I am sick with the flu :-(
I felt fine yesterday, and then BOOM, every bone in my body aches now. I took my temp and it is still normal, but, feel a little chilled. And, I got the flu shot! Can I say GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR? Ok, I just want some sympathy, so, bring it on! ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
I wanted to make sure this didn't get lost in the "goals" discussion and you get ALL the recognition you deserve. Have a fabulous day or should I say week!!!
Congratulations Taleena!!!
Snapdragon part of life
I have entered the snapdragon stage of my life. Part of me has snapped and the rest is dragging. I only have a kitchen because it came with the house. I don't have hot flashes, I have short, private tropical vacations. I was born free, now I'm expensive. A balanced diet is chocolate in each hand or an ice cream cone My…
Feeling better
thank everyone for your support when i went through the allergic reaction to Chemo.The hives and itching are gone after a trip to emergency room and several trips to the Dr.I finally am feeling better.I pray that don,t happen again.I go to get my next Chemo Tues.I am really scared after this last one.I am sure she will…
trouble with port
Laurissa sorry to hear your port is acting up,I will take you friday to hospital to have this checked out,if you need me to..Let me know.Hope you dont have to have it replaced So glad your feeling well otherwise?? has anyone else had trouble with their port??
White Blood Cell count down to 2,500 from 13,000 last week .. Now I'm on house lock down
Just when I thought I would have a few good days to be out and about .. I received the news this a.m. during my Herceptin treatment that my white blood blood count is down to 2,500. Yes, I was at 13,000 last Tuesday .. Onc and staff are pretty concerned.. What to do ?? Med's or vitiams ? VickiSam
Chopped my Hair
Well I had my 2nd treatement last Thurs. by Sat. my hair started to come out in clumps, I couldn't handle it anymore. My 6 & 9 year old daughters chopped it all off for me. They laughed and had a great time. I am glad its gone and not getting all over the place anymore. Anyone know how long after chemo it takes to grow…
First Mamogram post treatment
Is anyone else afraid of getting their first mamogram after finishing treatment? I am. My onc has said that he feels i only need my annual checks, which will be this december. I think i will take a friend with me, because i honest to God think i will probably throw up. Jeanne
Desperately Need Help!
I had 2 rounds of chemo, got a call from my oncologist today. The nurses dont want to give me chemo through an IV anymore as they dont think my veins can handle it. The last time they had to poke me 5 times before they got the IV to work. I only have 6 more chemos left and dont want to go through the port surgery. Has…
Second chemo in the morning
I sure do not like the week ahead of me with chemo in the morning. I hope you other chemo girls are doing well! I sure miss your replies and replying, too. My head feels so good bald. Isn't that weird, all that crying for nothing! It's a great sensation putting a wet cloth on my hot head. Still a little stubble left. My…
You Tube short seminar on Iodine.
I was referred to this site and found it interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoMfg76gAUo Roseann
My Mistress' Eyes...
A husband and wife were having dinner at a very fine restaurant when this absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the husband a big kiss, says she'll see him later and walks away. His wife glares at him and says, "Who the hell was that?" "Oh," replies the husband, "she's my mistress." "Well, that's…
Margo posted that delicious grilled chicken salad for all of us to make and enjoy. She suggested that we start a thread for any or all of us to add a recipe. Since Margo is our designated joke lady now, maybe, she would like to start the thread with another recipe? Perhaps, your potato salad? Then, you could be the food…
Has anyone had allergic reaction to taxotere
Does anyone have any info on having allergic reaction to taxotere?Thanks.(Pat).
Almost Bald
When I walked to the mailbox today my hair was blowing with the wind, you know like something glamorous from the movies except mine was "blowing away". Put a scarf on because my hair was falling all over me and the house. Had a friend come by this eveing and cut it into a very short crop. Took a shower, washed by hair, I…
My first hot flash
Well, I finally know what a hotflash is all about. I'm 49 and have never had one. I had to go lay down with a wet washrag on my head with the fan blowing on me. I guess the chemo really is working. And no period this month. Do any of you have hotflashes very often? I had a bit of neasea with it, too.
Day 2 after 2nd chemo-doing ok
So far the 2nd time is going better than the 1st. Just some stomach cramps now and then. No headache like last time, either. No diahrrea, constipation. My face is a little flushed. I'm just waiting to see if the bone pain will be as bad, that usually starts 36 hrs. after the shot, which was given Tuesday. You other chemo…
I didn,t get good news today,feeling really down.
Hi everyone.My last post was a few days ago,about breaking out in hives from my head down to my legs.I have been in and out of the emergency room and dr. office for two days.I have had iv drip, shot and different meds.The first day was hives that itch horibly and swelled bad.The second day has been a bad rash,my lips and…
redhead pix
I just love my new red wig, though in the picture it's a mess. I should have styled it a bit better. My daughter posted it for me under my profile expressions. I wasn't brave enough yet for the Kojak picture. Maybe soon.
Port –a -cath removed, ugly agley scar left (update)
Hello Ladies, I need your advice and opinion. My port-a-cath has been removed 6 months ago. I still feel it when I lie on my right side. My scar is agley like a small bump or granuloma and it is itching every time when I take a shower. I tried different cream, aloe oil, shea butter. When I asked my surgeon who removed it,…
Old Farmer's Advice
This was received from a dear friend of mine, and I thought very appropriate for this board. Read and enjoy.....or just toss it. Your choice. Hugs, Judy Old Farmer's Advice Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong. Keep skunks and bankers at a distance. Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. A…
Thought I would share
This is a list that was written by a woman as her rules to live life by. Thought I would share. 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will.…
Halfway through RADS-update
As of today I am half way through! I don't have to have boosts, since I had 6 Brachytherapy treatments before chemo. So far the only place I am burning is on the incision scars. Otherwise my skin is only slightly pink. They gave me little tubes of Aquaphor but the Dr also told me about Cetaphil, which I found that I like…
Anyone have words of wisdom for me?
Hi all! I just finished chemo about 3 wks ago and am doing herceptin every 3 wks now for a year. I still have reconstruction to do, my expander on the right side has to go back in in January. My question is this...I feel like I am always looking for something wrong with me. I had a 4mm spot on my liver before I started…
hi again, it's LT
It's definitely been a while since I've been here. Lots has happened and I'm still trying to find my balance. Bi-lateral with DIEP reconstruction 3 weeks ago today. Surgeon came out and said everything looked great and nodes were clear, but wait for sure until the pathology is finished. Reconstruction went well (they…
First Chemo
First Chemo Wednesday. Taxotere and Cytoxan 4 treatments every three weeks. Then Radiation. Final DX triple negative stage 2a. The Pet Scan, Bone Scan okay. So no metasis (spelling?) The tumors on my bones are begnin bone islands- painful but not cancerous and the spots on my liver - best guess hemangeoma. I should be…
Unilateral or bilateral mastectomy?
Hi...I was dx'd with Stage III IDC at the end of June and started chemo (TAC) on 7/17/09. (My last chemo is this Friday. YEAH!!) I'm 41 years old. I am scheduled for a right mastectomy & removal of lymph nodes on 11/30. My surgeon recommended the single mastectomy and said my risk of getting BC in the other breast is no…
Feeling Down
Hi Everyone, I've just had my 2nd round of chemo and am feeling down. I am trying to be positive,but I just feel blah. I'm also on my period and it's a gloomy day. The new anti-nausea meds are helping, but I feel tired and sleep all the time. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather sleep than be sick. Yet, I feel like I'm missing…
What time is it? GOAL MONDAY!!
Ladies, I gather that there's some trouble on the site today. I had a hard time responding to a post this morning, so I hope this works. I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. But now, it's time to sober up, clean the house, throw out the empty beer bottles, and accomplish some goals! I am really excited about this week,…