Clinical Trial NSABP B-40?
Meet with Dr. Jay today we are going to go with standard treatment of docetaxel, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide. Then he has said totally up to me if I want to be part of a clinical trial. It is called NSABP B-40. Anybody out there in this one? The Dr. said there is no additional cost to me or my insurance. Is that right?
Lactose intolerance caused by chemo
It's been a month since my last chemo and my lower abdomen was in such pain from gas and bloating. I figured out I developed lactose intolerance due to damage to intestinal lining from chemo. Started taking Lactaid with each meal and pains and gas are gone. Maybe some of you others are going through this too.
Kind of off subject but need advice...
I have many wonderful people in my life. Several people have just found out my situation and want to pray with me all the time. They were never religious with me before and therefore it has never been discussed. I have different beliefs and do not wish to offend them but would rather not go there - how can I be diplomatic…
Arimidex vs Tamoxifen
Ok, so I've been reading up on and researching Tamoxifen because from the beginning I thought that's what I was going to be taking. My good ole doc surprised me today and told me that he's putting me on Arimidex. From all the reading I've been doing on this board, I thought I would have to be on Tamoxifen until I was in…
I miss you guys
I have been missing TJ, Tasha, Pammy and some other regulars. Hope all is well with all of you and that you are just out enjoying life because life is meant to be enjoyed. I have not been posting as much but I do read the boards pretty regularly. I know there are others that I have missed calling out to. It was good to…
Monday's HA HA for you!
Girls Night Out! Two women friends had gone out for a Girls Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or…
Today is DawneHope's Birthday!
Check out RE's expressions
Check out RE's expressions. There is the most lovely picture of her and her guy out enjoying San Francisco. She is so lovely and her smile says it all. Stef
This could be a scam....or not!
I just had a call from a charity asking me to donate some of my clothes to the starving people throughout the world. I told them to GET LOST!! Anybody who fits into my clothes isn't starving!! Hugs and giggles! Happy Monday, everyone! Chen&hearts
Just a quick note.
Tomorrow is my 3rd cancerversary from my 3rd bout with cancer and I have an onco appt. I love seeing my onco he is the best! Keep me in your prayers please. My appt. is not until 2:30 California time. Take care everyone! ♥ RE ♥
Devasted and Disappointed Tonight
I got thru my stress test ok today but got a call tonight from my cardiologist's office and was told I failed and will have to have a heart cath next Tuesday. Will be going tomorrow for blood workup to see if my kidneys are functioning fully. If stents have to be put in I'll have to go on plavix which means I can't have…
Tram flap reconstruction
Four weeks ago I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I chose the tram flap for reconstruction. I am still very swollen and have been told by my plastic surgeon it will take a couple of months. I have some hard areas on one of my breasts and I am concerned about the tissue staying soft. Does anyone…
Reconstruction and Nipples
I had a double mascetomy and reconstruction 6 months ago. I have not had the nipple surgery yet and am wondering about 2 things. My breasts seem to be getting harder - I am told I need to 'squeeze' them hard and alot to break up the scar tissue. Has anyone found a way to deal with this? Or should I accept them getting…
Compression Sleeve
I made an appt. with a physical therapist to get a compression sleeve. She is a very nice little young lady. Anyway, I found out I need to wear a sleeve when I work due to the nature of my work (lot of lifting, climbing, carrying tools). When she measured me for the sleeve, she said my arm was slightly swollen so a sleeve…
Abdomin Ascites fluid build up.....
Hi, Has anyone with ascites had a "denverbio" port installed in your upper abdomin in order to self drain your abdomin of fluid? My doctor suggested it yesterday. It looks scary to actually drain yourself but at the sametime, NOT being jabbed with a needle is great too. I looked at the patient usage video (you can go to…
Dancing with NED!!!!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that I am officially dancing with NED!! Big WHAHOOS! or WOOHOOS! or YIPPIES! or.....Geesh, shout anything your heart desires! I know so many of you prayed for me, stood by my side, sent virtual hugs and heartfelt words, and walked with me throughout all my treatment,…
Questions about Recent Tram Reconstruction
Last Week I had a Tram reconstruction and a lift of the other breast and I'm having quite a bit of difficulty with a burning sensation on the reconstruction side. I left the hospital with 3 drains all are out now and there is no sign of infection but where the stitches seem to come together under the breast (right under…
Where are you at??
I know this topic has been posted several time, but Ive noticed we have many new members. Im from north Georgia, Just wondering where everybody was located?
lost range of motion in my left shoulder ANY tips to help?
I am seeing a Physical Therapist 2 times a week, and trying to excercise a few times each day. My husband has even built me a pulley! But I still can't get my arm to move around that much. I didn't move it much from Dec. 11 to Feb 1st due to 3 surgerys (2 with drains). I wish I had kept excercising it, but I had no idea it…
Chemo Chicks: Rash on Bald Head
Hi everyone. I have a rash on my otherwise cute little bald head. I am almost 99.99% certain it is due to heat from wearing my cute sleep cap. (I live in Florida and it has been in the 90F here.) It could also be trapped heat from the scarves. (It's too hot for wigs.) Does anyone know what I can do to help make my red…
The truth - funny
Once in a a while, but very rarely, men do something right !!!! Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's party. He is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did…
Saturday Funny....either that or we're doomed!!! LOL
Is this what it all comes to? A group of 40 years old buddies discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed upon that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the waitress's there had low cut blouses and were very young. 10 years later at 50 years of age, the group once again discussed…
Please say a prayer for me!
I need all of my sisters in pink to please say a prayer for me. I go tomorrow for my mammo and ultrasound. I admit, I am scared. I know that we have to have these done, but, they bring up so many bad memories and fear in me. My hubby is going with me and he says we will celebrate afterwords big time! He is so much support…
But now I wonder how they remove it? The surgeon put it in under anesthesia in a hospital, do I have to do that again? I'm so happy to put this behind me!
Tram Flap
I am having a tram flap done in July. I has a double Mas last July. Any advice? Can anyone tell me what it is like after having one? Thanks Cynthia
Pathology report sniff sniff
Hi everyone, when I had my pt scan after A/C it had shown that all the cancer in my lymph nodes was gone, and my tumor had shrunk from 6cm down to 1, it was so exciting. Now after my surgery they sent my boobs, lymph nodes, and ovaries off to lab and the lymph nodes had shown cancer still in them. :( on a good note, my…
How to post pictures
I see some of your have mentioned posting pictures. How do I post? And do I view them? Inez
prayers answered-I am Stage 1
Hello all, I had my lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on Tuesday and my pathology report just came in --I am officially Stage 1!! All 5 lymph nodes removed were negative and my margins were clear...I am feeling blessed and very grateful. I know I will still have radiation and not sure yet about chemo, but enjoying the…
Off subject: pictures
I'm so impressed with everyones pictures and characters, I want to add mine and am totally clueless as to how to go about it. Please help! Sue
First Chemo tomorrow
I have heard from those I know, to go into chemo with an open "childlike" attitude. Any advice.