shout out to our rockstar Hootiegirl
It has been a while since you posted. I am still holding me breath love. Have you gotten your results yet? And how is the lucky young man and School going? Hugs Ayse
Good Appt yesterday
Yesterday I saw. Dr T. (Chemo Dr) for 6 mth check up (well actually 2 1/2 yrs since DX). Doing good! (I already knew it but he said so too). Still wants to see me every 6 mths as he said, "You're high risk so I'm going to keep see you every 6 months." He hadn't even orderd any blood work but then my PA sends copies of all…
Could Everyone Please Light A Candle For Laurissa?
The latest update we got from Kathy, Laurissa's sister, isn't good. Her cancer has spread to her brain. So, I thought maybe all of the pink sisters here could light a candle to show support and love for Laurissa. I've got a battery operated candle, like many of you do, so, it is on now and will remain on. Laurissa has…
Surgery scheduled for Wed afternoon
I just scheduled the mastectomy & reconstruction surgery on my right breast for Wed. and am really nervous. I could really use any prayers or good thoughts.
Upcoming Free Triple Negative Teleconference
I just got an email today about a Triple Negative Teleconference on Tues April 17 at 12-1pm Eastern time. You can participate by phone or computer. Details: http://www.tnbcfoundation.org/teleconferences_0412.htm I'll be having chemo then, but signed up and plan on taking my laptop. Angie
co workers-Breast Cancer
I walked into work this am-I was the 4th one to be in the office. "3" of 4 of us have had Breast Cancer! I wonder how many more in the building. I work in small school-so just knowing US 3 is high ratio -i know NO way to know how many total....but I am sure many more. I am new to this building-about 10 mths now-while out…
Results: Scheduled for an MRI Thursday, March 22nd @ 8:30AM – Pink Bus please?
Hi pretty ladies – I received a phone call to confirm my appt. for a bilateral mri this Thursday, March 22nd. My heart was pounding super fast – it still is and this was 45 mins ago— normal? I had a mammo right after radiation, so this should be my real scan since dx. All prayers and positive thoughts are welcomed. I need…
First biopsy and scared
Tomorrow morning I have my first biopsy for something found during a routine mammogram which they couldn't see on an ultrasound. They are doing a stereotatic core needle biopsy. In situations like this, I almost always have a sense of peace that nothing will be found. I've always had really good health and there's no…
Uterus cancer and than breast cance
Is there anyone out there that had two around the same time . Both caught very early I had a hysterectomy and now having radiation for the breast after a lumpectomy. My tumor was 2.1 mm very small. Just wondering what happen Ns after radiation do you keep worrying that it will come back?
in one ear and out other
My oldest works at local Imagining center (MAmmo, xrays, CAT scan etc) sees many woman with breast cancer. This weekend she was talking about PINK (Breast cancer wiper blades) I said you have Orange car and goingn to put PINK blades? she said yes..I said for Cancer or just PINK (she loves PINK) she said MOM i work at…
Been A Long Time
I too don't come as much as I once did I guess because I am not so entrenched in it and had to let it go and not let it define me in anyway. Doesn't mean I don't and won't have problems but I am glad that cancer has gotten further away and not always at the front of my brain. It has been 15 years now since my diagnosis and…
Can I get an AMEN!! Today marks year number 5 with NED and so far so good. It does not mean I am cured but every year I can add to a year with NED is a victory! My Guy and I are going to go out to dinner to celebrate after he gets off of work. It is a milestone of great proportions when you have walked the path that we…
3 month check-up with oncologist NED-Why can't I finally relax and believe it?
I just had my 3 month check-up with my oncologist. After going through all the standard bloodwork results, results from a prior CT scan, directions for taking tamoxifen, etc, I asked him if I could officially refer to myself as NED. He told me that is exactly how I could refer to myself. I'm just wondering why I can't say…
2 Years
2 years ago today I heard those awful words "You have cancer". If you had asked me then I would have told you that I probably would not be here today. I made it through and am finally getting back to my normal life. To those just starting the journey. don't ever give up there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs,…
Question for those with Mets to Brain
Hi, I have a question for anyone who has brain mets after breast cancer. Did you notice any change in the way you thought? Did your speech ever mess up words? Did you have trouble remembering the names of things? I have an appointment next week with Oncologist so I will discuss my symptoms with them. I was curious if…
an update on my hubby
Den is doing okay. After many tests that were all negative (thank heaven) they have concluded that he has lost strength in his throat and tongue and they have put him back on puree and thickened liquids. He is doing well and back in the care center. His PT is going well. He can get to a sitting position on the bed (wht…
Painful intercourse
I am new to this discussion board thing, but I have an issue with painful intercourse. I finished my radiation and chemo last June. I am not able to take any hormones due to my tumor markers. I have tried over the counter KY, but that did not seem to work. Has anyone tried the product Sylk?? It is not cheap, but if it does…
Today is GreenEyedGirl's Birthday!
Today is Aztec45's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special & you deserve the best, wishing you a day/year filled with love & happiness! ♥ Cat P.S. How are you?
O.T. Monday annual colonscopy
This will be my 22nd colonscopy-it doesn't get any better! You'd think by now they'd come up with better prep! Yeah right... At least new dr (same practice) does them on Monday so can prep on weekend and not have to take day prior off as well.. Denise
Today is JessiesMom1's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR IRENE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
I've got a new issue...
I have about 11 eyebrow hairs left...last night when washing my face there was a little redness where my brows used to be. I didn't think too much of it. This morning the redness was definitely there, and it follows the line of my brows. So what the heck!? Am I now allergic to the eyebrow powder I've been using? Just…
I was dx in Dec 2011 with IDC, stage 2, ER+ PR+ HERS-, 0/5 lympnodes. I had a bi-lat mastectomy with TE on Feb 1, 2011. Surgeon told me that I would not need chemo or radiation. Unfortunately, it turns out he "may" have been wrong. 5 weeks after surgery I found out that the tumor was only 2mm from my chest wall and I have…
I know everyone's situation is different but....
Hello friends.. First off, god bless and constant positive thoughts and energy to everyone and their cancer experience (hugs) I am wondering if anyone could possibly help narrow down my options of what to expect. I am just a week home still healing from my bilateral mastectomy-still have in the drains but plan on having…
Back to My Normal Schedule for Mamos
I had my last 6 month mamo today and was told all was stable and we will see you next year. Just wanted to share some good news. Praying for all those with not so good or bad news and sending hugs to all. Donna
OT - Any one want to learn tatting?
Anybody want to try to learn to Tat? If you do let me know and I'll try to teach you. At another Forum, I'm going to be teaching some one so I thought if anyone here wants to try I might as well at the same time. Even if you have tried before looking at a book and it I've taught others how but have always been with them so…
Totally unrelated to cancer but wondering why everyone has a little picture after their name except
Can anyone tell me what the little picture means after everyones' name? Just wondering why I seem to be the only one with nothing after my name. :(
I've been MIA but never stop thinking about all of you.
I've tried to look at fb messages but sometimes life gets in the way. I have not been on the CSN site in quite awhile. My mom was dx with colon cancer last month. On March 15th she had surgery to remove a 6cm tumor! She was released from the hospital on March 20th! At 83 she is doing very well. She is now NED because all…
Today is DCTimmons Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DCT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May every candle on your cake become a wish that comes true! ♥ Cat
That's what my pathology report says. I refuse to get myself freaked out on google before meeting with surgeon on Monday but knew the ladies on this site would give me better info. Any Info is greatly appreciated. Questions to ask surgeon etc???