Update on fallen implant
First i just had to tell ya this...This morning when i woke up my boob was almost to my chin and no i was not hanging upside down...at first i freaked out then i just busted up laughin! Do i have some dark humor or what? I was thinking this boob was ment for me and i think i'll keep it instead of giving it a proper buriel…
Today is Austinsmom's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR AM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Fabulous Fifty today! Wishing you a day filled with love & happiness! ♥ Cat
My mind has peace
I was just reading through posts and forgot that i shared the messed up situation on my mom with you guys. First, thanks once again for the support and prayers. I went in the hospital Thursday and had until today to recover and be alone in there and think back on everything. I finally realized that i will never be worth…
Taleena ---- Our dear sister in PINK .. How are you doing ??? In the hospital, right now?
Taleena, I saw a posting .. .you stated that you are currently in the hospital. Oh my you dear sweet soul .. How are you doing? Vicki Sam ♪
What does NED mean????
I don't mean to sound stupid, but what does NED mean???? Char
Get your walking shoes on ladies!
My husband and I are walking the survivors lap tonight at our Relay for Life. I will be taking you all with me so strap on those shoes and let's go!! I ran into one of my radiation techs today and when we hugged, we both started to cry! She said that she and two of my other favorites will be there tonight, too, so I hope I…
post treatment.... breast mri is anyone else in same boat???? HELP
okay ladies.... I am wondering if anyone else is in the same boat? My breast specialist is requesting annual breast MRI's (which I was well aware) My problem... The insurance company is considering this a major diagnostic test. Which I have a $5000.00 out of pocket deductible. I am finding this unfair!!!!! Since they cover…
Saddened, by this life changing diagnosis
This is alot to deal with...I am just beginning and I am drained...uuuggghhh...
ACS's Look Good, Feel Better
D'uh...I can not recall on which board I saw a query regarding the ACS's 'Look Good, Feel Better' class. I attended the 2 hour session today with 8 other ladies ranging in age from mid 20s to late 60s. The class was held at my cancer center, so I knew a couple of the other ladies in attendance. The class was directed by a…
Surgery done.
Got Surgery done on Thursday morning. They started at 730 and i didnt get up to my room and out of recovery until 700 thursday night. Im having pain, but it gets better every day. Im doing things on my own and helping myself with doing what i can instead of asking the nurses when i was there and not asking anyone here at…
Can I smack her...can I please?
Yesterday I went to my primary for physical. Overall it was a good visit, and she was very thorough with my history, and making sure all the bases were covered. Reviewing my shots history, she said I needed to get the pneumonia shot, and the shingles vaccine. These will help protect my immune system. I'm good with…
Stupid Radiation ?
OK ladies tell me where to put all that cream during radiation? Wondering about under the breast? Does it cause to much moisture? Any thoughts? Thanks.....
Chemo grad!
I finished the last of my 6 cycles of TC today. SO SO happy that I am done with the chemo...scared about the surgery next. It will be my first surgery ever!
im tired and have gone crazy, i talk to myself reconstruction tom
I just finishe a big long post something happened and this one is going to be short. Surgery tomorrow. No calls from anyone. My mom decides to let me know im a bad mom. My daughter and i moved here and my boys moved to their dads. I caught my mom taking my nerve meds red handed and called her a hipocrit because she says…
Ladies this is not about BC but chemo in general. A lady at work has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Here is the question Have any of you heard about a low dose of chemo that does not cause your hair to fall out? I was just wondering it seemed strange to me. Janie
Radiation Graduate
Today I finished Radiation am happy. No more going to the everyday. The people there were so nice. It will seem weird not having to be somewhere for treatment. But I'm not sure what normal is anymore since finding out I had the beast. Still new to this site.
Went topless...and posted a pic of it!
I finally did it...I took off the bandana and went shopping with my sister. To make a long story short it did not go very well...with the stares and comments and giggles i almost bought a hat...i just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, feeling the embarrassment and shame! After sitting in the car debating if i wanted to…
Lymph Nodes Removed
I had lymph nodes removed on the right side and was told by a nurse that I should not let them check my blood pressure, take blood, or have IV's on that side. I forgot to ask -- is that just for a certain amount of time or is this a "from now on - forever" thing.
okay, here's my topless day story too...
Okay, so Jo Jo's post made me brave this morning, so decided to post my first topless day story and also posted my picture, too. We've been on vacation a while up in the Pacific Northwest (LOVED it up there, BTW) and I'd been wearing ball caps. Girly ones - pink, purple, etc. But people *still* thought I was a boy. Arg. I…
A Funny for Today
TOOOOOO FUNNEEEEE not to share. Seniors! A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. "Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-75, pushing the pedal even more. Looking in his rear view…
1 year cancerversary
Today is my 1 year cancerversary. I had my mastectomy 1 year ago today. A PET scan afterwards showed there was no cancer in my body, so I'm celebrating today...WOO HOO!!! I'll probably celebrate the one year anniversary from chemo, too. Actually, every day should be a celebration. To all of you who are still fighting with…
Today is Cheryl4's Birthday!
I am back to the world of the living!! MyTurnNow Update
Hi, Everyone!!! It's now been a little over a week since I have been on here. I must say that my recent experience with a bilateral mastectomy and dual latissimus flaps was definately more than I thought it would be. It started out as a nightmare for the anesthesialogist (sp) because she could not intubate me due to the…
Good Comeback lines
On the 'I want to slap someone" discussion, we were talking about the stupid things people say. I never can come up with anything at the moment and think later"I should have said this" does anyone have any good comeback lines to some of the stupid things people say?
Taxol and menstrual cycle
Is it possible for chemo to effect menstrual flow? I am so much heavier now.
vision problems with carboplatin
My oncologist has suggested that I take taxotere and carboplatin for my chemotherapy treatment. In reading about the side effects, I found that carboplatin can cause vision problems. Anyone have these problems? Did they reverse themselves?
Today I was empowered
I went for my regular dental cleaning this morning. The hygienist was having some issues with her boss, which she decided to complain to me about. Half way through her third sentence, I interrupted and said "You know, I really don't need to hear this". I might be leaned back in a chair, with someone in a mask hovering over…
cat scan results update, good so far
I got my results and it looks like the taxol and herceptin are kicking cancers butt. Tumor in liver is shrinking, doctor is happy with the results. Thank you for your prayers. and for your positive feedback. I am on this chemo regement until December, not too sure what happens after that. So, things are looking good. take…
Fatigue after Rads and Chemo STILL here
Hello to everyone, Hope you are having the best day you can. I was wondering to those who are through with Chemo and Rads: How long did the fatigue last for you? My last Radiation was on June 5th and I still can't make it past 2pm without basically falling asleep for the rest of the day. Usually on and off with a book, but…
I found us lots of codes to use to add special characters to our posts.
Google is a wonderful thing. I tried pasting the list but it converted them all to the symbol. So here is the link http://www.semclubhouse.com/special-characters-for-twitter/ Hugs Donna ★