Ice packs on finger and toe nails with Taxol? When and how?

AngieD Member Posts: 493
I've seen a mention of using ice packs on finger and toe nails to prevent nail damage when on Taxol. When and how often do you do that? I am supposed to start Taxol next Tuesday.


  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Losing fingernails and toenails
    I had 4 rounds of A/C and 12 rounds of Taxotere. I lost 8 fingernails and 2 toenails while on Taxotere. That was after they became ridged and discolored. It was certainly an interesting side effect. They eventually grew back and now look perfectly normal. I never heard of putting ice packs on them from either my oncologist, the nurse practitioner or the infusion center nurses. I have heard that some people use the so-called "ice caps" on their head to try and prevent hair loss but most oncologists discourage that idea. I would think that would be the same for the fingers and toes. Good luck with the Taxol rounds.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Losing fingernails and toenails
    I had 4 rounds of A/C and 12 rounds of Taxotere. I lost 8 fingernails and 2 toenails while on Taxotere. That was after they became ridged and discolored. It was certainly an interesting side effect. They eventually grew back and now look perfectly normal. I never heard of putting ice packs on them from either my oncologist, the nurse practitioner or the infusion center nurses. I have heard that some people use the so-called "ice caps" on their head to try and prevent hair loss but most oncologists discourage that idea. I would think that would be the same for the fingers and toes. Good luck with the Taxol rounds.


    When I was on Taxotere/Cytoxan I was strongly advised to take extra good care of my nails and toe nails did discolor, I think the skin sort of dies underneath them..took on a sort of yellowish color..... I used Sally Hansen Triple strength on all....and never lost a nail or toe nail....I used it faithfully...i also kept on a very faint pink polish, by Esssie....that disguised the can get both at Ulta , Target, drugstores....the Sally Hansen is in a green bottle.....I also kept a bright pink my my toenails....again to hide the yelling......from what I've read and been told the ice doesn't work....and I JUST read about the cold cap for hair can't buy the have to RENT it to the tune of $500.00 a month!!!!!!! Talk about making a profit from cancer !!!!!!!!! And most advise not to use want the chemo to do it's thing....said it can prevent mets to the scalp....etc.....and i've broke the rule this time about having professional pedi and mani's.......I went just the other day and took one of my Grand daughters and we had spa feet looked awful from the, was nice to be pampered.....and oh they look sooooo much better! I'm to the point that I can't see or get my stinking feet up do it myself! I plan, as I start chemo AGAIN next week, to continue with both mani's and pedi's...... At this point, I have nothing to lose!!!!!

    I am wishing you the best and hope this helps in some small way...
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    My oncology nurse told me to
    My oncology nurse told me to apply a fingernail polish sealant to the nails. Chemo causes small holes in the nail (you can't see them). My nails discolored but that's all. Didn't lose one. I had 4 cycles of A/C and 4 cycles of Taxol. Ask your doctor.
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    Marcia527 said:

    My oncology nurse told me to
    My oncology nurse told me to apply a fingernail polish sealant to the nails. Chemo causes small holes in the nail (you can't see them). My nails discolored but that's all. Didn't lose one. I had 4 cycles of A/C and 4 cycles of Taxol. Ask your doctor.

    Thanks for the tips! I'll
    Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely do the sealant and nail polish route. Wow--%500 to rent a head cooler. Outrageous! My hair's gone anyway, but I would not even be tempted to do that. I do like the quicker showers now--no need to shave legs or underarms and head takes no longer than rest of body. :-)