Saw doctor for check up today-good report
My oncologist checked my tumors today and says they seem to have disappeared. They've shrunk to nothing. I'm very relieved but don't want to get too happy about it. He says 25% of women will have tumors that will do this. Has anyone else had this happen?
Chemo Chicks -- Vent away .. What has changed since starting our chemo treatments
First of all, let me say that all of us chemo chicks are a little tired and fed up with all of these stupid a?? side efforts .. Is it too much to ask or want for a normal day without any rashes, bumps, driping eyes, swollen ankles or body aches??? I mean .. we are BALD and fatigued - what more can we endure without giving…
Bone Pain without Neulasta?
Bone Pain without Neulasta? I am on taxotere and cytoxan no nuelasta shot? My bones hurt- yet everywhere on here I only see bone pain related to taxol or nuelasta. Anyone else experience this...advise. I am 5 days since first chemo last two have been unbearable. Later part of today a bit better. thanks in advance becky
Starting to get pink
I had my 7th RAD treatment this morning. I noticed just this afternoon that I'm starting to get a little pink under my right breast on my left side looking down to my chest. I haven't been feeling all that great, feeling kinda funky on my stomach, my IBS had been acting up over the weekend,I have very little appetite. I…
bone pain, severe on taxol, help
My bone pain woke me at 12:30 Fri night and has been excrutiating (sp). I have tried tylenol, claratin, motrin,red wine, percocet and vicadin...nothing works, can not sleep. Any other helpful ideas? Lisa
Is Anyone Else Still Having Trouble With This Site?????
I am having trouble again. It won't let me post sometimes and then other times, it says the server is overloaded. Thanks! Hugs, Diane ♥
I need input please on what radiation is like,any advice .
Hi,the Dr. ended my Chemo early because of my allergic reaction.So I am starting Radiation soon.What is it like when they mark you and what are things you can not do when you are doing radiation?I appriatte your replys.(Pat).
Inflammatory Breast cancer
Diagnosed in March of 2007 w/ Inflammatory Breast cancer. Have had chemo(AC&T), lapatnib, Herceptin, Mastectomy in "07", Radiation, Prophylactic Mastectomy and expanders for reconstruction in "08" implants in "09". I'm now doing great and feel healthy and strong.
VickiSam... Thinking and praying for you
Vicki, Am thinking and praying for you. I hope you are feeling better. Am sending good thoughts and prayers your way. When you feel up to it, please let us know how you are doing. Love, BL
Hi Julia, Thinking of you today and wishing that all is well. Let us know when you can. xoxoxoxo Lynn
My knees (one in particular) is really bothering me ... especially going up and down stairs. I started on tamoxifen about a month ago ... and wondered if this might be one of the side-effects. I know joint pain is a side effect of some chemo ... but my joints didn't bother me then. I think I've read that claritin helps ...…
woo hoooo i'm done with treatment
Yippeeeeee.... I am done with treatment... I didn't think this day would ever come. Thanks to all my awesome friends and great family who helped me through this dark time. And a special thanks to all the supportive survivors who give a encouraging and understanding voice when you needed it... Now time to put the pieces of…
Laurissa's Birthday
Talked to laurissa last night.She is leaving her Tenn.weekend getaway this morning, should be home this evening...Hope the R and R relaxed her. Now back to the real world and a year older too!!! Lets all give a shout ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY , LAURISSA !!!! love ya, sis
Question(s) after treatment
As of Oct. 20, I have finished 8 chemos, a double mastectomy, and 38 radiation treatments since Feb. 12. Is it normal to still feel lethargic and sometimes achy? I have been working all through these past 8 months, teaching high school during the day and college classes 2 nights a week. I also bowl 2 nights a week. That…
Unexpected Emotion
I had a D&C and hysteroscopy yesterday to remove polyps and to assure the gynecologist that there weren't any other problems. The surgery was less than an hour, and I was home about three hours after the procedure started. I had the same procedure a few years ago and knew that it was a piece of cake, especially compared to…
Surgery went well, so relieved!
Evidently all you prayers, hopes, & well wishes worked, I'm back ladies!! Surgery (bilateral mastectomy w/expanders & port) was Friday. All went well. Was release on Saturday. Not nearly as much pain as I had thought, although it does feel like I have a set of encyclopedias on my chest. The drain are the most painful part.…
Prayers and Good Thoughts for your Surgery Tomorrow, Judy
Hello, Judy, just wanted to you to know Joe and I are praying for you and will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hoping that the bone spur is taken care of and no more pain. And no rotator cuff issues, either! Take care of yourself, ok? When you feel up to it, we will be glad to get an update. In the meantime, please rest and…
Hey everyone,Good news ,I am moving on to Radiation.
well alot of you have seen my post when I had a allergic reation to the last Chemo.I had two rounds to go.I went today and the Dr.talked to me and said we are done with Chemo.I couln,t beleive it.She thinks I will be fine without the last two.She said it was two bad a allergic reaction to give another one.She would have to…
Markers down--yeah!
Saw my oncologist this am and my markers, while not normal, are down significantly. I have bone metastasis and am on zometa and arimidex (finished radiation). Better still, I don't have to go back for 4 months! Yippee!
Pathology report
OK So I got my pathology report. It doesn't say much. I need to know what this means. Can anyone help me, please? "Sections of the indurated portion of the second specimen reveal a focus of infiltrating ductal carcinoma, consistent of cohesive nests of relatively large malignant cells with many fibrous stroma" I know the…
Thank You!
I just wanted to thank all of you who have responded to my introduction. It is reassuring to know that I am not alone. For all of you who have so kindly voluntered to talk with me further I would appreciate that greatly. I just feel like I'm in such a funk and I can't get out of it.
My udate
Hello everyone, This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. I had my fourth round of AC chemo on Friday and my Neulasta shot on Saturday. I thank God almighty that I have not had many complications from this. I get tired by the 4th day after treatments but I have never had any nausea or…
Ppurdin how are you feeling?
Hope all went well with you today. You have been in my prayers.
Thelma and Louise
We watched this movie tonight and I just LOVE IT! Hubby wasn't too enthused, but, he snuggled with me while watching. I wish I knew of more movies like this. I loved the ending! Hubby said he could see me and one of my best girlfriends doing that and you know what? I can too! lol Sue :)
Posted Pics
Just finished posting a host of photo's of my grand ones on Halloween, if you want to check them out they are in the expressions gallery. Hope you all had a good Halloween. Love, RE
This is ALL of us......beautiful
The Oak Tree A mighty wind blew day and night. It stole the Oak tree's leaves away Then snapped its boughs and pulled it's bark Until the Oak was tired and stark But still the Oak tree held its ground While other trees fell all around The weary wind gave up and spoke "How can you be still be standing Oak? The Oak tree said…
I am joining you girls doing radiation.,any words of wisdom?
Hi,I get to move to radiation sooner then I thought,Any words of wisdom would be appriatted.Thanks.(Pat)
Incontinance during chemo week
I don't know if it's the steroid or what, but I'm having urine incontinance from something. There's just no making it to the bathroom. I'm going through underpants right and left. I did this last chemo, too. Anyone else or is it just me?
Cutting My Hair
I was thinking about cutting my hair before my first Chemo? The Chemo nurse told me that every hair folicle hurt after Chemo. My hair is thick and long about six inches past my shoulders and the idea of having all that hair falling out everywhere is just driving me nuts. I was thinking if I got it cut before it all fell…