care mother to many, and in the midst of everything had adopted a child who was hydrocephalic and was not supposed to…
Topsy Turvy Day.. but all is Good
Ok Girls.... I had a day today. It was my two year mammogram day. My appointment was at 3pm... So of course I drove myself nuts for most of the day... then 3pm got here... We did the normal... well normal number for now of mammograms... and I waited on pins and needles and the Tech came back and said got to do more...…
When to tell someone about our BC
A friend asked me when the "right time" is to tell someone you are dating that you have had Breast Cancer, and that you are either "scarred" or "rebuilt"? And just how does one bring up the topic with them, anyway? Any advice? Thanks so much!
2 years out--and still feeling sad
Hi its been a while since I've participated in these chats, but I felt the urge to talk to those that have been through what I've been through. I am 2 years out, on Hormone therapy, and happy to be alive, but sad about the loss of my innocence. If I feel pain, I always wonder is it back? I have a very loving and supportive…
thinking about inplants after 10 years
I was fine with myself till after my husband died.Now I fell more subconscious of not having 2 like everyone eles. I say it does not bother me but it has for awhile. I have been seeing different people but everytime it gets to a serous state all that comes in my mind is what my husband use to tell me that "you are only…
20 year survivor celebration!
I just recently celebrated being a 20 year breast cancer survivor. I had a mastectomy 3 months before my wedding in 1987. I am now not only celebrating my survivorship - but also my 20th wedding anniversary. It is been a long road filled with recurrences and setbacks. I have had chemo, radiation, biopsies, and a…
hi there everyone just wanted to share a bit of inspiration.... my son and I put this together during chemo you can watch it on this link: http://one.revver.com/watch/282100/flv/affiliate/90478 mel xoxo
Breast Mets
I was recently diagnosed with BC mets to my lung. My lung filled up with fluid and they found malignant cells in the fluid. They drained 3 litres from my right lung. They started me on Taxotere this past Monday. I had been clean for the past 4 years and this really has me scared. If anyone has experienced this kind of…
I"m New here...
I just had my breast removed 3 weeks ago..I'm so sore and so tired of hurting. I know my battle has just began. I did go to the chemo doctor yesterday. He told me he was going to give me time to heal because I had so much SWELLING..he said my body was reacting to the trama of removing my breast..he did make me…
Going to Alaska...say, maybe there's a song....lol
Leaving EARLY (6:30am flight) tomorrow to fly to Vancouver...7 day cruise.... Take care, all....sigh...7 days WITHOUT a computer.... Hugs, kathi
National Race for the Cure
Don't know who was at the race today but it's awesome that over 45,000 people registered for a race that supports finding a cure for Breast Cancer. I finally met my goal, ran the entire race. People were great, as I started to slow down during the last mile people would come by me and offer word of encouragement. For those…
Arimidex to Femara Update
Hey all... Just an update. I had posted about Arimidex causing me problems with my feet and legs swelling. I stopped taking it about a week ago and met with my Onc today. My feet and legs are much better. She had an Echocardiagram done t make sure that it wasn't my heart. I had problems with it about a year ago due to…
thru the hoopla of all this beasty stuff..I finished my final in Medical billing/claims specialist! and what is amazing...I can still RECALL stuff that I learned! HA So there IS hope for this ole gal! Now to START my business as a medical biller... I am certainly doing the 'SNOOPY dog'dance with…
Breast calcification
I just had a follow-up mammogram (diagnostic) to better determine my few spots of calcification. I was told that the test would take about 1hour and 1/2. However, after only 2 photos and only about 30 minutes, a doctor came back to talk to me about my results as he sees it. I was told that most are benign but the only way…
Question about Arimidex alternatives
I know there's been some discussion lately about adverse side-effects of Arimidex. I've been on it for a few months and stopped it about 10 days ago due to bone and joint pain. I'd also noticed that I was having trouble walking . . . . . my gait was very irregular and I was feeling unsteady on my feet. My oncologist had me…
Hi all -- BC survivor of 2 years. I've just started Arimidex. My massage therapist told me about Cantron. Has anyone heard of this? Anybody using it? It's supposed to be some all natural anti-cancer, boost your immune system drug. Hope everyone is doing well. I don't post often, but I read all the time. :)
change in remaining breast
I had a mastectomy Sept 05 then chemo and a full year of Herceptin that finished Dec 06. I've been on Tamoxifen since Mar 06. My doctor has said I've received the best treatments available and shouldn't worry about a reoccurance. There have been changes to my remaining breast, though. There is not a new mass or tumor, but…
Inspirational saying.....
Found this today on one of my sites.... When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: there will be something solid for you to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly. Patrick Overton I would only add,…