Crap! Should I be worried? CA 125 blood results

robang13 Member Posts: 333
Sooo, I went in for a baseline internal ultrasound and they found a strangulated cyst. My gyno had me go for blood work. They did the CA 125 test that tests levels of cancer cells. She just called and said it's inconclusive and borderline so she wants me to see a gynecological oncologist for a consult. I am waiting for her to fax my test results and history to them and they will call me for an appointment. It's been one year almost to the day that I had my breast surgery the second time for DCIS. Is March going to me my bad luck month again?! She told me not to worry yet. Ok, that's like saying Don't breath! Anyone ever have this test? SHould I start freaking out now or later?



  • taiga
    taiga Member Posts: 75 Member
    I was dx. with ovarian cancer July 2010. A "normal" CA-125 is anything under 35, but it's not an end-all diagnostic tool. Unfortunately with ovarian cancer there isn't any. Some women have OC with a CA-125 under 35, some don't with a CA-125 way over 35. It's very good you are referred to a gynecological oncologist - insist on that. When I was having symptoms I had a CT, an ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound. I think they suspected cancer, but you don't know for sure until the pathology comes back during surgery.
    I've since been dx. with breast cancer in November 2011 so I toggle back and forth between the ovarian and breast cancer boards. Good luck to you and let us know what you find out. Have you had the BRCA and BART analysis done?
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    taiga said:

    I was dx. with ovarian cancer July 2010. A "normal" CA-125 is anything under 35, but it's not an end-all diagnostic tool. Unfortunately with ovarian cancer there isn't any. Some women have OC with a CA-125 under 35, some don't with a CA-125 way over 35. It's very good you are referred to a gynecological oncologist - insist on that. When I was having symptoms I had a CT, an ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound. I think they suspected cancer, but you don't know for sure until the pathology comes back during surgery.
    I've since been dx. with breast cancer in November 2011 so I toggle back and forth between the ovarian and breast cancer boards. Good luck to you and let us know what you find out. Have you had the BRCA and BART analysis done?

    Taiga .. Excellent, and informative information :)
    thank you for posting ==!!

    I am printing out and keeping in my medical records file -- ready to take with
    me to my next GYNO visit.

    Vicki Sam
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Taiga .. Excellent, and informative information :)
    thank you for posting ==!!

    I am printing out and keeping in my medical records file -- ready to take with
    me to my next GYNO visit.

    Vicki Sam

    Taiga sorry you know about
    Taiga sorry you know about this but glad you were here to give advice. Best wishes for a cancer negative outcome!
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    carkris said:

    Taiga sorry you know about
    Taiga sorry you know about this but glad you were here to give advice. Best wishes for a cancer negative outcome!

    is often a good marker for ovarian and for UPSC (a form of uterine cancer) and osme of the other rare(r) types of uterine cancer. It often not a good marker for the "garden variety" endometrial cancers, but then sometimes it is. I never had one because my endometrial cancer was the latter.

    I hope you have a gyn oncology appointment soon and s/he can put your mind at ease about this.


  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    After my DBL MX for stage 1 IDC, I too had complex cysts and slightly elevated CA-125. My docs strongly urged me to have the ovary removed (based on my hx of Hodgkin Lymphoma and BC). This is where the rollercoaster ride began. The cyst/ovary was benign. My CA-125 continued to rise and new pains started. Over 2+ years I had repeated TVUS's, and elevated CA-125. At one time they thought Pancreatic Cancer and testing and labs were done for that,not a good time. Finally, complex cysts were found on the remaining ovary and a decision was made , based on quality of life issues, to have a hysterectomy w/removal of the ovary. I needed to get off the 2+ year ride! (This was extremely hard to do as I have cardiac issues from the tx's for Hodgkin's. Removal of that ovary meant losing natural cardiac protection.) Anyway, all was benign and 6 mos later my CA-125 is a 16, or normal.
    This long post is trying to illustrate, the CA-125 is not a decisive indicator of ovarian cancer. I believe it represents inflamation in you body and can rise after surgeries.
    So...try not to freak out, stats are on you side for benign results. I have to remind myself everyday, worry doesn't add a day to your life, let it go. Something I still need to practice being a 22+ year 2 time HL survivor and 4+ yr IDC survivor.
    Hang in there,
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    cathyp said:

    After my DBL MX for stage 1 IDC, I too had complex cysts and slightly elevated CA-125. My docs strongly urged me to have the ovary removed (based on my hx of Hodgkin Lymphoma and BC). This is where the rollercoaster ride began. The cyst/ovary was benign. My CA-125 continued to rise and new pains started. Over 2+ years I had repeated TVUS's, and elevated CA-125. At one time they thought Pancreatic Cancer and testing and labs were done for that,not a good time. Finally, complex cysts were found on the remaining ovary and a decision was made , based on quality of life issues, to have a hysterectomy w/removal of the ovary. I needed to get off the 2+ year ride! (This was extremely hard to do as I have cardiac issues from the tx's for Hodgkin's. Removal of that ovary meant losing natural cardiac protection.) Anyway, all was benign and 6 mos later my CA-125 is a 16, or normal.
    This long post is trying to illustrate, the CA-125 is not a decisive indicator of ovarian cancer. I believe it represents inflamation in you body and can rise after surgeries.
    So...try not to freak out, stats are on you side for benign results. I have to remind myself everyday, worry doesn't add a day to your life, let it go. Something I still need to practice being a 22+ year 2 time HL survivor and 4+ yr IDC survivor.
    Hang in there,

    Thank You all for your
    Thank You all for your input. I am trying not to worry, but it's always in the back of my mind. It's like one door closes and now another one is trying to break open with more crap inside. I'm beginning to think March is an evil month; 2 years ago my dog was diagnosed with cancer in March. Last year I was diagnosed with DCIS and now this March? Told my family, next year, NO March in our house!! I have made an appointment with a gyno onc who seems to have very good credentials. My app. isn't until April 5th, so a few more weeks of worry.
    I do know I AM going to Disney on June 3rd for my daughter's college graduation no matter what. The plane is already booked! So fingers crossed this is all just for nothing. BTW I did just have a good pap 3 weeks before the internal sono. Shame on me for thinking "yeah, atleast everything down there is good" Sort of like a jinx to the gods.

  • AMomNETN
    AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
    robang13 said:

    Thank You all for your
    Thank You all for your input. I am trying not to worry, but it's always in the back of my mind. It's like one door closes and now another one is trying to break open with more crap inside. I'm beginning to think March is an evil month; 2 years ago my dog was diagnosed with cancer in March. Last year I was diagnosed with DCIS and now this March? Told my family, next year, NO March in our house!! I have made an appointment with a gyno onc who seems to have very good credentials. My app. isn't until April 5th, so a few more weeks of worry.
    I do know I AM going to Disney on June 3rd for my daughter's college graduation no matter what. The plane is already booked! So fingers crossed this is all just for nothing. BTW I did just have a good pap 3 weeks before the internal sono. Shame on me for thinking "yeah, atleast everything down there is good" Sort of like a jinx to the gods.


    You Go
    Go have a grand time. The CA test as explained to me is just an indicator. She said that anything over 35 might cause concern. She also explained that if I'd had tests with the CA around a 5 to 10 then jumped to 25 there might be a problem. My last two CA tests were 29 and 25 so for me that appears to be normal.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Taiga .. Excellent, and informative information :)
    thank you for posting ==!!

    I am printing out and keeping in my medical records file -- ready to take with
    me to my next GYNO visit.

    Vicki Sam

    Sending you big hugs and
    Sending you big hugs and prayers!