Happy Holidays! I love and miss you all! --Lu
I have been avoiding visiting the board for a few months. I don’t have the stamina that the rest of you have for posting regularly, and also for confronting the heartbreak . But I think of you all the time. I am enjoying my second Christmas since diagnosis (stage IV) surrounded by immediate and extended family, and I feel…
I just learned on Tuesday that I have cancer. Really has crushed me for the holidays. Don't know if this is my last one and the unknown is really scary to me and my wife. Thanks for listening. Bill
does peripheral neuropathy get better?
Best wishes to you all. My father in law with stage iv is trying to figure out how aggressive to be with his Chemo regimen. Aside from fatigue, he hates the chemo related pain and sensitivity that's now mainly in his hands. I believe the cisplatin class of Chemo is to blame for that. I hear these symptoms often don't…
Update on Don Reed (the harley dude)
Just a quick note to all of you. First, Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthier New Year to each of you. On Friday (Dec. 23) Don had a Bard Powerport put in (a nurse friend of ours told us that was a pretty nice Christmas present and we think so too!). It was not what we expected - it is much better! It is placed under the…
Medical Bills
There were questions asked on who has to pay? If you live in a community property state you are responsible for a deceased spouse debts and medical bills. If you don't..his/her money goes to the survivor depending on how the will is written. You are not responsible for their debts or medical bills UNLESS you signed as a…
Vitamin C...
What do you guys know about massive infusions of Vitamin C. A good friend of mine has brain cancer, and was given 9 months to live, of course, this WAS 3 years ago. His folks told me today that he's been taking massive doses of Vitamin C (8000mg) and his cancer is doing some shrinking instead of spreading. Worth looking…
Chemotherapy how long after the side effects wear off?
Hi My Dad has chemo for 3 days (originally was suppose to take for 2days but the doctor thought it will be too much for him so he took it in 3 days). He is still very tired and fatigue after 4 days. Can anyone tell me when the after effects will wear off and he is more to his normal self? I realize it depends from person…
Merry Christmas to ME
I am very excited.... I went to have my labs done today, meet with my oncologist and have my treatment. To be honest, I have been a little in a snit over having it today and the Nulasta shot in the morning( they aren't working Sat. had to move the shot back a day. I don't like change) anyway, when Dr. G came thru the door…
Merry Christmas from Australia
To all my new friends I wish you love and peace in this coming season. Brian and I have already had our main Christmas dinner with our children and darling granddaughter. It was a very emotional but fabulous time. Rather than have the elephant in the room I took the opportunity to thank each person personally for their…
great diet discussion
Hi All, I just wanted to repost this thread for new people ( which includes me) as there is such a great discussion here on diet. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Cora http://csn.cancer.org/node/202943
Can you Switch Clinical Trials?
Has anyone switched from one clinical trial to another -- perhaps at a different cancer center? It looks like that can be done -- although most commonly I see the second clinical trial is for "second line" chemo regimens -- less aggressive chemo with fewer side effects and lower expectations for disease response. My father…
Hope this finds each of you in good spirits and minimal pain. Also want everybody to be safe and cherish each minute with your loved ones. Happy holidays and wishing for a better year. Barbara
Thinking of all of you
Hi, Just wanted to say I was reading this forum this morning and very saddened to see that some of you have lost your loved ones recently to this horrible beast of a cancer. I, too, lost my dear husband, age 56, a year ago September 15, 2010. It has been a little over a year ago but especially holidays, such as Christmas,…
Eric and Michelle, where are you??
I know you moved and were without internet but please check in so we know you're okay. Your last post talked of being very winded and having no stamina so of course, I'm worried as I'm sure are others. Hugs Rita
Another Christmas I never thought we'd have
It won't be a white Christmas for us this year...no snow. But it's the third Christmas since husband's diagnosis in July 2009. I truly didn't think we'd get these and I'm grateful. Another day to go to Mass, have our usual Christmas dinner, talk with the grand kids on the phone. I'm happy.
Happy Holidays
To my dear friends, I wish you all a very happy holiday season. I know some folks here probably don't celebrate Christmas, however, whatever your faith, belief or situation, I wish you all the very best. I will be celebrating Christmas with my parents, my brother and his family this year. It will be such a difficult time…
Labs are OPTIMAL
Well, 7 days of radiation, and two chemo infusions. The oncologist (Dr. Tucker) let me look at the lab reports on the blood draws, and every thing looks good, except for the things that look great. What a great feeling that gives. I asked about HER2/neu testing, and he said, "Oh yeah. We did that. You are negative. We…
Another view of the evil "Free" healthcare
William, First of all, I want to say that I mean no disrespect to either Chantal, Bill or Loretta. On here, I've seen many jabs at the "Free" systems and the coming "Obamacare" as it's called. I've refrained from replying in the name of peace. I only interject in an attempt to share another side that you may not be…
What a bunch of crap!
During the month of November Don (my husband) had trouble with food getting stuck - he wasn't choking, and it wasn't every meal, but became troublesome enough that he went to our primary care doctor. He had Don do a barium swallow test and sent him to a gastroentrologist that recently moved into the suite of offices at our…
Creating links in messages
Tiny bit technical, but for those of you who want to insert clickable links in your messages, here is the technique. <a href="http://www.pagetodisplay.com"> PAGENAME </a> --Jerry
Any long time forum members here have estimates--see below...
...on how many members here have survived 3 or more years after early stage IV diagnosis?
WINDED and METS questions-no tests for me......
Hey all. Got a question for all of you..... Getting winded this last week just walking to get the mail and I "assume" this is "mets" to the lungs. I feel as though I pushed a 1300 pound boulder uphill just walking to the mailbox, literal. Then I sit ans regain my calm breathing. Not too dizzy just hard to get feeling like…
Health Care in Canada vs. US
Let me just say this: if i were rich aint no other country I would want treatment in cept the USA, period. Being midddle class I am blessed to live in CANADA because my treatment is completely covered. I don`t have any financial worries and with work I can go on two year disability and see if i can beat the odds. I will…
Doing pretty well......they even made a movie about me!
Greetings all. I am a 45 year old survivor of the dreaded EC. Two and a half years out from chemo/radiation/surgery. I was stage three at diagnosis, but was basically a zero when I went in for surgery. Six weeks of chemo and Radiation prior to surgery did me pretty well. I find myself frequenting these forums and am at…
CHEMOSMOKER IS okay. Moved Waiting for internet,,, then were back! We're ok though!
Hi All. We Moved. Will have Internet on by the 14th. No posting til then but I am OKAY and feeling ok too. Love and miss you all. Eric
Dad having surgery on 28th need prayers
Dad is having his surgery on 28th .....latest cat scan had revealed the rumor has shrunken to 6 cm from 10 cm....no metasis andno lymph nodes .....me and my family is very scared ....it's a major surgery ....please pray... Sham
Doing much better!
Hi guys, One more update on Jeff. He came home from the hospital last Thursday with oral antibiotics. In true Jeff form he took it easy for about 10 minutes before he started puttering around the house. It was an indication to me that he was feeling better. We went out for a "yay, you're done chemo!!" dinner on Saturday,…
1 Year since surgery
Today is my 1 year anniversary date of my surgery. It's been a long year ups and downs with lots of bumps along the way. But here I am, well and getting stronger every day. T2N0Mx MIE Rochester, Mn 12-20-10
Has anyone heard from Reba?
Just wondering if there was any news from Reba on Don's condition. Thinking of you Reba and Don!
Lumps in armpits
Mom was dressing for a visit to the oncologist and found large lumps under her armpits. They are the size of a grape - some smaller. Nodes? Indicative of cancer spread? I will ask the Onc nurse if she should see the oncologist. She's only scheduled for a PICC line dressing change.