
Menda Member Posts: 128
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Have you ever had a muscle twitch? Have you ever had an eye twitch? Well, don't laugh but I have a boob twitch. It started about 24 hours ago and now the muscles are sooooo verrry sore. Any ideas on how to get it to stop. The PS will give me muscle relaxers if it doesn't stop by lunch Friday. Really don't want any more drugs, had enough of those. Any idea what caused it ?


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    That sounds horrible! Sorry you're having to deal with it!

    Have you had a MX in the side that's twitching or a lumpectomy? Or is it in a breast that you've had nothing done?

    I know that having a MX with TE's in and now an implant... that the muscle is now on top and being cold or nervous ... those muscles twitch and and you feel them more because they are closer to the surface.

    Again, I'm sorry! I hope someone can come along and help ...
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Lol...Menda ....sorry for
    Lol...Menda ....sorry for laughing....Boobie twitching!
    Sounds like my post i wrote not long ago about boobie dancing...topic name was "odd but funny experince with implant" something like that.
    I wish i could help ya out but i have no idea, i just had to respond to this. Hopefully someone else has an answer for ya. I hope ya figure something out or it stops before friday so you dont have to take any more muscle relaxers.
  • Menda
    Menda Member Posts: 128
    jo jo said:

    Lol...Menda ....sorry for
    Lol...Menda ....sorry for laughing....Boobie twitching!
    Sounds like my post i wrote not long ago about boobie dancing...topic name was "odd but funny experince with implant" something like that.
    I wish i could help ya out but i have no idea, i just had to respond to this. Hopefully someone else has an answer for ya. I hope ya figure something out or it stops before friday so you dont have to take any more muscle relaxers.

    I saw your post. I attempted
    I saw your post. I attempted boob dancing. My boob came to life and has not stopped dancing. It is about 300 in the morning and it is still dancing. I think it meet NED. Anyway the PS said the muscles are "getting to know" the implant. Ok I think they are now having an intense relationship !!!!! It is ok to laugh this IS funny. It is just time to stop
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Menda said:

    I saw your post. I attempted
    I saw your post. I attempted boob dancing. My boob came to life and has not stopped dancing. It is about 300 in the morning and it is still dancing. I think it meet NED. Anyway the PS said the muscles are "getting to know" the implant. Ok I think they are now having an intense relationship !!!!! It is ok to laugh this IS funny. It is just time to stop

    Oh I can't imagine boobie
    Oh I can't imagine boobie twitch. But while I was going thru chemo I did get the eye twitching, sometimes it was both eyes at the same time, and then they would tear up like if I was crying. It was hell. And the doctor said he couldnt do anything about it,sd it will go away on its own. Well it lasted 2 months. It was hell! Hope theres something they can do to help you.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I am familiar with the
    I am familiar with the twitch, Menda. But... it was my eye that would go haywire from time to time and I knew it was related to chemo. On one ocassion, I had to hold my eye lid down as I talked with a friend because it was out of control.

    I finished with chemo in January of this year and no longer have that problem. I don't remember when it stopped, but I am relieved that it did. Hang in there. Yours will eventually stop, too. Best of luck with your journey.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Come to think of it... could
    Come to think of it... could also be from radiation. I felt tremors when I was undergoing and after completing radiation. Take care.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Actually, not long after my mastectomy my boob (with expanders) felt like it was vibrating. Strange feeling. It didn't hurt. It was more of a tingling than a twitch I guess.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Actually, not long after my mastectomy my boob (with expanders) felt like it was vibrating. Strange feeling. It didn't hurt. It was more of a tingling than a twitch I guess.

    LOL .. I need to tinkle .. Boob twitching .. sounds bizard
    but I know .. werid things happen with our tissue expanders, or new ta-ta's. I feel pain - shooting pains all the time .. my PS that is so normal and it's part of the healing process our new girls are going thru .. nerve endings, muscles retractions, expansions and so on. I actually hurt .. no vibrations or dancing as I did try and the girls dance for me .. Big Mistake ..

    Thanks for the good, hearty laugh ..

    Vicki Sam