2nd leg of the journey...MRI today
Well, today I had my MRI so I am nervously awaiting the results of that. The procedure wasn't bad and they made me quite comfortable. Next week, I meet my oncologist for the first time to discuss my MRI results and treatment options prior to surgery...This sure is a multi step process....
OMG!!!!!!!!! I Love Lightning Bugs!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))
Tonight when my hubby and I were sitting outside enjoying this beautiful cool summer evening, there were lightning bugs everywhere just lighting up the sky. I have always loved them, and, especially as a child, my sister and I would catch them in jars and watch them all lit up until we would fall asleep at night. Well,…
Finished radiation early, sweeeettttt !!!
When I first started radiation I originally had 6.5 weeks 33-35 treatments. I went 4 weeks had to stop for 2 weeks due to being seriously burned. I would have finished on 7-21 now because of delay wouldn't finish until 8-10. I wanted to be done by my birthday 7-29. I had my heart set on it. I was so down, started my…
Today is Elm3544's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ELM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all your wishes come true today & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
A Reason A Season A Lifetime
I have always loved this poem-author unknown. People always come into your life for a reason, a season and a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you…
I really need your help
Hey Guys! I haven't been on here in a long time. I needed a break! I had a masectomy and chemo last year. I thought I was done with all that. I had a mammogram last Thursday again on the other breast. They called this morning and they have found another lump in that breast. Have to go Friday to have ultrasound and more…
Do you hear the music ??
Its NED and I dancing up a storm.... Mammogram today showed no evidence of disease. Also saw surgeon and he said he'd see me next year. I was expecting to have to see him in six months, but he said, 1 year. Visit with oncologist will be on Friday. So one year ago this month, July 09, I was told I had a 2.5 cm lesion in my…
Lump in the armpit
I recently felt a lump in my left armpit, the same side that my bc was on. At first I thought it was nothing but now am worried. I will see my Dr. on Aug. 10th and of course ask him, but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I feel it better when I raise my arm and it does move freely. Any thoughts.…
You know that horoscope I told you about.....???
I was supposed to see my oncologist on Monday afternoon. I went in for labs yesterday, and had my typical Ostrich weekend planned. This morning about 7 AM, the onco RN calls to say they have had a cancellation, they have my lab report, and could I come in today instead? Oh yeah~ that doesn't scare me, much! So...Reggie and…
Today is Kathi M's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KATHI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! 55 today! You don't look a day over 25! :-) Wishing you all the best today & the years to come! ♥ Cat
Update on reconstruction
I just wanted to let all of you know that my reconstruction revision surgery yesterday went well and I'm now pleased with my results. I know I shared my nightmare lopsided-ness with all of you a few weeks ago and I hope I didn't scare anyone too much, but I'm now symmetrical and happy :) . My PS did a great job of fixing…
Not everyday you get to witness a miracle
I wrote a post last week about my gpa and how the doctors had us call all family members to his bedside in the hospital because they were taking him off life support. He went in for emergency surgery for a gallbladder the size of a baseball and it didnt go so good. He had a heartattack during this, bile backing up into his…
Ayse and Laurissa & Juicers
Last Sunday, there was talk of juicers here; I got excited and went out and got a Healthmaster. And there it sits. If you guys have any recipes I would be really grateful. I get all these things for my kitchen and never use them. My family rolls their eyes when I bring in something new, so I'm determined to ....make juice!…
Today is Outdoor Girl's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY 48TH BIRTHDAY DEAR PATTY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day is as special as you are! Haven't heard much from you lately, how are you? ♥ Cat
This is Off Topic but health related...
I have asthma so I don't know if it's connected to my asthma or not but every time I eat or drink anything, I always have to clear my throat or cough for a good hour before it clears up, every time, even having some water can cause this. It seems like my saliva gets real thick, gross I know but does this happen to any of…
Shopping list for Chemotherapy
Do anyone know what I should buy when I go shopping...From personal care to food items...Do anyone use a juicer...It is so much to take in... I welcome any suggestions...I want to have everything here before I start chemo...
Need your support
Hi Ladies, I was finsihed with active treatment last September for DCIS. Had all the 6 month imaging done and the MRI saw something fishy so I have another scheduled soon, as well as a bilateral mammo and ultrasound, then follow up visits with oncologist and rad onc. But I'm going to have to put those off a bit. New job,…
On the first day of radiation my true love gave to me...
...my very own playlist. On the second day of radiation my true love will give to me 6 indelible tattoos, my very own playlist, and a hospital blanket from a warming tray! On the third day of radiation my true love has arranged for me a free weekly massage, my very own playlist, and a hospital blanket from a warming tray!…
Chenheart .. Haven't heard from you in a few days .. Everything okay ?
Just checking up on you .. hoping everythings is ok. Icky Vicki
arimidex... so far so good.
The only side effects I'm having is sleeplessness. Anyone else have that and what did you do about it? I try pm pills, but then I'm so groggy in the daytime... How about the rest of you gals who started with me? How are you holding up? P>S> I'm in Costa Rica!!! Wait til you see my next picture...
Anyone else opt not to get a port?
Met my onc this week. I need 6 treatments of taxitere and carboplatin and a year of herceptin, along with radiation and hormone blocking. He said I could get a port put in but didn't have to do so. My 18 year old son's friend died last December from an infection in his chest port (he was battling childhood leukemia). My…
Did you wear your wig for Rad treatments?
Hey ladies. I start radiation Aug 9 and I'm wondering if any of you wore your wig during your radiation treatments. The lady at the wig shop advised me not to. She said she'd had customers who'd had there wigs damaged be radiation treatments. I asked the nurse yesterday at rads while I was getting marked and she said it…
Bought hats
I bought a couple of hats online from Hats with Heart. I bought a couple of them at the hospital boutique on Monday also. I don't plan on wearing a wig so the simple pull on turbans will suit me just fine. Char
OH, cancer news too! Silly me, i dont know why i would forget
Got my port removed yesterday!! Whoop Whoop! Oncology appt Tuesday to redo blood work, pray on that. And getting excited to get Boobs again!!!! laura
New diagnosis, new to this community
Hi, my name is Jennifer and I was diagnosed with a grade III IDC last week. I'll be having the lumpectomy on Thursday (7/29/10). That's when the staging process will begin. The mammogram indicated that the lymph nodes may already be involved. The tumor is 2.3cm X 1.8cm. I am 39 with no family history of breast cancer, so…
Yahooooo! And you wouldnt believe!
WHOOP! WHOOP! Bloodwork hasnt gotten worse or changed so the good news is that my surgery is on for August 12th. I get to get my boobies!!! Thanks for all the prayers. I never thought i would be excited about having a surgery, but dangit, its been over a year since my mastectomy. I have to share this with you guys though.…
Tamoxifen or Arimidex???
Hi I have been taking tamoxifen for about 2 1/2 weeks. At first I was having headaches when I took it so I switched the times I take it. But, I'm back to taking it in the morning and I don't feel the headaches. But, yesterday my dr called me and said she was looking over my bloodwork and said I am post-menapausal. She…
Theraputic exercises
Thank-you so much M-Star for posting the list of exercises. I have been doing them regularly ever since. I am doing pretty well with them and it feels good to be doing something good for myself in my recovery. It is odd though, that I still have gotten no instruction on this from any of my doctors. I saw my plastic surgeon…
Today is Sam726's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SAM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day is filled with love & happiness & may all your dreams come true! ♥ Cat
New Flower update - I have survived my first week at my new job
Dear pink sisters Thank you for asking, I made it! My first week at my new job!!!. The past two weeks were really intense: we moved, I change medications, and started a new job. I felt like I was losing my mind, so I ask my oncologist for Ativan (I got this idea from our earlier board discussion). Just two pills really…