I Wear A PINK Ribbon
A slient killer with no face, A thief within the night A constant battle for my life A bitter evil fight, The scar reminds of that day, It knocked at my souls door. It tried to rob me of my strength. It left me on the floor. To survie, i had to sacrifice my breast and even my hair. It showed no pity as it snatched These…
NED and I still going strong!
(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\)..(/)(\) Please take a twirl around the dance floor with NED and I!! The above is a picture of my....ummmm..beeeeehind as I shake it around the room! Had my 6 months check up with my onc today. According to labs, all is good. One thing I…
Everyone is going NAKED...Im having hair troubles!
I have been reading posts lately about those of us going naked and i want to also. Its not that im not becuz of what others might think, its more of what i think! I would love nothing more than to be able to go naked before my road trip in September ...so that gives me roughly a month to do this but what do i do with it?…
Just wanted to say hi everyone.
Just wanted to say hi and let you know I am doing ok.A few side effects from tomoxifin.I come on the boards still and like to try to help by answering some of the post.I Pray I can help others.These boards was such a God Send to me.I will never forget your kindness to me.God Bless you all.Love and Prayers. Pat.
Radiation is done!
I am done with rads. 5 1/2 weeks is over. I did not use any creams or lotions. Now I am done. Meaning my skin is dark under my arm and surrounding areas where I was radiated. It looks like I'm cooked to a well done but no itching or any kind of irritation. I've been on tamoxifen for about a week and I go back to the PS in…
Tattooed today
Well, I just got back from my mapping appt. I got the two tattoos. Today's appointment really kinda sucked because I felt like a 'cancer patient' today. I ususally don't feel like that, and I roll with the punches when I can. But today it seemed so real, especially when I came out of the dressing room and saw the bins with…
linpsu...Philly doctors
I saw your post under my discussion regarding Philly doctors, I live in Northeast Philly. I go to Einstein for treatment now, i have been going there for 2 years. I was very happy with their treatment, however, i think that my doctor missed my reoccurence,so now i am having second thoughts. Have you ever heard of Fox Chase…
Foot/ankle/leg swelling
I've had two of my four taxotere/cytoxan treatments. About a week after the second one my right foot,ankle, and leg became swollen. My onco sent me for a vascular ultrasound to rule out a clot (no clot) and now I am taking lasix which isn't doing much. It's pretty uncomfortable and is limiting my activity. Has anyone else…
An Inconvenient Cancer
None of us want this, none of us would have chosen it, but I'd rather it be me than my daughter. What is inconvenient? The plumbing backing up on Thanksgiving, the one day a year when you are doing all the cooking and the guests have begun to arrive. You're not about to pay a plumber triple digits to fix it, instead you…
Sisters... Is there something one can do to prevent lymphodema?
Was wondering... is there anything I can do to prevent lymphodema? Would appreciate any pearls of wisdom you all might have on the subject. Thank you, in advance, for your input. BL
Just had a mastsecomy 4 weeks ago, need input about chemo
So, many names and abrivations, my head is spinning, I have triple negative breast cancer, had the mastsectomy 6 weeks ago but, all the tissue died around the incisson so they had to redo the surgery, now that it's healed the course of treatment is call ACT with Avastin. Has any used these chemo drug before, what am I…
Breast Cancer!!!
Okay.....I'm truly sorry if I'm "bothering" anyone. It took me forever to even get to this site....TWICE! I just thought that, GOSH! I could have someone/anyone to talk with. Cancer is a horrific thing! Especially in young people. I'm 54, so no big deal, I guess. I received NO response, and when I tried to get back…
Rheumatologist called to let me know I had an elevated liver function on my last blood work. My Vit D also went from 60 down to 40. As if bc wasn't bad enough. I'm having her fax the report to oncologist because I read that my chemo can affect body organs like the liver. I'm hoping I don't need to worry. Char
I'm scared it will come back
Hi all...I have just finished my last chemo treatment and am preparing for surgery. It has been playing over and over in my mind that possibly once I get through this fight that it could come back. I have been so focused on healing that I hadn't had those thoughts until now. It seems alot of posts I read are from people on…
I read this and I wanted to share.
with so many newbies, newly diagnosed, and starting treatment, I saw this and wanted to post it. It is such a shock to the system and psyche to be diagnosed with cancer, I dont know what is worse the emotional or physical battle. but we are here for each other. "Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change,…
What to say -
or do I say anything or let Hubby talk to her? A friend (well have known her for years and she is more than an aquaintance but not really a 'best buddy') was at the barn last night. She has a new boyfriend and we were asking her about him. She told us that he is a widower and his wife had died from breast cancer. She…
I spoke too soon
Well, I went for my 4th expansion today and since the 1st 3 had gone so well I was bragging. Well this last one is about to get me. 1st two were 60 cc's in each breast. 3rd was 120 in each for a total of 240. Well today I got 120 in the left breast which is not bothering me much at all. But oh the right breast, put in 120…
Exchange surgery
Hello sisters!!! I think I am approaching the end of my fills and was reading some posts that the new implants seem to be smaller than the expanders we all have grown to hate. My skin is stretched so tight I feel like I'm going to explode!!! I thought I was nearing the end, but after reading, I'm not sure. I don't want to…
blood work prayer
Ok sisters, i get my blood work redone tomorrow and pray that its ok. Last time the live enzymes were up, red blood count low and GFR marker for the creantinine level is close to renal failure. There were a few other things off, but if its not better im going to be dang mad!! My reconstruction surgery had to be soon! I…
Am I crazy ?? My breast are NOT as perky as my tissue expanders - New exchange sisters -- is this
okay .. pain medication has wore off and I've taken a shower everyday since Wednesday, 7/21 the day of my exchange. My issue is that my breast don't seem to be as perky, as my tissue expander verison that I've lived with for over 6 months .. Anyone else there feeling the same way, or am I just being picky? Standing out in…
What is the average time between surgery and starting chemo?
Hi, all. Have a sister who was newly diagnosed and making decisions re: surgery. What is the average wait time between the surgery and the start of chemo? Thanks. Btw...I am so glad that I found this site. What a wealth of knowledge and support. Linda
genetic testing for breast cancer
I was going to do the genetic testing for breast cancer. However, a friend of mine recently told me that she had heard if I test positive for the gene, my daughters could have a difficult time getting insurance. I live in Ohio. Does anyone know how I can check this out?
does anyone else feel this way?
I have friends / family that try really hard to have me enjoy things: going out to dinner, going to a theme park, shopping, etc. Unfortunately, I go through the motions and "pretend" to have fun and feel good. The truth is I can hardly wait to get back home and just relax and be alone. These outings make me really tired…
Stomach Problems
I started my first of 12 weekly Taxol treatments last Monday. I completed 4 rounds of AC about 3 weeks ago. I felt pretty good until Thursday, then every day thereafter I have had stomach problems. I have been uncomfortable with mostly everyday but last night I was up with severe pain and discomfort with diarrhea. Has…
Energy ... come home!
I am 1 month post radiation. Handled rads fine although most of my energy left me. I suppose I expected it to return but it hasn't. Once again, I rely on my "sisters" to help me out. I have tried to slowly increase my activity but the energy is just not there. I return to Oncologist and primary Physician in August but…
My First Chemo this past Wednesday
So it's been 3 days since I started my chemo rounds, and while I really haven't had much symptoms, the major issue I'm having is that feeling of fatigue that hits me in the early afternoon, and still a bit of the nausea, but that's controlled with the other meds that the Dr. prescribed. I just wish I could go out the door…
Is it possible to get good (looking) results with a unilateral mastectomy
I had a lumpectomy and am now going through chemo. My tumor turned out to be twice as big as they thought (3+cm vs 1.8 cm). My surgeon strong recommends a mastectomy after I'm done with chemo. A lot of survivors are telling me that bilateral is the way to go to get even looking breasts. I don't want to lose my other breast…
Reporting In After A Month
Well, we have been in Ruidoso, NM for just short of one month, and I wanted to let everyone know that the change in how feel has been wonderful. Living in East Texas has it's perks, but the summer heat has been horrible this year, leaving me listless, lathargic, and basically not getting out of the house in order to stay…
DCIS & Radiation
Just dx w/DCIS. Surgeon is recommending lumpectomy and radiation as well as reconstruction with a plastic surgeon. Seems from what I'm reading this goes hand in hand? I'm scared to death of the radiation!!
Am I crazy? Is this just coincidence?
My joints have been bothering me for a long time. Especially my elbows. With my recent back troubles, I was getting to my wits' end...my back, wrists, and elbows were leading me to believe I was entering arthritis. I was taking all the meds the doc gave me to help my back, and it was keeping the pain at bay, but my ability…