rad burns

kevindee Member Posts: 72
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
i was wondering if anyone had radiation burns. i have 2 the one under my arm in the pit is rwaw. i knew this is gross but the med they gave me doesnt seem to work. any one have any suggestions. i have one more treatment tommaro, it was sopppose to be today but theyre varian broke.


  • jannyfran
    jannyfran Member Posts: 33
    HI KEV,






  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    I wouldn't tell this to
    I wouldn't tell this to anyone except someone doing their last day or two of rads. The best thing for rad burns is to stop with the rads! So congratulations on getting nearly through. Look forward to days of healing. Each day, better and better!
    I used Aloe and also Euceryn (or something like that). I bought a vat of the stuff but it is yuckier than putting vaseline on so I have a LOT left. Too bad - it was expensive. But very heavy duty.
    You have putting on deodorant, and delicious smelling lotion, and perfume - without fear - to look forward too! Who ever would think that the day would come when we would triumphantly apply REAL deodorant. I have heard something about Parabins in lotion not being good for you - you might want to avoid that.
    Your skin will look darkened, like an absurd tan for a while. But within two months (or sooner) you should be seeing sweet new healthy skin.
    Congratulations! love, Joyce
  • kew
    kew Member Posts: 24

    I wouldn't tell this to
    I wouldn't tell this to anyone except someone doing their last day or two of rads. The best thing for rad burns is to stop with the rads! So congratulations on getting nearly through. Look forward to days of healing. Each day, better and better!
    I used Aloe and also Euceryn (or something like that). I bought a vat of the stuff but it is yuckier than putting vaseline on so I have a LOT left. Too bad - it was expensive. But very heavy duty.
    You have putting on deodorant, and delicious smelling lotion, and perfume - without fear - to look forward too! Who ever would think that the day would come when we would triumphantly apply REAL deodorant. I have heard something about Parabins in lotion not being good for you - you might want to avoid that.
    Your skin will look darkened, like an absurd tan for a while. But within two months (or sooner) you should be seeing sweet new healthy skin.
    Congratulations! love, Joyce

    The juice from an actual
    The juice from an actual aloe vera plant is supposed to be better than anything you buy. Can you buy a big aloe vera?

    Don't wear a bra, don't use a washcloth, don't shave your armpit.

    But, just one to go!! Then it'll get better!!


  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203
    kew said:

    The juice from an actual
    The juice from an actual aloe vera plant is supposed to be better than anything you buy. Can you buy a big aloe vera?

    Don't wear a bra, don't use a washcloth, don't shave your armpit.

    But, just one to go!! Then it'll get better!!



    with you
    Ouch...I am so there. I have 4 more to go. In addition to the creams others have suggested, my dr suggested taking a Claritin everyday for the itchiness. That has helped more than the creams. I also have the peeling and rawness under the arm. That is also the area that I'm getting those concentrated boosts at the end of all these rads. After remarking me, I now have a thin, clear bandaid over the area to keep the marking from rubbing off. That is only adding to to my irritation (and I don't just mean skin!). I seem to feel the burning more with these boosts than from the previous rays used. Anyone have that? I think the best remedy is what has already been said.....it just needs to be over.
  • ninjamom
    ninjamom Member Posts: 142
    Ouch is right!! I just finished radiation 2 days ago and had the same problem except mine was raw right at the fold under the breast and near my neck when I started loosing the skin. The nurse had me use Domeboro, you can buy it at the pharmacy. It is a powder you mix with 8 oz of water, get a washcloth or gauze wet (skeeze the water out) apply it to the raw area for at least 10 minutes, use a fan or blow dryer (cold air) to blow on the area during the 10 mins. It dries the area, after 3 days my skin started healing very nicely (mind you I had to do this 4 times a day). Ask the nurse if you can use this, it really worked for me.

    Good luck

  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Might Help....
    Ask your doctor for domoboro soak powders. Perhaps she/he has free samples. Mix up a batch and I used wet washcloths. I laid the washcloth over the affected areas three times a day for about 10 minutes each time. I also used vaseline gauze, which my radiologist gave me. They are used in burn units. I put those on after the soaks so the raw skin had some time to start the healing process. They also gave me a stretchy mesh vest made from the same material they use on burn victims. That helped to keep the vaseline gauze bandages to stay in place. As for the "suntan" area, I used Aquaphor. You get that over-the-counter at any drug store or Target. Don't use scented soaps or any body product which contains alcohol, including perfume or cologne. Go without deodorant or use one recommended by your radiaologist such as Tom's of Maine. Good luck. Been there and don't want to go there ever again, God willing. Hugs, Marilynn
  • Watercolor
    Watercolor Member Posts: 47 Member
    I used Fruit of the Earth
    I used Fruit of the Earth 100% aloe vera gel (http://www.fote.com/prod_skin_gel.html) faithfully as my rad/onc recommended. I started a few days before treatments began. He said wash with either Ivory or Basis soap only. Use no products containing alcohol. My skin got only dry and pink. Nothing more. Still, it is a very individual thing how your skin reacts. I was diagnosed with DCIS in November '02 and am fine today.