Tips for finding a good Oncologist
Hi there. I am actually writing on my mothers behalf. She has just been diagnosed with breast cancer with lymph node involvement. We have been referred to Loma Linda University. It's rather hard to get an appt. Is there a website to look for other physicians? Is there anyone in the Riverside, Ca area that you could…
Nauseated with Rads ???
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been reading but even though I'm not posting I am praying for you all. Tomorrow ends week three of rad treatments for me. Question: Any of you rad girls experience being nauseated and/or light headed from rad treatments. I'm not on any BC meds and not in chemo but I felt…
Finally Made My Decision Re Surgery
My surgery date is getting close, Feb. 25th. I have been reading all your posts and gathering as much info as I can. I finally decided that I will just have the modified radical masectomy on my right breast with at least 10 lymph nodes removed as recommended by my surgeon and onc. I was told that I could have bilateral and…
Oh My Gosh!
I've been away for SO long! So much has happened here, so many new names. I'm half way through radiation now, chemo is way behind me. Hopfuly I'll have the energy to visit an post a bit more now! Take care TY
off-topic: power outage in Palo Alto
We had a power outage today in Palo Alto, CA. Started at 7:55 when a plane smacked the top of a electricty tower and plundered into a couple of houses. Unfortunately all 3 people in the plane died but the people in the houses were alright. My daughter goes to school with a girl who lives in the house next to the one that…
turquoise for Tasha
I just read this about the color turquoise and had to post for our Turquoise Guppy Cooking Hedgehog BBQing Daft Sod. I am hoping that she is still reading posts and just not posting because of her hacker issues. Turquoise is the in color for 2010. Knew your were a trend setter, so ahead of your time. Many cultures believe…
First A/C chemo this afternoon
HOpe I have done my research and am ready for this!
Last chemo tomorrow!
I'm so happy to be finished with this! I have been very lucky with minimal side effects, and am SOOOO looking forward to checking this off my list as DONE. Just rads and 5 years of hormone therapy to go. I have been getting increasingly tired, so I am a little worried about how tired I'm going to feel by the end of the…
Last week I saw a post that inquired where everyone was located. Was that post flagged? Sue
Nine months... and what do you get worth celebrating???
Well, it has been 9 months since my dx... and what a wild ride I got the frustrating pleasure of being part of... (a little sarcasim here).. But finally... I get to dance the night away with NED... he was a bit illusive at first, hiding behind the corner... but finally he emerged... My first mammo since finishing…
Do you mind if I babble? I am extremely tired - have 5 more rads with 5 more boosters to go. No one to really talk to. I have red sore skin with focal peeling (I have been putting on the cream)I have been working full time throughout chemo and rads but took this week off as vacation to be with my daughter. My stomach is…
stage 3b (tnm=4d-2-0)
well, my girl laura started chemo today. i can't believe this is happening. she's shown a lot of courage, though. i'm trying to coax her into accessing this web site. no luck yet. second opinion on tues. one day at a time i guess. cat-scan, bone-scan, and blood test good except they want to do a liver scan. they told her…
Had mastectomy 2 weeks ago; more cancer found; wondering if I'll need chemo now
I had bilateral mastectomies 2 weeks ago, along with immediate free TRAM reconstruction; doc called the next week and said there was no cancer found in the other breast. HOWEVER, there WAS more cancer found in the original breast (Paget's disease of the nipple, DCIS of the nipple). Original diagnosis was invasive lobular…
All wigs are not created equal!
I have a wig that was given to me by the CCI but it really doesn't fit good (as in not comfortable/uncomfortable) and when wearing it if there is even a breeze (or I walk too fast) it goes 'everywhere' and is obvious that it is a CHEAP wig. I'd worn it some when going out but not very often. BUT Monday, I had an appt. and…
hair falling out
I'm sure many of you have gone through this. My hair started falling out today. I thought I was ready for it, but I'm sitting here sobbing. I know it is all part of the whole chemo thing. i am scheduled for my wig fitting tomorrow, so that was good timing. They will shave my head for me, and my best friend is going with…
need help with surgery options please help me!!
Hello there! I am new to the network. I was diagnosed with stage 3C her 2 positive breast cancer in October. Since then I have gone through 4 rounds of AC Chemo. What Joy!! Now I am going through my second round, being taxoyl and herceptin for 12 weeks. I only have 4 more weeks to go. I had to change my surgeon because of…
Did you ever wonder?
I am getting all this advice left and right and I know they mean well, so I shrug it off. But I couldn't shrug this one off... " make sure you change your outlook, cause you know the law of attraction". As in I brought this upon myself. it made me think, is it a certain life style, such as stress that promotes cancer....…
I'm FREE....my hair is blowing in the wind!!
I must say, I feel very liberated. I have been wearing head covers for 6 months and I am finally free!! I had my hair colored Saturday, 4 months out from chemo, and it turned out beautiful. It feels so good to have that part behind me. I was a little apprehensive this morning coming into my office without my scarf but I…
news report re. ASA(aspirin) benefits in possible preventing recurrance in bc... article from asc PL
A new study finds that women who take aspirin regularly after breast cancer treatment may have a lower risk of breast cancer death and recurrence. Experts caution more research is needed. ACS News Center Medical Updates News You Can Use Stories of Hope ACS Archives ACS News Center Staff I Want to Help You can help in the…
How much snow for Boston area tomorrow
Does anyone know how much snow for Boston area tomorrow? I am having my nipple reconstruction tomorrow close to Boston, Mass at 1pm. Sounds like the drive home will be tricky and was wondering how much snow in that area. Thank you. Margo
about to undergo chemo want to know what to expect
about to undergo chemo want to know what to expect
Neulasta shots and chemo
I had an appointment with the RN yesterday to go over the chemo schedule, side effects etc and set the start date which is in exactly two weeks. I am doing 4 rounds of AC. However I was told that the oncologist had put in that I was to have the neulasta shot the day following chemo. I was quite surprised and the RN…
a little nervous, because of test results
Before I started chemo, I had a bone scan, chest x-ray, & CT scan. Quite frankly, I thought it was just par for course before chemo & wasn't nervous. If anything, I was concerned about the chest x-ray since I had smoked most of my life...it is fine. I was diagnosed with Stage 1 no lymph node involvement so I haven't been…
Mouth Sores, Low WBC
Hi, everyone. So I went to Chemo on Wed and they said my white blood cell count was extremenly low, and I am to stay away from work and crowds. Neulasta is a possibility but they want to see if those counts bounce back on their own. Anyone else been "quarrantined" for this? (I'm on Herceptin, Carboplantin, Taxotere) Also,…
Today's Funny
POWER OUTAGE At my recent assault trial, I offered a plea of "Guilty with an explanation." The judge asked me what my explanation was, so I told my story. "Your Honor," I said, "I had a mammogram appointment, which I actually kept. I was met with: 'Hi! I'm Belinda!' This perky clipboard carrier smiled from ear to ear,…
My daughter is getting married in a week and a half and wants the 2 moms and bridal party to all get pedicures/manicures the day before the wedding. I've just finished my 4th chemo (taxotere and cytoxan) a week ago and know that the taxotere can be hard on nail beds. I'm wondering if I should take the chance and get a…
double mastectomy 2 weeks ago
Hello, I am not really sure what to post. This entire process as hit me hard. Within 2 weeks of my mammogram I had a double mastectomy, actually 2 weeks to the day, which is today. Yesterday I had my drain tubes and all 75 staples removed and physically feeling tons better. I have been told that only the centinal node was…
Cluster Calcifications
Hello I have been diagnosed with 3 cluster calcifications in one of my breasts. Does anyone know anything about this? I have to have two types of biopsies completed. Please tell me what you know of the above.
Kari's Daughter
Hey everyone, This is KarLee, Kari's daughter. Mom is on her way to a good recovery. Has been outa bed today and walked around in the hallway. Although it's been a little bit of a rough night. Mom was doing really good before she fell asleep and then she wasn't pushing her pain button because she was sleeping, so she fell…
to those who had chemo before lumpectomy
My chemo is finished and I just had my follow-up petscan showing no spots whatsoever. My 4.4 cm tumor is gone and spot on hip is gone. Is this common? My surgeon is amazed and said it was a miracle that it's gone. Anyone else have these kind of results?